Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

The price on the menu is for the food. You want someone to refill your drinks, bring you condiments and sides and clean up your mess, that's what the tip is for.

Any Joe blow can go be a waiter at IHOP and get 20% on a $12 dollar bill. You work at a $50 a plate joint and you will need to have experience and presumably a lot more professionalism. Which in any other profession means a higher pay grade for the same amount of work. I said it before, you are broke and living check to check so your mind rationalizes being a cheap ***. Acting like you not tipping is not not entirely based on the fact you need that extra $10 this week.
The price on the menu is for the food. You want someone to refill your drinks, bring you condiments and sides and clean up your mess, that's what the tip is for.

Any Joe blow can go be a waiter at IHOP and get 20% on a $12 dollar bill. You work at a $50 a plate joint and you will need to have experience and presumably a lot more professionalism. Which in any other profession means a higher pay grade for the same amount of work. I said it before, you are broke and living check to check so your mind rationalizes being a cheap ***. Acting like you not tipping is not not entirely based on the fact you need that extra $10 this week.
Great service deserves a tip; that's not always the case...were talking about the self entitled below average servers.... Idc if i spend $500 if your service was trash y should I tip u
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