What i find so funny is that 95% of the problems and wars and BS humanity is going through right now has NOTHING to do with religion. Yet religion is in the line of fire.\
This leads to me to conclude that the ultimate motive for atheists bashing religion is not better humanity, rather better self interest. This is why i hate atheists.

Its a means to reduce guilt in an attempt to say "only the strong survive". 
Why do you care so much about what I choose to talk about? Its ONE thread.
No.  Its almost 25% of the threads.  It's not ONE thread.  Are you kidding me? 
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Why do you care so much about what I choose to talk about? Its ONE thread.
No.  Its almost 25% of the threads.  It's not ONE thread.  Are you kidding me? 
I said that its ONE religious thread.
Out of all of the other various threads and discussions.

Its not like this is spilling out onto other topics. 

Here is your homework. Show me ONE thread I started about religion. I dare you.

How many basketball threads have you started egging for views? ...My point exactly.

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

What i find so funny is that 95% of the problems and wars and BS humanity is going through right now has NOTHING to do with religion. Yet religion is in the line of fire.
Saudi man faces death for having little faith: http://www.zimbabwemetro....for-having-little-faith/

Obama has to appeal to catholics just to approach healthcare policy:

Religion is used to justify a lot of BS in society...

Talking about a separate issue, doesn't negate the original issue. 

Originally Posted by OnTheNephs

Alright I think im going to entertain this topic for a little bit.
OnTheNephs wrote:
I don't get your question. 

I bet.

Your incredibly brilliant man. Sorry, infact you should have taken the odds on that response maybe you would have made some money.


No you weren't.

If you were born to white/black parents in america you would probably statistically be a protestant christian

If you were born in india, you would probably be a hindu

Ok, so I was born in Egypt, hence statistically I was born as a Muslim. Does not change anything in my original sentence, but you are smarter.

Yeah it changes everything, actually.

You recognize the statistical probability involved that connects where you are born to your relation to a particular religion.

Its only based on geography then there is no right religion.

You could have just as easily been a hindu, a christian, or practice voodoo. 

I thought you said you were born a muslim? 

. I feel like im talking to a blonde here. ATHEIST WAS BORN, NO ONE RAISED HIM. My new meme, what you think? it could use some work sprinkle some of your genius on that, maybe add a pic from Reddit and BAM new meme son.

Whats up with the insults? 

If you were born a muslim, then why are you saying you were "raised" muslim? 

One implies that you were born that way and you had no choice of it, but you said you essentially learned to be a muslim. That negates your point. You learned about wasn't inherently and innately planted into you.

If your parents converted to christianity before you were born, would you still be a muslim? 

I guess you're set in your ways...Its never too late to learn though.

Unlike you my man, I have been studying and observing religion since i was about 13. This is not some fad to me, im not rolling with the times here to assert my intellect in a fake society.

Reading Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings since birth doesn't make it more real either.

Do you really need examples?

I mean have you even read the Quran? 

I do need examples actually, because looking around in the world i see the same problems that affect the west, affect the east.

Are you ok with beating women because the quran says its ok to? 

And further more why do you choose to NOT stone non-believers? 

I just posted two examples above.

Have you read the Quran?

A lot of it, yes.
Not all. 

Do not post some website that debunks the Quran.

Why not? If it debunks it, shouldn't the Quran do a better job of making its claims?
Although im sure that is your understanding of reading a religious text. Type in google how to debunk Islam and first 5 websites that pop up shape your whole perception of a religion. I have no problem with that, however if this is your understanding in religion go spread your knowledge on 5th graders homie.

But if the claims it makes aren't true, valid, real, or morally acceptable in modern society, then why should I still accept them? 

But you chose to follow it still? 


Even after you admitted it makes no sense.


There is an entire on-going battle between different interpretations of the Quran. Sunni, Shiite, and others, which one are you?

I'm not sure Allahaha would be happy with you choosing the wrong sect of Islam.

Like usual, here your arrogance and lack of understanding come through.

Oh really?

The on going battles in Islam have NO correlation to the Quran. All Muslims read one Quran, one word.

And interpret it several different ways. Hilarious.
The fighting is regarding what ensued after the Prophet died.

Kinda like Christianity.

