Truck on 52nd and 6th


First time having Birria tacos. Two thumbs up.
Travelling for work today. My thing finished at 8:15 and I was starving - I never eat before public speaking. Figured I’d just find something on the way to my hotel and I found this wings place. Basically everything gluten free (except the breaded chicken dippers).

I got 12 wings - 2 different levels of heat, one was dry and the other one had a spicy sauce - the dry ones were better but they were both good. Also got a spicy fries and they were good.

It’s all at one end as they were in my backpack for 5 minutes.


Even when a person loses 90lbs someone has something to say :lol:

This world never ceases to amaze me

If srs

Lol you can be "skinny' and still have heart disease. A lot of people with COPD are super skinny. If your calories are mostly horrible fats you can develop hyperlipidemia/cholesterolemia which can lead to heart problems. You dont have to be fat to get an MI.
Lol you can be "skinny' and still have heart disease. A lot of people with COPD are super skinny. If your calories are mostly horrible fats you can develop hyperlipidemia/cholesterolemia which can lead to heart problems. You dont have to be fat to get an MI.
I remember I had a check up a few years back and the doctor said that my LDL rose. I was ******* shocked since I'm pretty fit. She pretty much hypothesized that it was probably my increased fast food intake for dinner since that was pretty much the differentiator compared to before. Also, I didn't walk or jog that much that year so she said that might have been another contributing factor. Furthermore, I didn't really eat too much fast food or sweets growing up so I think my body has a hard time dealing with the two, that's my theory anyways. She ended up suggesting less cholesterol-heavy food, less sodium, more oats, more fish, and more fruits and veggies. She actually first suggested I go vegan and I was like "nah, can't live that bland life". But I do opt out of meat every now and again with salads.
Lol you can be "skinny' and still have heart disease. A lot of people with COPD are super skinny. If your calories are mostly horrible fats you can develop hyperlipidemia/cholesterolemia which can lead to heart problems. You dont have to be fat to get an MI.
You came back to post this?

I said I eat 3 eggs every morning most days, not that my diet consists of only eggs and horrible fats. You have no idea what my workout regime looks like yet you posted that my lipid panel must be horrible based off my breakfast. :lol:

I can’t tell to what degree you’re serious, but I’m not very interested in having a #NTExtreme convo if you’re seriously saying I’ll have heart surgery by the time I’m 40 simply because I’m utilizing eggs in my daily diet during my weight loss journey (of a year and a half thus far).

I’d like to peacefully leave it there as this is a great thread and I’d like to keep it that way. Leave the wars to black pepper and cream cheese amounts.
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