For NTrs who girl/wife make more money than them.

I used to talk to a girl who made waaaaaay more...well actually she was just a daddy's girl so he gave her whatever she wanted, but it was cool. She wouldalways want to spend her money on me though, and I didnt have a job at the time so I did feel some kinda way, like "damn i wish i could take you out anddo nice things for you" other than that it wasnt that big of a deal. she was also waaaay smarter than me, i didnt mind that either, she told me a lot ofdudes couldnt handle a chick being smarter than them for some reason iono
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

FeelMode you guys have to pay health insurance out of pocket?

Thats tricky for us, see my son was born with a heart defect. Such a serious one that he has something that automatically kicked in from the state ofcalifornia when he was born that covers the major expenses (he's had a bunch of surgery's and such). If it wasnt for that id be millions in debtapparently so the Cali govnt FTW for once
Doesn't bother me one bit and she makes no jabs at me about it. We make decisions together and she doesn't hold the fact that she makes more breadagainst me. Like dude said, it's all one income anyways.

I imagine there would be problems in these particular types of relationships if the couples' financial situations were marred by debt, unpaid bills, etc.,as there would be resentment from the girl, asking you why you can't make more and blaming you for your financial woes.

FeelMode, my daughter was born with a heart defect as well and has required surgeries. I'd also be up to my neck in debt had the costs not been covered.
personally i really do care if my girl earns more than me. i would actually want that cuz i want a hardworking and ambitious woman. it really wouldn't makeme feel like any less of a man because i would still be getting mine and some of hers. besides i have a dominant personality so even if she did make more thani did i would still be the boss. I would have her on a "anything for you baby" tip
I used to be a public high school teacher and my wife is a chemical engineer. Her salary was almost exactly twice as much as mine. We never had any issues overit at all.

Now, I am a full-time grad student and have no income. Still no issues. My goal is to become a professor and there is a good chance she will still make morethan me, though I will be much closer to her salary than I was as a high school teacher.
Currently I am bringing home all of the money, but my wife is graduating in May and will be a dentist. I can't wait! In our case I think she respects mefor the sacrafices I am making supporting her and my daughter while she is in school. Whenever she gets her little refund checks, WE have extra money. We areheaded to NYC next weekend to go shopping...kind of like a thank you to me and a well deserved reward for her hard work in school and at home with the baby(7months old). I think in our relationship is not so much about where the money comes from, but rather being that foundation that I think most females look forin a mate. When we talk about the future we talk about what WE are going to have and where WE are going. Just be the best man you can be for her and I thinkyou will be good.
well my girl makes more money but she lives in my house for free "my dad paid for my crib" so i still run +@#$!!
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