Sillyputty 10/10 troll job.

I mean my dude quotes and responds sentence by sentence. Making post longer then they should be. I have never seen that done.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

why are you just posting random pics of tattoos?  You related to Dipset General?
Thats my cousin

This thread isnt just about religion its also about tattoos.

But you probably didnt notice that, you're to busy stalking puttys post to pay attention to the title.

Im posting ones I think are cute.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by MonStar1

I agree.  My point is do you really think you're going to convince somebody that their faith isn't real?  Especially over a messageboard dedicated to sneakers?  Like really think about that for a second.

It's cool people want to discuss religion.  But when you have people who's mission is to prove there is no God it gets old.  It would get old if we had members that were trying to convert people to Islam or Christianity every single chance they got. 

You ever heard the saying "don't discuss religion and politics"?  They say that because people for the most part don't change.  They believe what they believe and you can't post memes or videos to change that.  You can't. So yes it does hit close to home for some people.  The thing is we have non-believers who seem to be more butt hurt about people having faith than believers being butt hurt.  That's the interesting thing.  There's discussion and then there's attacks on people's lifestyle.  One is cool and the other isn't.

Also think about this.  A person who tries to convert those to his/her religion feel like they are doing the right thing.  They feel like they are saving a life and helping.  What pleasure or benefit does one get out of proving there's no God?  What makes you feel better knowing you just convinced one more person to stop believing?  Your church doesn't gain a member.  What's the joy in it?  Oh the joy is showing people how much smarter and advanced you are right?  Is that the joy?  The joy of feeling superior because you don't believe? Why can't you have that joy without attacking religion? 

Actually this is about being a know-it-all who believes they are "better" than others which actually has nothing to do with religion.

You're getting hung up on this idea that non-believers are trying to be better or smarter or something. That's not the case. I get no personal satisfaction from questioning a person on why they believe in a deity. It's never a "Haha, look at this dumb believer." It's usually more of a "How does an otherwise reasonable person honestly believe that the world was once flooded by god and that an old man built a big ship that housed two of every animal on the planet?" I do feel a sense of relief when I find people that actually ARE open-minded enough to question their own beliefs. You can't say that people don't change or question their beliefs because of these discussions because we have seen it happen already. People HAVE changed due to these discussions. In threads prior, people have come out and said that they no longer feel as sure of their beliefs as they once did or that they never were that sure to begin with and were able to take the next step of not believing at all.

I have a problem feeling sympathetic for believers who feel like they're being attacked because 1) you guys are the clear majority in this country, 2) if your beliefs and convictions were so strong, wouldn't you be able to logically and reasonably counter these attacks? 3) not being able to logically and reasonably counter said attacks shrinks the sphere of power ascribed to this god (and a part of me feels a lot of the believers here KNOW that.) It also helps that I feel that religion is detrimental to society. So there's that too.
There's a clear difference between trying to dispel a myth and trying to convert someone towards a belief. 

Some people do go about it as a discussion.  Others don't.  I commend you if thats how you carry it.  But some people are on a high horse.

The thing is people's beliefs go beyond logic.  Humans do things for reasons you can't explain and they will believe it.  So yes a man can be responsible, intelligent, and all that but believe in something he can see.  Thats inside of him and you can't change that.  I'm not sure why you would even care if he wasn't harming you. 

If you believe religion is detrimental to society thats different than just not caring for religion.  If you think its detrimental then thats the reason you choose to convert those to becoming non-believers. At least you own up to it tho.  

And I'm not sure how you don't understand the sneakerboard comment.  People take religion very serious.  There's no way a person they never met can convert them to changing their views.  Especially over NIKETALK.  I could see if this was ChristTalk or something.  For the most part people aren't going to take what they read here that seriously.  I'm pretty sure we can agree on that.  Would you take somebody's opinion or info about some House of Hoops releases on forums as the gospel?  Ehhh probably not.
See, I can't agree. I have actually seen people swayed one way or another on the topic of religion here on Niketalk. Which is why I think it's kind of silly to suggest glazing over this topic just because it's a sneakerboard. It's an important topic and if people want to discuss it, for whatever reason they want, it should be discussed.
Whatever your beliefs are, theological imagery is always going to make for impressive artwork.  
No one pulls of a religious tat quite like DB...












