Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

Marching won’t be enough. They need to riot like what happened after the eagles won the super bowl. Tear capitol hill and washington apart.

Seriously amazing the lack of logic some people lack. Comparing tornados to gun ownersihp.


Stop making stuff up.
At least say I compared Tornado's to Mass shootings if you are going to reach.......you'd be closer to correct, the closest thing I see of comparing tornado's to gun ownership is you mentioning it.

You would think making it harder for the wrong people to get rifles would get unanimous support but not in this idiot country. People think stricter laws means their all their precious guns will becunavailable to them.
There is no solution because there is no problem.
These are instances....wait let me rephrase....
I believe they are instances.
The coverage a shooting gets can be likened to the thrill one gets when they roast someone on Twitter/IG and get hundreds/thousands of likes/retweets.
Try and ban guns or arm teachers? Won't help. Kids will build guns or shoot teachers. Build bombs.

Are mass shootings a problem, yes.
But to approach these instances as of they are problems with a solution such as banning Guns or arming teachers, is a circle jerk.

Nobody wants to admit the true problem.
If there is one.

Tornados are going to ravish my State for generations to come. They are instances.

Can we ban tornados? No more than we can ban Guns or arm teachers and call it the solution.

Congratulations. This is by far the dumbest thing I've ever read on NT.
I wish as many people would organize and march as that women's march.

The US might not be able to ban all guns, but banning assault rifles is a step in the right direction.

SURELY MILLIONS of people marching in Washington would put pressure on the government

the fact that many of you keep saying to ban "assault rifles" is a reason you'll never get what ur looking for. you're trying to change the laws, and amend and amendment. dont u think u need to use proper terminology to do so? because assault rifles been banned for over 50 years. media has everyone using buzz words which incorrectly frame the issue. you guys want a ban of ARs (which doesnt stand for assault rifle). so say that.

going to congress and complaining about assault weapons and assault rifles will get shot down every time because you're not actually asking for something to be done. people dont know what semi-auto is but now are throwing that around thinking its some death setting for a rambo gun. so they say ban semi-auto guns not knowing the handguns they say to use instead are also semi auto.

if you're going to go to war against the NRA and powers that be, then like any war... know who you're fighting against. and what you're fighting for. come correct so you'll have a chance. and all of this is just the first step. it ignores the impracticality of even suggesting a full BAN of a weapon when over 100 million are in circulation already.
the fact that many of you keep saying to ban "assault rifles" is a reason you'll never get what ur looking for. you're trying to change the laws, and amend and amendment. dont u think u need to use proper terminology to do so? because assault rifles been banned for over 50 years. media has everyone using buzz words which incorrectly frame the issue. you guys want a ban of ARs (which doesnt stand for assault rifle). so say that.

going to congress and complaining about assault weapons and assault rifles will get shot down every time because you're not actually asking for something to be done. people dont know what semi-auto is but now are throwing that around thinking its some death setting for a rambo gun. so they say ban semi-auto guns not knowing the handguns they say to use instead are also semi auto.

if you're going to go to war against the NRA and powers that be, then like any war... know who you're fighting against. and what you're fighting for. come correct so you'll have a chance. and all of this is just the first step. it ignores the impracticality of even suggesting a full BAN of a weapon when over 100 million are in circulation already.
In a few post after i stated semi-automatic rifles should be banned as well. Magazines restricted to 5 bullets, and all rifles be single bolt action. I'm not a firearms connessieur, my bad.
In a few post after i stated semi-automatic rifles should be banned as well. Magazines restricted to 5 bullets, and all rifles be single bolt action. I'm not a firearms connessieur, my bad.

the problem with what ur saying ignores what semi auto means. and its not your fault. im a gun owner so i know. im looking at the media to stop spreading misinformation because theyre setting everyone up for failure. semi-auto just means when you shoot, the next bullet loads itself. unlike the old pre-world war 1 times where u shoot then have to manually load the next round.

the misconception that you and many others have, is that semi-auto rifles are an issue. semi auto has no bearing on the speed or power a gun uses. semi auto means as fast as YOU can pull the trigger, is as fast as the gun can shoot. so, if i can pull a trigger 40 times in one minute, then thats how fast i will shoot, whether im using a handgun or the rifle.

the ammo restriction is a debatable idea. california already has it in place but during their shootings the killers just ordered bigger mags off the internet and stepped right around the law. this is the main talking point of 2a-apologists. That criminals wont obey the law. Which inherently IS true.
the fact that many of you keep saying to ban "assault rifles" is a reason you'll never get what ur looking for. you're trying to change the laws, and amend and amendment. dont u think u need to use proper terminology to do so? because assault rifles been banned for over 50 years. media has everyone using buzz words which incorrectly frame the issue. you guys want a ban of ARs (which doesnt stand for assault rifle). so say that.

going to congress and complaining about assault weapons and assault rifles will get shot down every time because you're not actually asking for something to be done. people dont know what semi-auto is but now are throwing that around thinking its some death setting for a rambo gun. so they say ban semi-auto guns not knowing the handguns they say to use instead are also semi auto.

if you're going to go to war against the NRA and powers that be, then like any war... know who you're fighting against. and what you're fighting for. come correct so you'll have a chance. and all of this is just the first step. it ignores the impracticality of even suggesting a full BAN of a weapon when over 100 million are in circulation already.

Pretty sure no one on NT has proposed any sort of bill bruh. I think congress has made the distinction in the past. Florida turned down even considering a ban on "assault style rifles" AND high capacity mags. They don't even want to have a dialogue.

Terminology is irrelevant here.
Pretty sure no one on NT has proposed any sort of bill bruh. I think congress has made the distinction in the past. Florida turned down even considering a ban on "assault style rifles" AND high capacity mags. They don't even want to have a dialogue.

Terminology is irrelevant here.

terminology is never irrelevant when making a law. terminology makes ALL the difference. why do u think a bill will get denied, then they rephrase some parts and it gets passed? what do u think the kids went to city hall and asked for? assault rifle ban... which is already banned. the dialogue CAN happen, but if/when it does... they better come correct. cuz just like a lawyer would pounce on a misstep like misidentifying a piece of evidence, so will these lawmakers. im on the side of reform, and as a florida gun-owner who is married to a lawyer.... im telling u EXACTLY what will happen if u come using improper terminology on a proposition.
That's like saying we shouldn't outlaw drinking and driving because people will drink and drive regardless.

Can't you see that implementing laws that will discourage/make things more difficult will be a positive impact?

Even if it prevents 1 mass shooting isn't saving 10+ innocent lives worth it?
terminology is never irrelevant when making a law. terminology makes ALL the difference. why do u think a bill will get denied, then they rephrase some parts and it gets passed? what do u think the kids went to city hall and asked for? assault rifle ban... which is already banned. the dialogue CAN happen, but if/when it does... they better come correct. cuz just like a lawyer would pounce on a misstep like misidentifying a piece of evidence, so will these lawmakers. im on the side of reform, and as a florida gun-owner who is married to a lawyer.... im telling u EXACTLY what will happen if u come using improper terminology on a proposition.
Don't these people have lawyers guiding/assisting them?
You want to have a DIALOGUE? Start pouring money into these legislators. Give or take about 5 million to counter what the NRA spends on lobbying.

People also gotta realize.. the deadliest mass shooting in a school was done by handguns but everything we hear today is all about AR15s!
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