Tacos frm Belly Uptown in Oakland, CA
Fish/Pork Belly/Steak and Eggs

Portal Plate and Garbage Bread(its like a pizza rolled up in bread) bomb af, frm Portal in Oakland, CA
Pork Belly Benedict(Jidori Egg w/ Miso Hollandaise) frm Hopscotch in Oakland, CA

Bistec sandwhich(thinly sliced steak) w/ Marquitas frm Sol Food in San Rafael, CA

Captain's Plate in Monterey, CA

Got me wanting to try a couple of those spots in oakland.

Sol Food is my wife and mine spot...we'll make a Sunday trip from the East Bay just for a early dinner. :smokin
Will check that video out later.
That show has me hooked man.
Whoever posted it, thank you lol
Growing up, that's what we called it too. But in this age of PC, it's called criss cross(apple sauce). At least, that's what the kids say.
Best Full English i had was in Manchester.

I think it was called Koffee Pot.

Would go back if I find myself in Manchester again... Probably will tbh

Just Googled it...looks dope.

I did Study Abroad in Manchester and never heard of it/went there :frown:
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