However you are a master of all religion and i must be wrong.

 All this passive aggression won't get you anywhere in life.

Disrespect is subjective. What may be a joke to you, is offensive to others. Recognize your own bias before you go crying foul that others don't have the same opinion as you.

No it actually wouldn't. You might get a ticket for disturbing the peace and being loud, but no one cares about your message. You're free to say what you want.

The fact you can be on NT right now complaining is free speech. 

Its only respect if you're happy, right? Well I'm happy debunking islam. Where does respect lie then? 

Its all subjective. 

So when anyone disagrees with you, its disrespect.

OK. Got it. 


I guess you have no words here.
Are you frustrated? 

So why don't you go kill some atheists, beat some women, and enslave some lesser folk? 

You scared of the law? 

Are you a muslim first or an american (or wherever you were born) first? 

I am not scared of the Law.

So go do what the Quran tells you to do then.

However, in Islam I must follow law of the land.

So why have islamic rules? 

Islam gave rights to women btw, and to slaves as well when it first came.

Like beating his 9 year old wife in the chest for following the prophet across the desert one night as he went to "talk to god"
 or beating your wive when she disobeys you...but only gently and not using a big stick.
Yea you might say we know that enslaving and beating women is bad, unfortunately in the 7th century they were not as smart as you Silly.

You believe in the Quran not me. 
You're making an excuse for slavery. I think its disgusting. You have no problem with it.

Play on playa. 

Originally Posted by vprbullet

According to the bible... hiarcuts are a sin as well
Nah, god doesn't mean that...he just still wants us to hate the gays. 
I said that its ONE religious thread.

Out of all of the other various threads and discussions.

Its not like this is spilling out onto other topics. 

Here is your homework. Show me ONE thread I started about religion. I dare you.

How many basketball threads have you started egging for views? ...My point exactly.


This topic doesn't spill into other topics?
 you gotta be joking right

You might not be the OP of religion threads but you are always the LP.  Its like you have a iPhone update for key words like "jesus" or "faith" or "religion"  then you sprint into the thread.

The amount of post and threads you have discussing religion clearly outweighs my threads on basketball.  Its not even close.  Not EVEN CLOSE. 

I actually used the same thread for over 3 years to compact my on the other hand have ruined more threads than the designers at Malishus.

Anyways, God Bless you and have a nice day Mr. Putty.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

I said that its ONE religious thread.

Out of all of the other various threads and discussions.

Its not like this is spilling out onto other topics. 

Here is your homework. Show me ONE thread I started about religion. I dare you.

How many basketball threads have you started egging for views? ...My point exactly.

Posts on a discussion board. Gets mad at discussions.
Clearly people are interested in the topic and there is something worth debating since this keeps coming up in discussion. It's also clear people are getting mad/offended because the discussion is hitting a little too close to home for some.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby


Yea let's go ahead and extend this to other laws in the bible

-God loves me even tho I spilleth my seed on the rock every night
-God loves me even with my paganist ways
-God loves me even tho I build shrines to Satan every Sabbath
-God loves me even tho I support homosexuality
-God loves me even tho I'm a non-believer
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by MonStar1

I said that its ONE religious thread.

Out of all of the other various threads and discussions.

Its not like this is spilling out onto other topics. 

Here is your homework. Show me ONE thread I started about religion. I dare you.

How many basketball threads have you started egging for views? ...My point exactly.
Posts on a discussion board. Gets mad at discussions.
Clearly people are interested in the topic and there is something worth debating since this keeps coming up in discussion. It's also clear people are getting mad/offended because the discussion is hitting a little too close to home for some.

I agree.  My point is do you really think you're going to convince somebody that their faith isn't real?  Especially over a messageboard dedicated to sneakers?  Like really think about that for a second.

It's cool people want to discuss religion.  But when you have people who's mission is to prove there is no God it gets old.  It would get old if we had members that were trying to convert people to Islam or Christianity every single chance they got. 

You ever heard the saying "don't discuss religion and politics"?  They say that because people for the most part don't change.  They believe what they believe and you can't post memes or videos to change that.  You can't. So yes it does hit close to home for some people.  The thing is we have non-believers who seem to be more butt hurt about people having faith than believers being butt hurt.  That's the interesting thing.  There's discussion and then there's attacks on people's lifestyle.  One is cool and the other isn't.

