When I'm cooking in a pan on a stovetop I tend to avoid the use of temperature probes because I feel like I've gotten good enough at identifying doneness by touch alone.

Baking in an oven is a different ballgame, though. Need to get me a reliable probe moving forward.
Cold as **** today, perfect pho weather

Why don't people like tomato sauce

Taste in food is really subjective and a lot of things can play into it. One really bad experience with a food can turn people off to it for life.

Had a roommate in college who hated corn in any form. The sight of it would make him nauseous. Seemed odd to me, but that was his deal.
I am on and off with red sauce. Right now, I am on.

But I can not eat it for 8 months and then pick right back up on month 9.
Wife put me on to something with meatloaf. After it is cooked as a loaf she cuts the thick slices and browns the individual slices in a skillet. Gives it a little texture. Also really good that way in a sandwich with your leftovers.

OK, now I’m surprised about just how many people don’t like tomato sauce. I love it, in multiple varieties - Marinara, Arrabiata, Vodka Sauce, etc. But I’m 1/4 Italian and have been eating red sauce as long as I can remember.
All tomato, all the time. Could eat a tomato based something everyday.

Few summers ago put out 18 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes in the garden. Amazing the different flavors. Some have less acid, some peppery, some tart, lemony.
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