Went to my parents house earlier and moms had this ready. Corn beef cabbage and rice.

Taste in food is really subjective and a lot of things can play into it. One really bad experience with a food can turn people off to it for life.

Had a roommate in college who hated corn in any form. The sight of it would make him nauseous. Seemed odd to me, but that was his deal.
That's particularly strange given various forms of corn is in so many different things.
I am on and off with red sauce. Right now, I am on.

But I can not eat it for 8 months and then pick right back up on month 9.
You know this through experience or just random #s? :lol:

If not random, why would you wait for 8 straight months?
If the pizza sauce is a "Pesto" type sauce, does that make it a green pizza?

Or white?

Do we call anything NOT red, white?
If the pizza sauce is a "Pesto" type sauce, does that make it a green pizza?

Or white?

Do we call anything NOT red, white?

You faded? :lol:

I assumed it was white because of the cheese and it's appearance. That and I usually see them without toppings. I would assume a pesto pizza would have toppings.
The usual, some things in a bowl with rice. :lol:

Stewed some chicken in a tomatillo sauce, rice, black beans, charred some peppers, onions and corn in a cast iron. Then put some crema and cilantro.

If you throw the chicken on the crockpot in advance the rest only takes 20 minutes. For a quick meal.
People are pointing out it is not authentic without pico de gallo.
If that is the case I have NEVER had authentic tacos, I don't eat pico de gallo. I usually tell restaurants to hold it, as to not waste it on my plate. However wife usually just takes it off my plate.
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