Thanksgiving Dinner at the firehouse, with my "2nd Family".
Sunday dinner. Pork loin with bacon and fettuccine alfredo, also side of cornbread(not pictured). I always make this but keep forgetting to take pics so I made sure to do it this time. Sometimes I'll switch it up and use chicken and shrimp.
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So my birthday was this past Saturday. I went to my parents house where my mom cooked for me. I knew the minute she told me she was going to cook, I was going to have pictures to contribute to this thread so here they are!!!

Don't mind my family from El Slavador skyping me for my birthday lol. Here we had lobster spread with garlic crackers, gucamole and chips, and then freshly cut pepper jack cheese!

Some amazing well-seasoned filet mingnon! Oh boy was it good!

Lastly, stuffed lobster with shrimp and crab meat! The rice has vegetables, calamari, shrimp, squid, and at the far end, fish in a special creamy sauce! Oh boy was it good! Wish you guys could smell how the house smelled, you'd fall in love!
Sunday dinner. Pork loin with bacon and fettuccine alfredo, also side of cornbread(not pictured). I always make this but keep forgetting to take pics so I made sure to do it this time. Sometimes I'll switch it up and use chicken and shrimp.

This looks amazing.
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