Decided to post a hodge-podge of meme, since people in here apparently don't know how to read past 2 sentences
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey
Real talk. I use to think you were the Micheal Jordan of atheist on NT.

Sillyputty took your spot. Now you the kobe Bryant of atheist on NT. What happen son?

2/10 troll job.
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey
Real talk. I use to think you were the Micheal Jordan of atheist on NT.

Sillyputty took your spot. Now you the kobe Bryant of atheist on NT. What happen son?

2/10 troll job.

I'm not an atheist, I have a God---well Gods rather


Putty is one of the more intelligent NTers, I'm naturally drawn to that but I dunno if I can label myself as an "Atheist"

Word son, I hate when people on NT put logical sentences together, that is the very definition of trolling----especially when the person can write beyond a 10th grade level

Anton you never answered my question, how are you going to get a sleeved up tat when you going to be a doctor?
I do recognize that our body is our temple and I do recognize I am doing wrong by getting more tattoos but everyone else also needs to realize what there doing as well. For example most of us men are gonna have kids which 50-50 chance that it's gonna be a baby girl before the baby even turns 1 year old you all are going to agree with the old lady to get the baby's ear pierced ! That also goes against what god says one should not do! Anywho drinking isn't a sin but getting wasted drunk is I am not justifying my actions because I know I one of the biggest sinners but to whom ever looks down upon some of us humans with tattoos and judge take a step back and put your own life in perspective and let's see how many sins we can count up ......go ahead ill wait (Kat Williams voice) ......




NTers are the types to not read a book because it doesn't have pictures----since yall don't read any of Silly Putty's trollsertations I decided to keep it simple and just post pictures
I'm not an atheist,

I have a God

well Gods rather

I aint even mad.

Putty is one of the more intelligent NTers,
I think must people ITT will disagree with that.
Was he born intelligent or was his raised intelligent?

But again not mad.

I'm naturally drawn to that
Are you really? tell me more.

I dunno if I can label myself as an "Atheist"
Will I just did. What do you label yourself? if you don't mind me asking?

Word son,
Word is bond.

I hate when people on NT put logical sentences together
Its not that tho. Its just I don't see why he has to quote sentence for sentence.

that is the very definition of trolling-
Can you give me a rating for him? Thanks.

especially when the person can write beyond a 10th grade level
Yeah man I'm surprise you can even read everything he post.

I forgot to color my font. Also enlarge my font.


Also triple edit my post cause you know EVERYONE IS'NT PERFECT.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Anton you never answered my question, how are you going to get a sleeved up tat when you going to be a doctor?

I know many doctors with sleeve tats, a lot of them are trauma surgeons or in the military which is my life goal.
I have one tat on my forearm that's of the medical symbol, doesn't seem to bother anyone especially when they find out what the symbol represents.  Lastly,  for the most part my forearm is covered (longs sleeves + white coat) unless I have on scrubs in the OR or on call days.

Trauma + orthopedic surgeons are known for having tattoos, aka the frat boys of medicine with their power tools and hammers--swag
Past 9 pages was another good read as far as logic goes in regards to the logical posters.

The other posts were just
Son said he was born Muslim, where's Muslimainia/Muslimerica/Muslima? Then this chick says there's another way to interpret those bible quotes telling women to shut up and know their place
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

I'm not an atheist,

I have a God

well Gods rather

I aint even mad.

Putty is one of the more intelligent NTers,
I think must people ITT will disagree with that.
Was he born intelligent or was his raised intelligent?

But again not mad.