Also think about this.  A person who tries to convert those to his/her religion feel like they are doing the right thing.  They feel like they are saving a life and helping.  What pleasure or benefit does one get out of proving there's no God?  What makes you feel better knowing you just convinced one more person to stop believing?  Your church doesn't gain a member.  What's the joy in it?  Oh the joy is showing people how much smarter and advanced you are right?  Is that the joy?  The joy of feeling superior because you don't believe? Why can't you have that joy without attacking religion? 

Actually this is about being a know-it-all who believes they are "better" than others which actually has nothing to do with religion.

I really don't like it when people throw religion in someone's face or use the famous line "You did this so your going to hell" If most "Christians" read the bible they wouldn't judge because God is the only who will be doing the judging. Another thing is pick your battles wisely when it comes to religion let a man want to believe in what he wants to and comforts him at night, this is America you can worship what you want. I feel as if though arguing over a forum or in real life all the time really gets you no where let your god pick your battles and for some atheist be cool you don't have to argue all the time. Just do you don't worry about everybody else.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

I said that its ONE religious thread.

Out of all of the other various threads and discussions.

Its not like this is spilling out onto other topics. 

Here is your homework. Show me ONE thread I started about religion. I dare you.

How many basketball threads have you started egging for views? ...My point exactly.

So you're telling me where and when I can't post?

There are other posters that also share similar opinions. Do you have any responses for them?

I actually used the same thread for over 3 years to compact my on the other hand have ruined more threads than the designers at Malishus.
Good one. 

Anyways, God Bless you and have a nice day Mr. Putty.
Zeus be with you as well, my son.

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by MonStar1


This topic doesn't spill into other topics? 
 you gotta be joking right

You might not be the OP of religion threads but you are always the LP.  Its like you have a iPhone update for key words like "jesus" or "faith" or "religion"  then you sprint into the thread.

The amount of post and threads you have discussing religion clearly outweighs my threads on basketball.  Its not even close.  Not EVEN CLOSE.  

I actually used the same thread for over 3 years to compact my on the other hand have ruined more threads than the designers at Malishus.

Anyways, God Bless you and have a nice day Mr. Putty.
Posts on a discussion board. Gets mad at discussions.
Clearly people are interested in the topic and there is something worth debating since this keeps coming up in discussion. It's also clear people are getting mad/offended because the discussion is hitting a little too close to home for some.
I agree.  My point is do you really think you're going to convince somebody that their faith isn't real?  

Uh, yes actually. 

Especially over a messageboard dedicated to sneakers?  Like really think about that for a second.

Are you not mature enough to handle discussions beyond sneakers?

This is the worst argument used on NT for anything. 

This is a lets talk about! Hooray!

It's cool people want to discuss religion. 
So why are you complaining?
But when you have people who's mission is to prove there is no God it gets old. 

I can't prove there is no god.
In the same way you can't prove there is no lochness monster.

I just say based on evidence provided by religious claims, that no god is possible based on those arguments. If they want to present novel ways of looking at things, i'm interested in those possibilities.

It would get old if we had members that were trying to convert people to Islam or Christianity every single chance they got. 

 So why are you reading this thread again?
You can always wink twice and nudge your elbow if someone is forcing you to do this.

The safe word is "Avocado" .... 

You ever heard the saying "don't discuss religion and politics"? 

They say that because people for the most part don't change.

 Or people don't like controversy or like being wrong about something.
They believe what they believe and you can't post memes or videos to change that. 

I can't? Why not? If you say something that doesn't make sense why can't I call you out on it?
There was a time where white people thought you were a lesser person but without those videos and speeches i'm sure their minds were changed.

You can't. 

Yes. I can.
So yes it does hit close to home for some people. 

 Not my problem. Nor is it anyone elses. If you cry that your mom washes your special blankie then thats on you. Only you have that emotional attachment to it. No one else does. 
Think about how how little sleep you lose over Bahai followers.


The thing is we have non-believers who seem to be more butt hurt about people having faith than believers being butt hurt.

 I'm butt hurt? About what exactly? This seems like a wild accusation. 
 That's the interesting thing.  There's discussion and then there's attacks on people's lifestyle. 

