For Those Of You That Met Your BF/GF Online, Do You Lie About Where You Met Them?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by oidreez

if u meet the person in person in a public place, just say that's where you met
So in other words you would be embarrassed to tell someone you met your woman online?
i don't think it's necessary to let people know i met her online. at the least i might say i saw her on facebook or something
My cousin met his wife online in an AIM chatroom 9 years ago. I don't see a problem with it
Yo, I'll throw it out there..... since this is the Intrawebz and anonymous and all.... I met my girl back in the myspace days and she posted a bulletin about wanting to see Pineapple Express, and i hit her up saying that i wanted to see it too, and the rest is history
Lemme get this straight..If you meet a chick off, let's say, Myspace, and you end up dating for a few months then you're a socially ******ed spazz...But if you go on Myspace and bag a chick to smash a few times then cut her off, you're a pimp? Why wouldn't hittin' up chicks online to pipe also be considered not having any game? You can bag girls at the mall, at the club, at the bar, etc.. that can just be used for the purposes of sex..So if a dude is smashin' chicks off myspace rather than from his local pickup spots, then that guy should also be frowned upon.

Sheee, there was a 50 page thread about "Lemme holla Vol. Myspace Chicks" and everybody was hyping up every guy that was successful in getting a number off myspace...I personally never met a girl off the internet, whether it was for dating or sex reasons, but I knew a few people that have and they're 100% socially normal and probably have more friends than 75% of the people posting in this thread saying they must be weird

Niketalk- Where Judging Happens
The way social-media is in 2010, I don't think there should be any shame in someone meeting a significant other online. If this was 5 years ago, sure...lie. Tell em' you met your GF in the library instead of saying you asked A/S/L in a AOL chat.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Lemme get this straight..If you meet a chick off, let's say, Myspace, and you end up dating for a few months then you're a socially ******ed spazz...But if you go on Myspace and bag a chick to smash a few times then cut her off, you're a pimp? Why wouldn't hittin' up chicks online to pipe also be considered not having any game? You can bag girls at the mall, at the club, at the bar, etc.. that can just be used for the purposes of sex..So if a dude is smashin' chicks off myspace rather than from his local pickup spots, then that guy should also be frowned upon.

Sheee, there was a 50 page thread about "Lemme holla Vol. Myspace Chicks" and everybody was hyping up every guy that was successful in getting a number off myspace...I personally never met a girl off the internet, whether it was for dating or sex reasons, but I knew a few people that have and they're 100% socially normal and probably have more friends than 75% of the people posting in this thread saying they must be weird

Niketalk- Where Judging Happens

I think it's more embarrassing to be so insecure that you have to lie about where you met someone because you're so afraid of what other people will think. Is it that big of a deal? People meet online all the time and form serious bonds. If you can do business with a person who's thousands of miles away why not this?
Originally Posted by Diego

I believe as time goes by and for future generations it wont be as shameful.
We havent reached that point yet, so expect to get clowned on.
Even though shes probably the coolest girl EVAR.

right. when you think about it, it's not any more lame than becoming good friends with someone you met on a sneaker forum...
i think it's more accepted nowadays since virtually everyone uses the comp and interacts with so many people online. Years ago it was seen as a being desperate.
i aint gonna front... I got an ex girl that I met off myspace...*she hit me up first thou

needless to say after 6 months... that $%^& aint end well and that broad was crazy  
id lie. even though it may seem to be accepted since everyone is on the net. its still kinda eerie. imagine that convo at turkey day...

"so how'd you two meet?"
Perhaps, and correct if I'm wrong DC, he's talking people finding their BF/GF specifically from those dating websites that are geared towards match making.  In this day and age everyone is on the internet, be it sneaker message boards like NT, Facebook, etc . etc.  I'm sure lots of us have someone met or found someone new as a friend or associate courtesy of the internet.  However, if someone is going on the internet SOLEY for the purposes of finding their true love or a partner for life then maybe that's where the phrase " a social recluse" comes into play.

I aint even gonna front...I met broads from my blog and from Twitter. All them +*#* was nuts

-one read every blog post I'd done...which was about 244 at the time. She told me she had 10 bodies and an abortion..which didn't bother me as much as the fact that she'd caught Chlymidia (sp) before
-one was straight up drunk when I met her and other other times when we'd kicked it....then wonders why I wouldnt wife her
-another one was a white chick I'd gotten with but had issues...she'd been raped by her pops...allegedly anyway.

i'll pass on meeting more broads from online. for the most part it's a tossup that leans to a bad side. there's another aspect to online where ppl aint themselves.
I just love how some of you are acting as if it is REALLY accepted. Yea folks DO it, but I don't think it is really acceptable to TELL people that you met your mate off of the internet. But you can tell yourselves it is ok if you want.
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