I dunno if i believe 600mg iced coffee
That's what I'm saying. That's a ridiculous amount, especially for only $10.

Deal of the century, but it comes at a cost. :lol:

I'll eat 150mg max these days and even that can get a little squirrely at times.
That's what I'm saying. That's a ridiculous amount, especially for only $10.

Deal of the century, but it comes at a cost. :lol:

I'll eat 150mg max these days and even that can get a little squirrely at times.
Right? Last edibles i bought the entire container was 300mg and i wish it cost me $10
One time I made firecrackers with about an eighth of kief split between 3 of them.

Me and my two friends both ate one each at around 10PM. Didn't really start hitting us until around 11:30, but by the time 1AM rolled around we were all tweaking hard.

I started dry-heaving and passed out immediately after, but my friends couldn't sleep at all. One of them tried to go take a piss and spent 40 minutes in the bathroom with no success because he "forgot how to." :lol:

I woke up at 9 the next morning because my friend's brother woke us up to get his brother ready for work. I was still absolutely ripped and my eyes were still beat read.

My friend was in no condition to go to work, but he was so high and awkward that he didn't know how to handle calling in sick so he just made a bee-line to his cubicle with his back turned to everyone the entire day.

I went back home, slept until 6PM, and didn't start feeling normal until about 8PM.

Cemita de cecina & Chalupas.
Cemita Poblanas Don Adrian - Van Nuys, CA
Had a Cemita couple weeks back. I’m bout to look for a spot near me with Chalupas on the menu.
Lmao that's how you started your work day?
This is how I started today. My fiancé was off and I was working from home and i said I wanted coffee and he’s like you wanna try that place and I was like **** it why not. Today is my last day of work for the month 😂
My first time trying edibles I ate a cookie and a brownie and they must've been strong because I was high AF for the whole night. I took a detour to the airport to avoid a sobriety check stop.
Im not really one for edibles. I ate a punch bar once and threw up and had to take a 2 hr nap on a bench in a park outside of a rooftop bar in nyc. I needed fresh air 😂😂
I don’t really trust the greymarket dosages

I regularly buy this drink that’s 10mg thc 10mg cbd that’s government regulated and i split half a bottle with my wife so 1/4. Mix it with this salty lychee drink. Does down like a capri sun.

And I get pretty baked

Had a Cemita couple weeks back. I’m bout to look for a spot near me with Chalupas on the menu.
If you're ever in the valley, you gotta check out Don Adrian's man... They have two locations in Van Nuys but the one on Kester/Victory is the OG...

The cemitas are so good... And the chalupas are bomb also, but just don't get them "to go".. the tortillas/tostadas get soggy and just don't taste the same...

One of my favorite spots in the valley.
I put some raw zaza in a peanut butter sandwich once and it was :pimp: but when it hit, IT HIT!

I felt like I weighed a ton the way my body fell on the bed.

Everything in moderation
You’re supposed to toast it in a toaster oven first to activate it
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