I remember I had a check up a few years back and the doctor said that my LDL rose. I was ****ing shocked since I'm pretty fit. She pretty much hypothesized that it was probably my increased fast food intake for dinner since that was pretty much the differentiator compared to before. Also, I didn't walk or jog that much that year so she said that might have been another contributing factor. Furthermore, I didn't really eat too much fast food or sweets growing up so I think my body has a hard time dealing with the two, that's my theory anyways. She ended up suggesting less cholesterol-heavy food, less sodium, more oats, more fish, and more fruits and veggies. She actually first suggested I go vegan and I was like "nah, can't live that bland life". But I do opt out of meat every now and again with salads.

Im in the same boat I work out everyday, mostly cardio and my LDL/cholesterol was elevated. Some of it may be genetic or the fact that I eat an ungodly amount of shell fish. :lol: HDL was great cause I eat good fats from fish, so that was a good balance.

So i gott cut back on that I skip breakfast so eggs arent a problem and I only eat shrimp, crab and lobster twice a week. Salads pretty much every night.

In other words #washed
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You came back to post this?

I said I eat 3 eggs every morning most days, not that my diet consists of only eggs and horrible fats. You have no idea what my workout regime looks like yet you posted that my lipid panel must be horrible based off my breakfast. :lol:

I can’t tell to what degree you’re serious, but I’m not very interested in having a #NTExtreme convo if you’re seriously saying I’ll have heart surgery by the time I’m 40 simply because I’m utilizing eggs in my daily diet during my weight loss journey (of a year and a half thus far).

I’d like to peacefully leave it there as this is a great thread and I’d like to keep it that way. Leave the wars to black pepper and cream cheese amounts.

I was basing my comment on the information provided. All those body builders have heart problems for various reasons. Eating 3 eggs with the yolk daily will build up exccess cholesterol no matter how much you work out. Dudes out here chugging raw eggs before workouts thinking there will be no consequences. When i make that many eggs i usually take 2 yolks out.

Medical degree...since you asked. Im also basing my comments on my experience as a patient. Working out and losing weight is only part of stayig healthy. I had to cut a bunch of sh** out of my diet to improve my blood pressure and lipid panel.

Chill on the cholesterol, looks like youre already 40 so you really gotta chill. Congrats on the weight loss.
I was basing my comment on the information provided. All those body builders have heart problems for various reasons. Eating 3 eggs with the yolk daily will build up exccess cholesterol no matter how much you work out. Dudes out here chugging raw eggs before workouts thinking there will be no consequences. When i make that many eggs i usually take 2 yolks out.

Medical degree...since you asked. Im also basing my comments on my experience as a patient. Working out and losing weight is only part of stayig healthy. I had to cut a bunch of sh** out of my diet to improve my blood pressure and lipid panel.

Chill on the cholesterol, looks like youre already 40 so you really gotta chill. Congrats on the weight loss.

I’m already 40?

My comment about “to what degree are you serious” was asking “how serious is this convo”. If you’re stating you have a medical degree, I am thoroughly surprised you couldn’t understand that question for what it was.

Your use of body builders as an example is a weak one considering they don’t do much cardio at all, mainly lifting. Thus why you see so many health issues. Massive calorie intake, protein intake, and all sorts of other things just to achieve and maintain gains. Hell, most of them ain’t even natural. This plays back to, again, you having no idea what my workout regimen and overall diet looks like.

If reading my post about 3 eggs in the mornings for 1 year and some change makes you (as someone with a medical degree) assume I’m a 40+ year old aspiring body builder who lost 90lbs in a year, and eats 3 eggs in the morning and all sorts of terrible fats in my other meals, I think that says all that needs to be said.

Bonus - it’s also comical to me that this thread is about posting food, and out of all the posts of pizza, bagels bombarded with cream cheese, etc.. you throw your estimated medical opinion at me because I eat 2 more egg yolks than you. :lol:
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Looks good minus the ketchup.

Pretty controversial too. Beans and eggs are a sore subject.

My cousins in England introduced me to that beans and eggs for breakfast when I was younger. It taste really good though, although the combo doesn't seem appealing to most people. I do hillshire sausage with peppers and onions, beans, scrambled eggs and a bagel.
^ that advice is probably good advice for 90+% of the American population. I’m not doubting that more people should get their labs done.

At this point I’m truly astounded that he, as a medical professional, went into a full convo about this based on minimal information, resulting in false assumptions about me. All you CAN accurately do at that point is recommend the same thing you’d recommend to a large majority of Americans. I just find it comical he picked me due to my egg consumption. :lol:
I think you took it too personal but he was being his usual antagonist self. Some folks are more sensitive than others to eggs spiking cholesterol so it's worth getting it checked if that's your daily intake.

I’m already 40?

My comment about “to what degree are you serious” was asking “how serious is this convo”. If you’re stating you have a medical degree, I am thoroughly surprised you couldn’t understand that question for what it was.

Your use of body builders as an example is a weak one considering they don’t do much cardio at all, mainly lifting. Thus why you see so many health issues. Massive calorie intake, protein intake, and all sorts of other things just to achieve and maintain gains. Hell, most of them ain’t even natural. This plays back to, again, you having no idea what my workout regimen and overall diet looks like.

If reading my post about 3 eggs in the mornings for 1 year and some change makes you (as someone with a medical degree) assume I’m a 40+ year old aspiring body builder who lost 90lbs in a year, and eats 3 eggs in the morning and all sorts of terrible fats in my other meals, I think that says all that needs to be said.

Bonus - it’s also comical to me that this thread is about posting food, and out of all the posts of pizza, bagels bombarded with cream cheese, etc.. you throw your estimated medical opinion at me because I eat 2 more egg yolks than you. :lol:

I dont eat breakfast period. When I chose to I only use one yolk if Im doing 3 eggs. Or I just use egg white beaters. You said you lost weight eating eggs often .You taking this to heart (no pun intended) means your lipid panel is DEFINITELY out of wack. Get a liver function test and get on them statins. :lol:
I dont eat breakfast period. When I chose to I only use one yolk if Im doing 3 eggs. Or I just use egg white beaters. You said you lost weight eating eggs often .You taking this to heart (no pun intended) means your lipid panel is DEFINITELY out of wack. Get a liver function test and get on them statins. :lol:
I found my last lipid panel actually - how do these look?

My cousins in England introduced me to that beans and eggs for breakfast when I was younger. It taste really good though, although the combo doesn't seem appealing to most people. I do hillshire sausage with peppers and onions, beans, scrambled eggs and a bagel.

Unpopular opinion but whenever I go to England I really enjoy their breakfast. The rest of english food is meh.
Hotel breakfast this morning - full English. Mushroom are a bit disappointing but the black pudding is delicious.

Edit: 3 eggs too - 2 fried and a scoop of scrambled hiding underneath.

All that beauty needs is a nice hot cup of tea and it’s the recipe for being one happy camper
The “big three” Italian Hero cold cuts: Ham, salami, pepperoni. There’s other great choices as well.
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