Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Just When You Thought Lil Kim Face Couldn’t Get Any Worse...She Went & Copped the Quagmire Jaws

What's wrong with good ol fashioned weed, though? Isn't it cheaper, easier to get, and won't turn you into a face eating, light pole dancing, wiggle worm looking, concrete napping, heart attack having zombie?

Cats be on papers. That **** don't show on a piss test.

I don't want to talk about anyone's mom, but I would hump some of those moms that were posted.

I love milfs. Mom's, Aunty's, they not safe round ahat

'Crack Pipe' Vending Machines Found in Long Island, NY


Image copyright SCOTT MALZ
Image captionA local resident shared a video showing one of the vending machines on social media

any ny nters wanna chime in?

"Thought of new gems when I was on that block. Gave the fiends a new stem Everytime they copped..." - Budden

Wow, this French art college actually blacked up a few people in post to appear more diverse.

Yeah, that’s the best one. Amazing that they thought that no-one would notice that they had changed their skin color- I’ve seen new people added before but not people changed so egregiously.

Wow, this French art college actually blacked up a few people in post to appear more diverse.

Yeah, that’s the best one. Amazing that they thought that no-one would notice that they had changed their skin color- I’ve seen new people added before but not people changed so egregiously.

But what's the reason for the deception?
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