FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

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  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

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  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
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Nah, I Think They Misunderstand The Definition Of "Reboot" [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] That Definition Applies To First Class & The Force Awakens. They Both Rebooted Their Respective Movie Franchises. They See "Reboot" As It May Apply To The Cannon, But By Definition It Doesn't Have Anything To Do With That.
Nah, I Think They Misunderstand The Definition Of "Reboot" [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] That Definition Applies To First Class & The Force Awakens. They Both Rebooted Their Respective Movie Franchises. They See "Reboot" As It May Apply To The Cannon, But By Definition It Doesn't Have Anything To Do With That.
Damn you really don't know what a reboot is.

Now TFA is a reboot. Yet you are the only one claiming that it is one.

You're not comprehending and grasping properly.
The X-Men Movie Franchise Was Dead Before First Class Came Along, & Now It Is Not. Revived. Using The Definition Of The Word "Reboot" Please Explain How First Class Is Not A Reboot [emoji]129300[/emoji]
 [h1]Matthew Vaughn confirms X-Men: First Class is a prequel, isn’t worried about over-crowding[/h1]
In an earlier interview  the director revealed he had to change the script as there were similarities with Inception, and in this latest interview he confirms X-Men: First Class  is a prequel to the trilogy, and speaks about juggling all the characters in one film.

From Splash Page:

“I have to give a lot of credit to Bryan Singer, because he came up with a very clever, very interesting way of integrating the characters into recent history — not necessarily too recent, though,” Vaughn told MTV News. “I don’t want to spoil it for you, but when I read the script that was around in May, I thought, ‘This is a really clever idea.'”

“It just kind of worked,” he continued. “How [Singer] integrated the characters into the world and the political climate of the time, it was very clever.”


“Yeah, I would say absolutely so,” Vaughn responded when asked if “First Class” would be an official, in-continuity prequel to the “X-Men” movies that came before it.

“You’ve got Magneto and [Charles] Xavier when they first meet,” he explained. “The backdrop of what’s going on in the world when they first meet, it’s very interesting. You see them and their relationship develop and play out with this major political event in the background.”
If its a reboot why do OG charles, erik and Logan show up in Dofp? Why do we see iceman, rogue and storm from the OG cast?

Reboot means whole new cast of major characters not just younger versions of them.

TFA is a sequel coz
How in the hell is TFA a reboot? 
The X-Men Movie Franchise Was Dead Before First Class Came Along, & Now It Is Not. Revived. Using The Definition Of The Word "Reboot" Please Explain How First Class Is Not A Reboot [emoji]129300[/emoji]
:lol: Now you're just lying. Like outright lying when the facts say otherwise.

X3: The Last Stand sucked but it was NOT a box office bomb. It more than doubled its budget. It actually broke a few records during the year it came out. There were 3 year gaps between all the X movies at the time and after X3 they just subbed in another X-Men sequel with Wolverine Origins instead.

There was an actual gap with F4:RotSS and Fan4stic which was an actual reboot.

The X-franchise was far from dead after X3 came out. It just sucked story wise so they were open to Vaughn's prequel idea for a movie. After it came out ppl were still excited about the possibilities of a Wolverine movie and Magneto movie.

Feel free to keep being wrong though.

First Class Is The Reboot, & The Definition Of "Reboot" Doesn't Say Anything About Cast Or Cannon. View media item 2421528
Before you were saying cuz the entire cast was different it was a reboot.

Stop contradicting yourself.

Now the only thing you can hold on to is that definition and you're failing to grasp the context in which the word revive is being used :smh:
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Dead, As In The OG Trilogy.

First Class Was The Reboot That Eventually Led To A Trilogy & Now All Of Whats To Come.

& I Never Said That Was Why It Was A Reboot, I Listed The Cast With Other Points To Argue It As A Reboot, I Looked Up The Definition & None Of That Matters. But You've All Read That Over & Over Again But Want To Ignore The Definition & Continue With What You Think Reboot Means.
TFA is a sequel. Lol
Me, you, and everyone on earth knows that, my questions was directed at Tyree 
. My bad.
Nah, I Think They Misunderstand The Definition Of "Reboot" [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] That Definition Applies To First Class & The Force Awakens. They Both Rebooted Their Respective Movie Franchises. They See "Reboot" As It May Apply To The Cannon, But By Definition It Doesn't Have Anything To Do With That.
But it doesn't apply to the Star Wars prequel trilogy to you?..... explain

Star Wars Episode 1 came out 16 years after Return of the Jedi, so you're telling all of us this was a reboot?
Dead, As In The OG Trilogy.
Now you're not even using the word dead right.

You said the X-Men movie franchise. No. The X-Men movie franchise was not dead after X3. Wolverine Origins came out 3 years later.

& I Never Said That Was Why It Was A Reboot, I Listed The Cast With Other Points To Argue It As A Reboot
Stop contradicting yourself. You were just claiming cuz it was a new cast that was another reason it's a reboot. Then you went to relying on a definition you don't understand.

But You've All Read That Over & Over Again But Want To Ignore The Definition & Continue With What You Think Reboot Means.
Its pretty clear you don't know what the word reboot means as it pertains to movies and can't grasp what context is:

In serial fiction, to reboot means to discard all continuity in an established series in order to recreate its characters, timeline and backstory from the beginning. The term is used with respect to various different forms of fictional media such as comic books, television series, video games and films among others.
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Read The Definition & Tell Me If You Think The Prequels Are A Reboot Or Not. I Read The Definition & I See The Star Wars Prequels As Reboots. Rebooting Doesn't Just Mean To Blow Up Everything Story & Cannon Wise. That Would Be The "Restart" In The Definition
Word to the wise, when multiple ppl are telling you that you are wrong about something that is common knowledge you should take some stock in it and really find out if you are wrong.

Instead of sticking to something you're not that sure about.

We didn't all just wake up one day and have the same understanding of what rebooting a movie franchise means.
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Well It Doesn't Matter How Many People Tell Me I Am Wrong If They Are Not Proving Their Case.

I Saw First Class As A Reboot, Cats Said It Wasn't, I Looked Up The Definition & Felt As Thought It Made My Case. Everyone Pretended They Didn't Read It & Just Carried On Their Argument
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