I'm not attacking your lifestyle. You're free to live how you want. But don't think you're free from criticism. You're not.
If you can't separate your belief in Superman to who you are as a person, thats a developmental issue and an emotional concern you need to resolve on your own time. 

I'm not attacking anyone's lifestyle. Its their responsibility to be offended or not.

One is cool and the other isn't.

So if its cool to YOU then its cool? So lets all realign our standards to your way of life...

Also think about this. 


A person who tries to convert those to his/her religion feel like they are doing the right thing. 

Except I'm not trying to tell people what to believe. I'm stating a case for why I don't believe what they believe and the inconsistencies in their doctrine.
I never tell people what I believe. I refrain from doing so. I have my own little quirks and I dont want to force them on other people. I simply challenge things that are patently religion. But I'm not trying to lead you in any direction. There is a difference.

They feel like they are saving a life and helping. 

Like catholic hospitals preventing access to birth control?
 What pleasure or benefit does one get out of proving there's no God? 

 Personal responsibility for one's actions. 
Unrealistic ability to view the world.

The ability to take action instead of praying for change. 

In a warzone, you'll learn to think instead of praying for bullets to stop. 

Tons of stuff.

Prevents you from believing in BS. Raises your standard for acceptable proof behind an argument etc. 

What makes you feel better knowing you just convinced one more person to stop believing?

 Its a waste of resources in western society and is a source of misinformation.
Your church doesn't gain a member.  

I don't have a Atheism isn't a group. Its just the lack of belief in a god.
Do all the people who don't watch football on sundays hang out?

What's the joy in it? 

Whats the joy in not believing in Santa?
 Oh the joy is showing people how much smarter and advanced you are right?

And encouraging them to do the same...sure...I guess...

Is that the joy?  The joy of feeling superior because you don't believe?

 I thought you said non-believers were butt-hurt...

Why can't you have that joy without attacking religion? 

Who said I had no joy in my life? 
You're good for making up baseless arguments. 

Actually this is about being a know-it-all who believes they are "better" than others which actually has nothing to do with religion.

If you disagree with anything i've said or if I said anything that was inaccurate or false, let me know...
...otherwise everything from you is an emotional cry for attention.

Originally Posted by JHes91

I really don't like it when people throw religion in someone's face or use the famous line "You did this so your going to hell" If most "Christians" read the bible they wouldn't judge because God is the only who will be doing the judging. Another thing is pick your battles wisely when it comes to religion let a man want to believe in what he wants to and comforts him at night, this is America you can worship what you want. I feel as if though arguing over a forum or in real life all the time really gets you no where let your god pick your battles and for some atheist be cool you don't have to argue all the time. Just do you don't worry about everybody else.
So religious people get to espouse their views and I can't? OK...makes sense. 

"More than two hundred death penalties are gone from the law books, but the [Biblical] texts that authorized them remain. Is it not well worthy of note that of all the multitude of texts through which man has driven his annihilating pen he has never once made the mistake of obliterating a good and useful one? It does certainly seem to suggest that if man continues in the direction of enlightenment his religious practice may, in the end, attain some semblance of human decency." - Mark Twain

Even people who may not really believe stay in churches because they get lonely and want the feeling that groups bring. We're social creatures. Thats cool. But don't be social over some nonsensical and illogical argument that can be debunked with the smallest of thoughts.

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by MonStar1


This topic doesn't spill into other topics?
 you gotta be joking right

You might not be the OP of religion threads but you are always the LP.  Its like you have a iPhone update for key words like "jesus" or "faith" or "religion"  then you sprint into the thread.

The amount of post and threads you have discussing religion clearly outweighs my threads on basketball.  Its not even close.  Not EVEN CLOSE. 

I actually used the same thread for over 3 years to compact my on the other hand have ruined more threads than the designers at Malishus.

Anyways, God Bless you and have a nice day Mr. Putty.
Posts on a discussion board. Gets mad at discussions.
Clearly people are interested in the topic and there is something worth debating since this keeps coming up in discussion. It's also clear people are getting mad/offended because the discussion is hitting a little too close to home for some.
I agree.  My point is do you really think you're going to convince somebody that their faith isn't real?  Especially over a messageboard dedicated to sneakers?  Like really think about that for a second.

