Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You must be new here, the reason why I have so many posts is that for the previous 3 years I literally spent 24hrs in front of a computer studying and taking breaks on NT---That kinda took a hit this year tho, but basically if I'm on here posting I'm most likely reading something else in between-NT and distractions between pages actually helps keep me focused as hard as that is to believe---I got the grades to prove it

That's not good for your eyes son. Trust me.
How about taking a break off the computer. No reason to be on one 24/7. What else do you do beside studying and NT?
Are you really living LIFE?

Now son is trying to personally question how you live your live but sillyputty is the troll
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You must be new here, the reason why I have so many posts is that for the previous 3 years I literally spent 24hrs in front of a computer studying and taking breaks on NT---That kinda took a hit this year tho, but basically if I'm on here posting I'm most likely reading something else in between-NT and distractions between pages actually helps keep me focused as hard as that is to believe---I got the grades to prove it

That's not good for your eyes son. Trust me.
How about taking a break off the computer. No reason to be on one 24/7. What else do you do beside studying and NT?
Are you really living LIFE?

This year I "work" about 80-100hrs a week word to "duty hour violations" and then I gotta study when I get back home--I have 36hr shift on Monday to tues-the worst part is I don't even get paid for it, I pay to be a slave

To be honest, the last 3 years of my life has felt like the Matrix
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Anton you never answered my question, how are you going to get a sleeved up tat when you going to be a doctor?

I know many doctors with sleeve tats, a lot of them are trauma surgeons or in the military which is my life goal.
I have one tat on my forearm that's of the medical symbol, doesn't seem to bother anyone especially when they find out what the symbol represents.  Lastly,  for the most part my forearm is covered (longs sleeves + white coat) unless I have on scrubs in the OR or on call days.

Trauma + orthopedic surgeons are known for having tattoos, aka the frat boys of medicine with their power tools and hammers--swag

Make sense 

I hope its not the stick and the snake
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

That's not good for your eyes son. Trust me.
How about taking a break off the computer. No reason to be on one 24/7. What else do you do beside studying and NT?
Are you really living LIFE?
Now son is trying to personally question how you live your live but sillyputty is the troll
Yea I'm not sure what the relevance of any of this is, but if dude wants to know about the madness that is my life I'd gladly share
i dont have tats but the old testament is extremely strict, not even orthodox jews adhere to everything
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This year I pay to "work" about 80-100hrs a week word to duty hour violations and then I gotta study when I get back home--I have 36hr shift on Monday to tues

To be honest, the last 3 years of my life has felt like the Matrix
As long as you're happy man. Only thing that really matters. YOLO. SillyPutty I see you.

But really tho. I got a problem with the way this dude post. Not the content. But the way he post. Just IDK son. It SCREAMS troll.


No son. my dude told me his story about 20000+ post on NT. Never ask for anything about that.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Now son is trying to personally question how you live your live but sillyputty is the troll
7000 post in 2 years. No even gonna ask. I know you post in the S&T forum so I guess you get a pass.
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This year I pay to "work" about 80-100hrs a week word to duty hour violations and then I gotta study when I get back home--I have 36hr shift on Monday to tues

To be honest, the last 3 years of my life has felt like the Matrix
As long as you're happy man. Only thing that really matters. YOLO. SillyPutty I see you.

But really tho. I got a problem with the way this dude post. Not the content. But the way he post. Just IDK son. It SCREAMS troll.


No son. my dude told me his story about 20000+ post on NT. Never ask for anything about that.
The way he types screams someone that reads and writes a lot, it's not like anything he posts doesn't make sense. This dude can't win, he posts paragraphs answering people's questions argument by argument using word, he gets called a troll. He posts memes for the people who can't read or hate reading, he gets called a troll.

And no one told you to mention my post count, it was irrelevant to this thread and it prompted for an explanation from me.

I hate using this word but there is someone "trolling" in this thread and it's not putty
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


No one address the atheist ninjas anymore Im sick of you guys derailing threads, its rude.
Go get manners.

correction, this thread is about Christians picking and choosing what part of the bible best suits their personal lifestyle and their inability to adhere to what's really written in the Bible.
The truth is a majority of these so-called believers only believe out of convenience and cowardice. Too many have doubts, half-step and aren't about that life. God has set forth certain guidelines for his believers to abide by, you guys just look at the parts of the bible where forgiveness is mentioned and think it's a cure all for any transgression committed. 

People should grow a pair and renounce their religion instead of taking God's name in vain. Its sad that atheists and agnostics have more sense and respect for the institution of religion than most of these half-stepping so-called believers. 
Originally Posted by whyhellothere

man the lord aint finna do nothin

why you think i be up in the church every sunday tossing dollars in the collection plate?
like i said, god forgives so I know we good
LMAO, idk why i read that with the meatball voice but that @!@% was hilarious
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


No one address the atheist ninjas anymore Im sick of you guys derailing threads, its rude.
Go get manners.

correction, this thread is about Christians picking and choosing what part of the bible best suits their personal lifestyle and their inability to adhere to what's really written in the Bible.
The truth is a majority of these so-called believers only believe out of convenience and cowardice. Too many have doubts, half-step and aren't about that life. God has set forth certain guidelines for his believers to abide by, you guys just look at the parts of the bible where forgiveness is mentioned and think it's a cure all for any transgression committed. 

