Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Speaking of pranks.... Does anybody remember that Miami Zombie prank??? :rofl: dead bananas for days..........
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found his IG too. supposedly whippin that baby gallardo his parents bought em. not doing it. stuntin with your parents money is NEVER doin it. and gallardos are too small anyways, my head was IN the roof and legs pressed to the walls when i drove that thing man.
Update. found the kid's IG, and so called "business." Turns out its a family owned restaurant. Dude is certainly blessed, but doesn't allow him the right to be rude. 

You know damn well that it wouldn't be pennies to him if someone beat him on a $500 dinner bill…

Claimin' your Dad's hard work and success as your own is a pure D-bag move...
and :smh: @ dude who felt it was the right time to make a joke and get some attention at 0:16. "damn i was gonna get an apartment over there too... theyre cheaper now" as a guy is literally fighting for his life a couple stories high on the edge of a building fire. cmon...

i hate people who figure "now is the time to make a joke" its inappropriate timing and most of the time isnt funny to begin with. -_- theyre worse than people who start the slow clap at the wrong time.

i didn't catch that until you pointed it out . dude is a dirt bag. :smh:
That prank was messed up forrel but how did that dude dip out on his chick like that? And he almost got his *** shot for being a dumb *** at least now he'll think twice about his pranks
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