It's cool people want to discuss religion.  But when you have people who's mission is to prove there is no God it gets old.  It would get old if we had members that were trying to convert people to Islam or Christianity every single chance they got. 

You ever heard the saying "don't discuss religion and politics"?  They say that because people for the most part don't change.  They believe what they believe and you can't post memes or videos to change that.  You can't. So yes it does hit close to home for some people.  The thing is we have non-believers who seem to be more butt hurt about people having faith than believers being butt hurt.  That's the interesting thing.  There's discussion and then there's attacks on people's lifestyle.  One is cool and the other isn't.

Also think about this.  A person who tries to convert those to his/her religion feel like they are doing the right thing.  They feel like they are saving a life and helping.  What pleasure or benefit does one get out of proving there's no God?  What makes you feel better knowing you just convinced one more person to stop believing?  Your church doesn't gain a member.  What's the joy in it?  Oh the joy is showing people how much smarter and advanced you are right?  Is that the joy?  The joy of feeling superior because you don't believe? Why can't you have that joy without attacking religion? 

Actually this is about being a know-it-all who believes they are "better" than others which actually has nothing to do with religion.

Solid post. 
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by MonStar1


This topic doesn't spill into other topics?
 you gotta be joking right

You might not be the OP of religion threads but you are always the LP.  Its like you have a iPhone update for key words like "jesus" or "faith" or "religion"  then you sprint into the thread.

The amount of post and threads you have discussing religion clearly outweighs my threads on basketball.  Its not even close.  Not EVEN CLOSE. 

I actually used the same thread for over 3 years to compact my on the other hand have ruined more threads than the designers at Malishus.

Anyways, God Bless you and have a nice day Mr. Putty.
Posts on a discussion board. Gets mad at discussions.
Clearly people are interested in the topic and there is something worth debating since this keeps coming up in discussion. It's also clear people are getting mad/offended because the discussion is hitting a little too close to home for some.
I agree.  My point is do you really think you're going to convince somebody that their faith isn't real?  Especially over a messageboard dedicated to sneakers?  Like really think about that for a second.

It's cool people want to discuss religion.  But when you have people who's mission is to prove there is no God it gets old.  It would get old if we had members that were trying to convert people to Islam or Christianity every single chance they got. 

You ever heard the saying "don't discuss religion and politics"?  They say that because people for the most part don't change.  They believe what they believe and you can't post memes or videos to change that.  You can't. So yes it does hit close to home for some people.  The thing is we have non-believers who seem to be more butt hurt about people having faith than believers being butt hurt.  That's the interesting thing.  There's discussion and then there's attacks on people's lifestyle.  One is cool and the other isn't.

Also think about this.  A person who tries to convert those to his/her religion feel like they are doing the right thing.  They feel like they are saving a life and helping.  What pleasure or benefit does one get out of proving there's no God?  What makes you feel better knowing you just convinced one more person to stop believing?  Your church doesn't gain a member.  What's the joy in it?  Oh the joy is showing people how much smarter and advanced you are right?  Is that the joy?  The joy of feeling superior because you don't believe? Why can't you have that joy without attacking religion? 

Actually this is about being a know-it-all who believes they are "better" than others which actually has nothing to do with religion.

You're getting hung up on this idea that non-believers are trying to be better or smarter or something. That's not the case. I get no personal satisfaction from questioning a person on why they believe in a deity. It's never a "Haha, look at this dumb believer." It's usually more of a "How does an otherwise reasonable person honestly believe that the world was once flooded by god and that an old man built a big ship that housed two of every animal on the planet?" I do feel a sense of relief when I find people that actually ARE open-minded enough to question their own beliefs. You can't say that people don't change or question their beliefs because of these discussions because we have seen it happen already. People HAVE changed due to these discussions. In threads prior, people have come out and said that they no longer feel as sure of their beliefs as they once did or that they never were that sure to begin with and were able to take the next step of not believing at all.