For that people should grow a pair and renounce their religion instead of taking God's name in vain. It's said that atheists and agnostics have more sense and respect for the institution of religion than most of these half-stepping so-called believers. 

LOL shoezfreak is like a person locked in a small room with a bear that goes hard to deny the bear is in the room. Maybe if she pretends the bear is not in the room hard enough it's gonna go away.  Pathetic
Let's talk about tattoos
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

It's sad that atheists and agnostics have more sense and respect for the institution of religions.


Prove me wrong then, I guess you're looking at Silly and Anton and now coloring all agnostics and atheists with the same brush.
Truth is that a great majority of atheists and agnostics you will meet in your lifetime have a great respect for the institution of religion. I myself believe that if you're to follow the word of God, that you do so with all your effort. It's not something that you customize to fit your personal needs, it's a way of life. It's HOW you live your life, not just something you do or think about whenever.

Too many Christians half-step and that's disrespectful. Then they're critical of other faiths when those people are REALLY about that life. At least they're living the life that God intended them to live. You think God likes it when his name is taken in vain all the time? As if if this is all just a game? 
I will ask this question again to my religious brothers and sisters.

Do you WANT to go to Heaven or do you more so want to go there because you don't want to go to hell?
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

It's said that atheists and agnostics have more sense and respect for the institution of religions.

Prove me wrong then, I guess you're looking at Silly and Anton and now coloring all agnostics and atheists with the same brush.
Well that is what irrational ignorant judgmental people do though.

I do get a chuckle when ppl feel they can tell the tone of a post when it's void of expletives, ad hominem attacks, etc. or out right tell you you're attacking/disrespecting them when they simply disagree and don't like what you have to say.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

correction, this thread is about Christians picking and choosing what part of the bible best suits their personal lifestyle and their inability to adhere to what's really written in the Bible.
The truth is a majority of these so-called believers only believe out of convenience and cowardice. Too many have doubts, half-step and aren't about that life. God has set forth certain guidelines for his believers to abide by, you guys just look at the parts of the bible where forgiveness is mentioned and think it's a cure all for any transgression committed. 

For that people should grow a pair and renounce their religion instead of taking God's name in vain. It's said that atheists and agnostics have more sense and respect for the institution of religion than most of these half-stepping so-called believers. 

LOL shoezfreak is like a person locked in a small room with a bear that goes hard to deny the bear is in the room. Maybe if she pretends the bear is not in the room hard enough it's gonna go away.  Pathetic
Let's talk about tattoos

Which one?
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


No one address the atheist ninjas anymore Im sick of you guys derailing threads, its rude.
Go get manners.

correction, this thread is about Christians picking and choosing what part of the bible best suits their personal lifestyle and their inability to adhere to what's really written in the Bible.
He's right. "FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT DON'T KNOW: THE BIBLE SAYS WE SHOULDN'T GET TATTOOS"  In this case Bible is the subject of the sentence with the dependent clause "for those who don't know" augmenting said subject.  This means the sentence is looking to inform people about what the Bible states.  Tattoos is simply an object used as an example for topical discussion.  While the OP doesn't specifically state where he wants the conversation to go you can infer from the title that he intended it to be geared towards Christians/Muslims/Jews/etc. choosing what rules apply to them, not what tats look cool.

And I for one enjoy reading through these threads to learn more about perspectives and maybe gain some knowledge on subjects I'm not fully versed in.  Granted you do have to sift through some natural bias.

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

ayo to tramp stamp

Son could have a penis tattooed on his back and hed still pull more tail than any of us.

Anton, ITT = in this thread
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

It's sad that atheists and agnostics have more sense and respect for the institution of religions.


Let it golet them have the thread, let them have Niketalk.
SMH at my typo....It was supposed to be It's sad.....that i.....THAT I....

Anyways, again prove me wrong. You guys just tailor-fit the Bible and interpret it how YOU want to in order to justify YOUR way of life. A great vast majority of you guys are NOT about that life. 

If you're going to embrace a religion, you should do so while putting your heart and soul into it. Stop half-stepping, that's just disrespectful. At least atheists and agnostics have the courage to admit that they do not believe in the institution of religion and have enough sense and decency to not defecate all over God's words by continuously taking his name in vain while acting a fool all their life.

At least they have the courage to not hold onto something like a safety net, as if an all knowing all powerful is God's ignorant and a game. 
^^^^lol why don't you do what you usually do an run away from the thread
Anyhow since we're free-posting in this thread

Funny how they made Judas a black man in this movie, one of the greatest movie performances ever
Of course you won't answer this since you know where I am going with this.

But for you religious folks, do you admit to picking and chosing the "rules" you will and won't follow?
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