For the fellas........

If i ever decide to write a book you are definitely going to be my ghostwriter.

idk how this rep system works but ,i'd damn sure add to yours if i did.

i really needed this man ,thanks :smokin
It's all love ya'll I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You look out in society and we as men are taught to be ravenous and competitive at all times especially towards strangers. To the point we don't even break bread and have communion with one another. You gotta ask yourself why that is? Why is true brotherhood only birthed in combat and the fight for survival? I'm not the type of dude that wants to be successful while everyone else suffers. The only way that can happen is if men have knowledge of self and with that knowledge comes pride and liberation from the boxes society tries to place you in because of what you look like or where you are from. That reality is constant throughout no matter your socio economic background. Since we been born our identity has been beaten out of us and this artificial and primative super hero complex takes its place. It's no different then the "Barbie" paradigm placed on women but its much more dangerous. Barbie just dresses up, does her hair and drives a corvette. Her responsibility is to be pretty in pink. Meanwhile her counterpart the male takes on the Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Ninjas turtle, Samaurai and Ninjas paradigm. Unlike Barbie wherein she was just one thing, all of these guys were not only expected to be superheroes they also were expected to be BREADWiNNERS! It wasn't enough that Peter Parker saved the city, he had bills to pay and a girlfriend to take out on dates so he had to bust out that camera in the mist of busting *** or he faced the constant backlash from his boss. Batman had the responsibility of a billion dollar corporation that funded his super hero ventures. Superman is practically the same as Spiderman but he is an alien. Wolverine is a war torn veteran. The ninjas turtles were social outcast that saved a city that constanty didn't except them and on and on and on. These are the stories and the images that sculpt your subconscious mind while its in its most receptive state. This archetypes are then reaffirmed in adult life as big blockbuster movies. What boy didn't pretend at some point to be a cartoon character? Do we ever really stop pretending?
This rep system works. I know I wasn't going to read that block of text if it didn't have 42 thumbs up.
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:pimp: Truth! I always say my mother didn't go through 9 months of pregnancy and labor for someone to tell me how to live my life.
wisepharoh always speaks the truth. your posts show me you have dat knowledge only gained thru real experence. brb trying to find myself...
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