I'm naturally drawn to that
Are you really? tell me more.

I dunno if I can label myself as an "Atheist"
Will I just did. What do you label yourself? if you don't mind me asking?

Word son,
Word is bond.

I hate when people on NT put logical sentences together
Its not that tho. Its just I don't see why he has to quote sentence for sentence.

that is the very definition of trolling-
Can you give me a rating for him? Thanks.

especially when the person can write beyond a 10th grade level
Yeah man I'm surprise you can even read everything he post.

LOL if I can't read that life would be very very difficult for me, lemme put it that way

Yea, you see posts like this are why I rather side with the Atheists, in addition to the inherent immorality, hypocrisy and ignorance of the Judeochristian religions---I'm sorry

Did dude just accuse him of going to ITT tech?

I prefer the term human but if you must place me in a religious/spiritual category I prefer the term Pagan Satanism inspired Agnosticism---has a nice ring to it

To Atheists and people in other religions, I hate to break it to you but you're an atheist as well homie
You believe in nothing
One finger pointing at me calling me an atheists, 4 more pointing back at you---very typical. Pot calling the kettle Atheist, hypocrites

A troll is essentially anyone that posts something you don't agree with on NT
You would think with all the time you spend on NT you would know what ITT(In This Thread) means.

Son 20000+ post in just over 3 years.
Mind = blown. Its gonna be a year for me and I might just crack 1000.

A troll is essentially anyone that posts something you don't agree with on NT

Can you quote where I disagree with his post.
Just the way dude spreads it out sentence by sentence. Like son can't put a paragraph together.
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

You would think with all the time you spend on NT you would know what ITT(In This Thread) means.

Son 20000+ post in just over 3 years.
Mind = blown. Its gonna be a year for me and I might just crack 1000.

Sry, not aware of the term ITT---My brain is already flooded with unnecessary acronyms as it is

You must be new here, the reason why I have so many posts is that for the previous 3 years I literally spent 24hrs in front of a computer studying and taking breaks on NT---That kinda took a hit this year tho, but basically if I'm on here posting I'm most likely reading something else in between-NT and distractions between pages actually helps keep me focused as hard as that is to believe---I got the grades to prove it
Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

You would think with all the time you spend on NT you would know what ITT(In This Thread) means.

Son 20000+ post in just over 3 years.
Mind = blown. Its gonna be a year for me and I might just crack 1000.

A troll is essentially anyone that posts something you don't agree with on NT
Can you quote where I disagree with his post.
Just the way dude spreads it out sentence by sentence. Like son can't put a paragraph together.

So a troll is someone with syntax you don't agree with? And lol @ you pulling a shoefreak and denying the fact that you disagree with anything Silly putty posts instead of sticking to your guns---Is this the new NT christian strategy?

Yo I never said I disagree with him, I just don't like the way he types mad words b
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

You would think with all the time you spend on NT you would know what ITT(In This Thread) means.

Son 20000+ post in just over 3 years.
Mind = blown. Its gonna be a year for me and I might just crack 1000.

Sry, not aware of the term ITT---My brain is already flooded with unnecessary acronyms as it is

You must be new here, the reason why I have so many posts is that for the previous 3 years I literally spent 24hrs in front of a computer studying and taking breaks on NT---That kinda took a hit this year tho, but basically if I'm on here posting I'm most likely reading something else in between-NT and distractions between pages actually helps keep me focused as hard as that is to believe---I got the grades to prove it

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

You must be new here, the reason why I have so many posts is that for the previous 3 years I literally spent 24hrs in front of a computer studying and taking breaks on NT---That kinda took a hit this year tho, but basically if I'm on here posting I'm most likely reading something else in between-NT and distractions between pages actually helps keep me focused as hard as that is to believe---I got the grades to prove it

That's not good for your eyes son. Trust me.
How about taking a break off the computer. No reason to be on one 24/7. What else do you do beside studying and NT?
Are you really living LIFE?
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