Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


We have to see footage prior to that day. I think he's responding out of anger due the homeowners betrayal going over to the dark side :rofl:

Sorry but its a thing. Moisture and Bacteria can accumulate under any human fold. Smashing BBW's in the summer can be a biohazard. You'll find all kinds of cultures when changing positions and those untouched folds start opening up.

I always felt that BBW's were like uncircumcised men. They have to work a little harder to keep themselves clean, but it's not impossible. Anyone who doesn't take their hygiene serious is no bueno. If you have access to running water, soap etc there are absolutely no excuses. Granted they don't have the luxury of washing and in a straight line, lol. But what you're describing is laziness, and/or neglect and that is disgusting. My joint would have gone soft. I'm very sensitive to smells when it comes to chicks. Breath, body odor, and pum pum oders turn me off. I couldn't be with no dirty chick.

I'll admit that I was wildin by not vetting these women out prior to bringing them to the crib or if I was traveling for work but these were literally lunch dates where they would meet me outside my job then I would smash that night and ghost or put on the roster after.

I learned many things. Hygiene and women is not exclusive to BBW's. A good portion of the women in that era in my life had questionable practices. From the finest ones to the mud ducks, you never know who is really taking care of themselves until clothes start coming off. Some day's I was completing my mission by any means necessary and stay with at least 7 sets of target bed sheets in the crib to swap during the week. Still good times though.

Yeah they're some bbw's who are very clean and some who aren't. Same with slim chick, some people are just nasty so when I'm on the hunt I'm always afraid to buck up on one of them :lol:. Like you said some really pretty chicks be out there with that toxic P :sick:Summertime is the worst, :smh:. You're praying that she is just as clean as you are, taking at minimum two showers a day. Been lucky so far, knock on wood :pimp:
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Fools in here can’t tell the difference between an unsanitary piece and a extra thick joint...ya DISGUST me
We have to see footage prior to that day. I think he's responding out of anger due the homeowners betrayal going over to the dark side :rofl:

I always felt that BBW's were like uncircumcised men. They have to work a little harder to keep themselves clean, but it's not impossible. Anyone who doesn't take their hygiene serious is no bueno. If you have access to running water, soap etc there are absolutely no excuses. Granted they don't have the luxury of washing and in a straight line, lol. But what you're describing is laziness, and/or neglect and that is disgusting. My joint would have gone soft. I'm very sensitive to smells when it comes to chicks. Breath, body odor, and pum pum oders turn me off. I couldn't be with no dirty chick.

Yeah they're some bbw's who are very clean and some who aren't. Same with slim chick, some people are just nasty so when I'm on the hunt I'm always afraid to buck up on of them :lol:. Summertime is the worst, :smh:. You're praying that she is just as clean as you are, taking at minimum two showers a day. Been lucky so far, knock on wood :pimp:

Amen. How people willingly sleep with a stank joint. Or joints who don’t bathe. My first line of questions to a chic are ALWAYS about hygiene.

Do you change your draws, brush your teeth daily, let me see the inside of your car, bedroom.

Go into their bathroom. Lift the toilet lid, pull the shower curtains back, what laundry detergent you use, hygiene is #1s

IDGAF how fine you are. If you’re dirty, I’m straight. Keep it moving

>D There were two parts to your post. My response was to the second part.

The difference being again context

In that thread you knew you were the subject of responses due to what you said

But in your instance you invoke my name belittling me only on what your opinion of me is not what I have actually stated and furthermore only in comparison to another poster you wish to deride

The fools wilding thread is not a free for all take shots as you like thread in the way a topic about a specific subject may get heated within its thread

Therefore I refrain again to I don't bring you up nor take shots not warranted within the confines of that specific discussion

So the second part of my post has no relevance on your response

That thread from where the quote was taken was about an innocent boy being murdered for “listening to rap music.”

Nothing to do with me. Like I said, save it. :lol:

Keep posting nonsense though for your big brother to laugh at. I’ll stop my contribution to the thread derailment here. :smile:

That thread from where the quote was taken was about an innocent boy being murdered for “listening to rap music.”

Nothing to do with me. Like I said, save it. :lol:

Keep posting nonsense though for your big brother to laugh at. I’ll stop my contribution to the thread derailment here. :smile:

so it was a race related thread? and you find it surprising that your name was brought up in connection with that after what you said?

first, you should take it up with who brought you up in the first place

then think about how you brought my name up in here without provocation or introduction to the topic at hand

now its big brother you just cant help yourself and let well enough alone
you take this **** way too seriously

no i take disrespect seriously

he doesnt take it too seriously takin random potshots tho right?

you obviously dont take it seriously it at all since you took precious time to comment and add your .02
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