
Also sometimes ill sautee it after.

A perfect spoon of chicken adobo for me is white rice, lil bit of chicken, lil bit of skin, and sauce.
Cool. I need to try making it again.

Yea, I just made some rice for the first time in a while. It was brown rice though.

Does you family eat brown rice at all?
Boss’s house for Pakistani food.
1st time having some of these dishes.
beef nehari...if you come across this, get it. so fire
also, sheermal is great. its a kind of a sweet tortilla like bread. i could've just ate that by itself the whole damn night. (bottom right corner)
Would that really be considered the same as a cheese pizza though? The basil changes that IMO.

I am also wondering if being a NYer increases the likelihood of you preferring a cheese pizza over the rest.

I consider it the “cheese slice” of neapolitans

minimal ingredients and a good test of how good a pizza place is

NY style really the only cheese slice I have an interest in
Went to one of my Mexican spots for lunch today. Got a "Machete". Basically like an unnecessarily big quesadilla kind of?

It was good, but too much (shotsrangout).
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