For the fellas........

Jun 28, 2008
I know the world tells you that if you don't have lots of money in your pocket you ain't ****. I know they tell you that if you don't sound a certain way, look a certain way or drive a certain type of car you aren't a real man. You may not have a hit record out, play a professional sport or be able to perform brain surgery. You may have never been outside of your city, state or the country. You may not be as tall as you want to be or as muscular as they tell you to be. I'll tell you this. The moment you stop worrying about what the homies are going to think or your parents or some female, is the day that you really get a taste of what freedom and liberation is. Money can never give you that nor can fame. I go out into the world and interact with so many insecure men and I can't do anything but sympathize for them and pray that they someday see the truth. When you die, you're going to die. Nobody can die for you. So when you live, you have to live. Nobody can live for you. Let the insecurities go. Life is incredibly tuff for us men. We live with the burden of having to be super heroes. Society tells us that a man is supposed to be a savior. He is supposed to swoop up a wife and take care and provide for her. He is supposed to provide and protect his kids and family and all the while he is supposed to do it with machismo and bravado. When falling into this archetype we lose a sense of self and our ability to take risk for ourselves dwindles. Take a risk for yourself in your life at some point. What am asking you as a brother and fellow soldier in this battle called life is that you find you and stay true to the man that you discover. Don't be ashamed of where you come from and what you've been through. Understand that 99% percent of the tangible world is just an illusion. I hope to see all of you on the road to "success" but the journey starts from within. That key unlocks the first door in the hallway of your soul. *handshake and hug with the double back slap to everyone*

This uplifting post is appreciated.

One thing for us as men to always remember is that living up to the expectations of everybody is only letting yourself down. Just something to add to this post.
Real talk.

Now if we can address the desperation of today's american male then the steps to being true to yourself would be a lot smoother.
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I gotta link up with ya when I get around to checking out Cali. You must be different than a lot of folks in LA.
Understand that 99% percent of the tangible world is just an illusion.

WISE always dropping knowledge. This is some real talk right here. But I said it in the "when do you know you are successful" thread. Once I can honestly just be present at all times and have no burden of any kind and just be human i will feel successful. I am still (and forever will be) in the process of building me.
*DAPS* Good message homie. I've been living this since 18-19 and it feels good. Not popular, but the hell with popularity.
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