FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

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    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

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  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

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I see where tyree do great tyree do great is coming from based on the initial marketing for First Class and Matthew Vaughn not wanting to be pigeon holded to what Singer put in place for the xmen in his films but the films biggest moments are rooted in the idea that these were a younger version of the xmen that had already been portrayed on screen, from Hugh Jackman's cameo as Wolverine trying to be recruited to J. Law turning into Rebecca Romijn. Once DoFP comes into play and literally spoon feeds you the fact that these are the younger version of the xmen Singer placed on screen, the reboot angle has no leg to stand on.
Even lame won't try to **** with that common sense.
Lame being rational? WTF is going on?
Ya'll are corny

Stand By What I Say Either Drinking Or Sober, Aint Nothing. The Movie Is A Reboot, It Revived The Series So By Definition Its A Reboot
Yeah you're an alcoholic :lol:

The X-Men series didn't need reviving. They just needed a movie that was well received. So they made a prequel that will had connections to the original trilogy. They just continued to add on that with the next movie.

Wanting to distance yourself from the trash that is X3 doesn't make the next movie a reboot.

:lol: @ by definition. Director calls it a prequel but you deny it.

Guess every prequel is a reboot.
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They really had the chance to start fresh.. Just start over and open up new possibilities. And then they had to put in a Hugh cameo in FC and then they added even more characters from the original trilogy in Dofp. Lol.
Yeah you're an alcoholic
The X-Men series didn't need reviving. They just needed a movie that was well received. So they made a prequel that will had connections to the original trilogy. They just continued to add on that with the next movie.
So You're telling Me After X3 & Wolverine Origins The X-Men Didn't Need A "Fresh Start" Or "Reviving" ? Because Clearly Fox Thought They Needed To, Hence The Reboot With "X-Men First Class" 
View media item 2421158

So You're telling Me After X3 & Wolverine Origins The X-Men Didn't Need A "Fresh Start" Or "Reviving" ? Because Clearly Fox Thought They Needed To, Hence The Reboot With "X-Men First Class" :wink:
No. They clearly didn't think so. Which is why they made a prequel instead of a reboot.

If they really felt that way they would've done a reboot set in the present and recast everyone, including Wolverine. There would be no connections to x1-x3 AT ALL.

Do you understand now?
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Na don't waste your time Zik. The man really thinks a movie can be a prequel and a reboot at the same time. [emoji]128514[/emoji]
So You Believe That "X-Men First Class" Didn't Revive The X-Men Movie Franchise? The Original Trilogy Ended In 2006 & After 5 Years First Class Comes Out & Starts A New Trilogy [emoji]129300[/emoji] But Some How That Didn't Revive The X-Men Movie Franchise Tho Huh
Revive and reboot really isn't the same thing. One is just breathing new life into something that already exists and the other one is obliterating it and starting from scratch [emoji]128514[/emoji]
So You Believe That "X-Men First Class" Didn't Revive The X-Men Movie Franchise?
My opinions and views of First Class and every FoX-Men movie since is well known and well documented.

In short, no. Not at all.

The Original Trilogy Ended In 2006 & After 5 Years First Class Comes Out & Starts A New Trilogy [emoji]129300[/emoji] But Some How That Didn't Revive The X-Men Movie Franchise Tho Huh
Its pretty pathetic how your entire stance for FC being a reboot - when it's clearly not even when the director says it's a prequel and connected to the first trilogy - relies solely on the word "revive" :lol: :smh:

Revive and reboot really isn't the same thing. One is just breathing new life into something that already exists and the other one is obliterating it and starting from scratch [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Son probably failed all his vocabulary tests back in school.

The word revive and a gap in time between movies means it's a reboot. I guess the Star Wars prequels were reboots not prequels :lol:
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The context in which you used the word revive isn't really the same as the context of revive provided in the definition.

By your definition, The Force Awakens is a reboot [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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The context in which you used the word revive isn't really the same as the context of revive provided in the definition.

By your definition, The Force Awakens is a reboot [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Its Not "My" Definition Cuzz
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You can post the definition of "reboot" all you want. The problem here is you are misunderstanding the words "revive" and "restart". Basically your misunderstanding of a reboot comes from your misunderstanding of the words that make up the definition. 

Zik and Amel do raise and interesting question though. Are the Star Wars prequels/ TFA  reboots? 
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