Food poisoning/Stomach virus Whos had it?

Aug 2, 2005
I need to fake having a stomach virus/food poisoning.
Since I never had it I need to know what it feels like, what hurts you, and what are the remedies?
Can you sleep, the pain and all that stuff.

Thanks NT!
Worst time of my life.
damn sounds brutal. yo explain it some more!

my girl planned this club night with all her friends, and wants my friends to come.
i dont want to go to the club with her and play matchmaker, and niether do they. so im gonna let them have a girls night while i hoop and chill with my guys later
Most horrible thing ever. You never want to even look at the food you got it from again...

You will be sitting on the toilet with 100% pure liquid SHOOTING out of your butthole while puking in the trash can at the same time...

You will lose a few pounds. You will be sick for a few days. You will sweat and have cold chills. You will want to die.

the worst I have ever felt.
i've had it two "ways".  puking my guts out or explosive diarrhea.
neither way is any good.
last time I had it was about 2 years ago.  ate @ hometown buffet for breakfast and by lunch time I was done.


remedies?  either puke or crap it out of you...
Just tell em , your throwing up and crapping everywhere. Thats food poisoning. Cold sweats, fever....
no way in hell you can fake food poisoning. i lost at least 10 lbs and i vomited everything i ate when i had it. was in bed or the toilet the whole time
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Worst time of my life.
QFT. My girlfriend in college had it, got over it, then I stayed the night and got it from her I guess.

Severe diarrhea and throwing up..Yes, both.

I drunk a 24 pack of Gatorade in 4 days to stay hydrated. I also had Chicken noodle soup to relive me.

Worst feeling ever.
I've had it twice, once from Taco Bell and another from Red Lobster. Haven't been to either since. Most painful time of my life. 
food poisoning was my #1 excuse until the day i actually experienced it.. 
 #$%& out water every 15 minutes, #$%& as i slept (RIP mattress), vomiting (while #$%&), headaches (from #$%&ing), etc.. everything i consumed literally left my body within minutes.. i was a #$%&ing machine, i couldn't leave the house.. 
 worst 4 days of my life. 
had it twice. most painful thing.
When i would walk more than 5ft. i would end up going back to the bathroom to Throw up.

if your good at dry heaving, then faking it would be easy
You need to fake it in person or just tell someone you have it.
My mom had it and we had to take her to emergency, and she's they type that never goes to the hospital

Better sharpen your acting skills if you need to fake it in person
Faking a stomach virus?

I hope your girl cheats on you at the club. I'm a stomach virus survivor and I don't appreciate being used in such a manner.

this might be the worse feeling I've ever encountered. had it when I ate the chili at Wendy's.. mann that was the last time I stepped foot in that piece.
i doubt your girl will still go clubbing if you tell her you have food poisoning...she'll prolly want to stay in and take care of you 
you gonna have to have to fake it for the whole isn't a 24 hr type thing
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Faking a stomach virus?

I hope your girl cheats on you at the club. I'm a stomach virus survivor and I don't appreciate being used in such a manner.



But OP i had it recently (August 09) It was the worst.  I had gotten E-Coli from Popeye's.  E-Coli meaning someone did NOT wash thier hands from the bathroom.  Lets just say I dropped 10 pounds and couldnt work out for 2 weeks. 
I've had it about 2 times in my life.

Seriously the worst sickness i can think of. Makes the flu feel like nothing.

Lasts about 2 days. Third day you feel like crap and dehydrated.
Oh my....never again. I actually needed to be hospitlized for it, the pain in my chest/stomach was horrible. Me and the toilet got real aquinted. I now make sure I dont eat from every single person or restaurant/food vendor.
How dare you fake this

I'm just recovering from food poisoning, had it over the weekend.

I first didn't sleep, I felt lightheaded and real weak - I also had a low-grade fever.

All of a sudden, I couldn't hold any food down wanting to throw up and then for 48 hours all I $%+%%*+ was water, sounding like I turned on the faucet.

Couldn't sleep and every hour during the night I had to run to the bathroom.

I already know it was from an Italian restaurant in Anaheim, CA - I'm tempted to call them and say some *%$+ like I was in the ER for 2 days and tested their leftovers which tested positive for e.coli.

Caught it once at Hometown Buffet; the worst

Might want to try something else that's easier to fake fam
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