Flyknit Chukka Thread

 these will be my first flynits.  So glad I didn't UNDS my roshe's, they are going back to the store.

Will these drop 6/1 on NDC and then FNL shortly thereafter?  Thanks
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Damn and I just bought some from a fellow NTer for $190 too. Could have saved myself $50 on those Red ones.
Repped shoethentic

Would have been great if I had some WC left but I used them all up this week.
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Just came in to post a heads up on the Reds. The Fogs have been restocked as well.

Also, this happened to my pair, right from the box, but didn't notice for an hour after wearing them.

View media item 415056
The flywire is torn, and if completely ripped, can cause the whole sides support to be off. Be sure to check your shoes before buying them if possible. I didn't bother to open the box.
Replacement pair is on its way thankfully.
Damn and I just bought some from a fellow NTer for $190 too. Could have saved myself $50 on those Red ones.

Same here. Just ordered from a shop that charges $20 shipping. Could of saved $40 at least. Oh well. Such are the problems of a sneakerhead.

Im happy for all of you that still havent got your first pair! Go get them!
Thanks my dude. Feels like a finished a 12 rounder with money may lol. Can you stack coupons on FNL?
What about the WC coupons?
trying to save every buck
unfortunately you can't stack more than one WC reward per transaction.  you usually can only use one coupon and one WC reward every transaction.  i wish you can stack WC rewards.. i have 6 burning a hole in my pocket right now lol
One coupon per transaction. You can stack WC rewards.

Damn majestic I forgot ebates again lol!
oh snap.. here let me get what i posted in another thread.  completely forgot too.  my bad!

"there actually IS a way to do it, but you needed to have opened a "tracking ticket" the same day — in other words, you would've needed to have opened the FNL website THRU ebates at least once during the whole day of your purchase.  on hectic release days when i don't have time to go to ebates, i just check out as i normally do and open a tracking ticket right through ebates right after i check out.. sometimes hours after i check out just so it's logged that you were on the website that day.  

you could only do this 2-3 days after your purchase, because they say "it can take anywhere between 2-3 days for ebates to verify your purchase", but in reality they're not verifying sh*t because you never checked out through them in the first place.  

so, after you wait 3 days after your purchase, go into your ebates "my account" on the top and once you're on that page, click on "tracking tickets" on the right hand menu.  on the top, it's gonna say "click here for customer care" and you have to click on it.  go find your place of purchase under "store name" and click on the date of purchase.  if you opened a tracking ticket ANYTIME during that day, it will automatically pop up in the "tracking ticket" field.  now, just put in your order number in the "order info" field, your order SUBTOTAL (not final total.. so this is PRE-rewards and PRE-coupon totals) and copy and paste the whole body of your order confirmation email.

ebates is really good with this.  they get back to you almost instantly saying your account has been credited.  if not instantly, it's within an hour or two.  thank me later 
Whoa did I get lucky or what? Haha I always miss restocks. Thought those reds would've been gone by now. Well I won't get too excited until I see that shipping confirmation email 
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