For those not really about sneakers, what is your expensive hobby?

Nah, I haven't looked at your FB page in a while. I haven't been on there like that. Plus I don't like window shoppin.... ya feel me?
saving every last dollar for a cls 500
yea yea, I have the sold sign on me anyways. 1 more month to go.

Well heres one of them, this is the one with my pair in it. the other tank is empty. As you can see, photography isnt my hobby

my babies

work in progress
That frog tank is really sweet. I have always liked that kind of stuff.

My new habit, since kicking the sneaker thing, is suits, ties, sport coats and Alden shoes. It is a much more expensive habit, but it also makes me money.
NICE frogs!!!! Low key...extra low key... I used to have a firebelly
. Aside from that, this !!%+@ just broke her lease again. I'm exhausted from theback and forthness of it all...
I'm mostly into music, music making, parties, piffery, work, school. Don't have time for shoes anymore...
as a side note ... moms found a bag in my room like 4 years ago and threw it out in the garden ... damn near 3 months later we had a mysterious plant growingall over the fence into the neigbors yard ... my step dad yanked it up and threw it away before i could cultivate it ... smh
Liquor-it aint really expensive but it damn sure adds up at the end of the month(if that makes sense)
fast food- idk if eating is really considered a hobby but i spend alot more on that than id like too also
My terrible two. Lemme know if you want some, they're breeding like crazy
I'm not pulling the eggs though to rear them, since we're going tobe moving and I don't feel like building a tad pole set up right now. That'll be another money pit, raising babies
I do need to buy some for thenew tank - I'm thinking of a group of imitators:

Theyre only the size of a quarter so I can get 5 or so, but at 75-175 a pop

Sorry to hear of your lady troubles
Love is strange thing
I don't know what I spend my money on to tell you the truth, I just look in my account and say damn, where did all of it go?
random crap, still into shoes so thats where most of my money has gone for the last 6-7 years

video games, steelers crap, hats, clothes, parts for my car
Photography. I gave up collecting sneakers for it. One of the lenses I just bought is equivalent to 5 Countdown packages...that's 10 pairs of Jordans!
probably food and clothes and things for my girl...use to love buying shoes but nothing that I like has come out in awhile
not hobbies but I spend most of my money on rent, car payment and student loans
as far as hobbies, shoes used to be #1, but now I am transitioning (thanks JB) to car mods. sometime the occasional video game. also used to spend a lot onalcohol but have toned that down a lot.
and btw, Nawth21 great pics and great hobby. I can see how they would take up a lot of $
Well right now, I'm into Obama memorabilia. I've purchased all commemorative books about him and the election. I've gotten an assortment ofpictures and posters, and other keepsakes(puzzles, actions figures, car freshener) as well as almost every magazine that has him on the front cover. I havealso been bidding on the Barack Obama spiderman comic book. I also, have the Inauguration and election newspapers from the NYT Washington Post and Times, DailyNews, USA Today, and Financial Times.

So, I guess that's my expensive hobby.
nawth, where do you shop? i am about to change my fish tank over to snakes, but i don't wanna go to petco cause thats a big no no to fish heads. don'tknow if its the same with snakes but whatever. i don't want a run of the mill corn snake. do you know if twin cities reptiles on snelling is any good?

back on topic, i spend the most money on liq and beer and going out as a whole. eating, drinking etc...

to be honest my daughter doesn't really cost me that much but she is only 2. when she was in daycare it got a little costly though.
Car mods, but not lately, at least not in the last year.
Blu-Ray lately, it doesn't seem like much but it adds up. I still have unopened movies that I haven't seen.
Clothes, I have stuff that I haven't even worn yet with tags but I can't stop buying them.
Shoes, non-Jordans and non-sneakers. I might start selling some Jordans to make some room.
Watches, and I thought Jordans, Gucci, Prada, LV, etc... are expensive.

That is all I could think of for now.
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