I have a problem feeling sympathetic for believers who feel like they're being attacked because 1) you guys are the clear majority in this country, 2) if your beliefs and convictions were so strong, wouldn't you be able to logically and reasonably counter these attacks? 3) not being able to logically and reasonably counter said attacks shrinks the sphere of power ascribed to this god (and a part of me feels a lot of the believers here KNOW that.) It also helps that I feel that religion is detrimental to society. So there's that too.
There's a clear difference between trying to dispel a myth and trying to convert someone towards a belief. 
A discussion about sneakers... "No-one cares about sneakers anymore, take that nonsense to ISS!"

A discussion gets a little too deep for comfort... "No-one cares about this topic, this is a message board for sneakers!"
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Posts on a discussion board. Gets mad at discussions.
Clearly people are interested in the topic and there is something worth debating since this keeps coming up in discussion. It's also clear people are getting mad/offended because the discussion is hitting a little too close to home for some.
I agree.  My point is do you really think you're going to convince somebody that their faith isn't real?  Especially over a messageboard dedicated to sneakers?  Like really think about that for a second.

It's cool people want to discuss religion.  But when you have people who's mission is to prove there is no God it gets old.  It would get old if we had members that were trying to convert people to Islam or Christianity every single chance they got. 

You ever heard the saying "don't discuss religion and politics"?  They say that because people for the most part don't change.  They believe what they believe and you can't post memes or videos to change that.  You can't. So yes it does hit close to home for some people.  The thing is we have non-believers who seem to be more butt hurt about people having faith than believers being butt hurt.  That's the interesting thing.  There's discussion and then there's attacks on people's lifestyle.  One is cool and the other isn't.

Also think about this.  A person who tries to convert those to his/her religion feel like they are doing the right thing.  They feel like they are saving a life and helping.  What pleasure or benefit does one get out of proving there's no God?  What makes you feel better knowing you just convinced one more person to stop believing?  Your church doesn't gain a member.  What's the joy in it?  Oh the joy is showing people how much smarter and advanced you are right?  Is that the joy?  The joy of feeling superior because you don't believe? Why can't you have that joy without attacking religion? 

Actually this is about being a know-it-all who believes they are "better" than others which actually has nothing to do with religion.

You're getting hung up on this idea that non-believers are trying to be better or smarter or something. That's not the case. I get no personal satisfaction from questioning a person on why they believe in a deity. It's never a "Haha, look at this dumb believer." It's usually more of a "How does an otherwise reasonable person honestly believe that the world was once flooded by god and that an old man built a big ship that housed two of every animal on the planet?" I do feel a sense of relief when I find people that actually ARE open-minded enough to question their own beliefs. You can't say that people don't change or question their beliefs because of these discussions because we have seen it happen already. People HAVE changed due to these discussions. In threads prior, people have come out and said that they no longer feel as sure of their beliefs as they once did or that they never were that sure to begin with and were able to take the next step of not believing at all.

I have a problem feeling sympathetic for believers who feel like they're being attacked because 1) you guys are the clear majority in this country, 2) if your beliefs and convictions were so strong, wouldn't you be able to logically and reasonably counter these attacks? 3) not being able to logically and reasonably counter said attacks shrinks the sphere of power ascribed to this god (and a part of me feels a lot of the believers here KNOW that.) It also helps that I feel that religion is detrimental to society. So there's that too.
There's a clear difference between trying to dispel a myth and trying to convert someone towards a belief. 

Some people do go about it as a discussion.  Others don't.  I commend you if thats how you carry it.  But some people are on a high horse.

The thing is people's beliefs go beyond logic.  Humans do things for reasons you can't explain and they will believe it.  So yes a man can be responsible, intelligent, and all that but believe in something he can see.  Thats inside of him and you can't change that.  I'm not sure why you would even care if he wasn't harming you. 

If you believe religion is detrimental to society thats different than just not caring for religion.  If you think its detrimental then thats the reason you choose to convert those to becoming non-believers. At least you own up to it tho.  

And I'm not sure how you don't understand the sneakerboard comment.  People take religion very serious.  There's no way a person they never met can convert them to changing their views.  Especially over NIKETALK.  I could see if this was ChristTalk or something.  For the most part people aren't going to take what they read here that seriously.  I'm pretty sure we can agree on that.  Would you take somebody's opinion or info about some House of Hoops releases on forums as the gospel?  Ehhh probably not.
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