So what is the % increase limit?

Legit asking.

Any supporting documents?
If there is any such limit, it would be governed by local laws like city/county ordinances so I can’t give a general answer.

I’m not aware of a rule on this in the LA area. I’m guessing law making bodies don’t want to bother with this because they think it will be controlled by consumer habits. If someone doesn’t like the auto mark-up a restaurant includes on their tabs, they can go elsewhere. If that happens enough, the place will change its policy.
I’ve seen surcharges labeled as other things on restaurant bills. Like a 10 percent “legal compliance tax” or things to that effect.
If there is any such limit, it would be governed by local laws like city/county ordinances so I can’t give a general answer.

I’m not aware of a rule on this in the LA area. I’m guessing law making bodies don’t want to bother with this because they think it will be controlled by consumer habits. If someone doesn’t like the auto mark-up a restaurant includes on their tabs, they can go elsewhere. If that happens enough, the place will change its policy.
My assumption is that they could make the service fee whatever they want it to be as long as it’s displayed on their menu or somewhere else where it’s made known prior to a customer ordering. At that point, it’s up to the customer whether they want to be a patron or not.
storm2006 storm2006 Did you know ahead of time they were adding that 20% onto the bill?

I need to find the info on this because it has to be more than, "As long as they let you know before hand."

If that was the case, why stop @ 20%? :lol:
Wait til you find out the big cities add that 20% fee for “fair wages” and then add another fee on top of that for some sort of area tax like a “midtown tax” or some ****. I’ve seen it here in my area a time or two.
storm2006 storm2006 Did you know ahead of time they were adding that 20% onto the bill?

I need to find the info on this because it has to be more than, "As long as they let you know before hand."

If that was the case, why stop @ 20%? :lol:
They definitely don’t have to stop there. But that has become the “good tip” standard, which most are probably ok with paying.
storm2006 storm2006 Did you know ahead of time they were adding that 20% onto the bill?

I need to find the info on this because it has to be more than, "As long as they let you know before hand."

If that was the case, why stop @ 20%? :lol:

Also heelsandeers heelsandeers they were HELLA transparent about it. They have a barcode menu and when you scan it (or even look at their menu online) the website has this at the top

Huge font before you even scroll to the food :lol: The guy who was serving me did minimal work for me because I’m a pretty easy customer these days (I usually have already scanned the menu prior to my visit so I know what I want and I just drink water so no drinks required). He was dolo out there though and I can tell that place gets hectic so I added the extra ~10% for his troubles.

I’ve changed my opinion on tips as a whole though
Also heelsandeers heelsandeers they were HELLA transparent about it. They have a barcode menu and when you scan it (or even look at their menu online) the website has this at the top. Huge font before you even scroll to the food :lol:

That is respectable. Still a curious decision when menu prices can be adjusted to reflect costs

Perhaps people are more accepting of a fair wage fee rather than food they deem expensive for unknown reasons
That is respectable. Still a curious decision when menu prices can be adjusted to reflect costs

Perhaps people are more accepting of a fair wage fee rather than food they deem expensive for unknown reasons
I see your point, but I think there are people who would find it more objectionable to pay what they consider an exorbitant amount for a particular food item then paying what they would consider an average price for an item plus an additional amount labeled as a fair wage charge of whatever. So I can also see why places don't want to pass through increased costs solely by increasing menu prices.
That is respectable. Still a curious decision when menu prices can be adjusted to reflect costs

Perhaps people are more accepting of a fair wage fee rather than food they deem expensive for unknown reasons

I do not know for certain but I 100% believe it to be this. It is easier to pass the cost along to customers via a fee in large font than baking it into the prices :lol:

One interesting thing to note - I noticed several orders for pick up. I’m not sure if those have the same fee or not. I would ASSUME they don’t but it is never safe to assume that businesses are operating in a logical or fair manner.

Extra 10% “for his troubles”

Doing his job g?

I can’t deal with yall today. ESP you today, stormio.

Today is Friday and Sunday is the first of the month, man (he was wearing NFL gear too). I wanted him to be able to get his draft at the bar tonight or case of beer for Sunday without having to worry about his rent.
As a waiter, that "guaranteed 20%" to the staff would probably irritate me since I know it would probably take away from my individual tips.
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