FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
I don't get this post 2011 talk as if that matters.
X-men First Class Came Out In 2011, Rebooted The Franchise
Days of Future Past says it didn't reboot anything. Just created a new timeline.

FC was an attempted reboot that Fox ditched once Vaughn left and brought back trash Singer.

Keep up.

Ever Since Then, The Movies Have Been Much Better.

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It Was A Reboot, Singer Just Came Along & Had The Idea To Link It Back To The Original 3 Movies. Doesn't Change That First Class As It Is, Was A Reboot
It Was A Reboot, Singer Just Came Along & Had The Idea To Link It Back To The Original 3 Movies. Doesn't Change That First Class As It Is, Was A Reboot

No it wasn't.. although Vaughn directed, singer was heavily involved.. hence the movie not stepping on the toes of his x movies for the most part

And then the sequel directly connecting to those aforementioned films (DOFP)

It should have been a reboot.. it wasn't

I watched a small bit of x2. Caught it in the middle. Man, doesn't look like the movie aged well

Lol at them being inside a jet with a missile after them. They have both Storm and Jean in that jet and between the two of them they couldn't do anything bout the missile [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Even at the time I thought those movies were meh.. in my opinion those films got by because of how eager we all were to see that part of our childhood on the big screen.. like transformers 1

But I feel like transformers 1 delivered more on that hunger somehow.. just simple things like hearing Optimus say "autobots, roll out!" or seeing Optimus transform for the first time with the sound effects

Luckily it didn't take that long to get other/better options
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It Was A Reboot, Singer Just Came Along & Had The Idea To Link It Back To The Original 3 Movies. Doesn't Change That First Class As It Is, Was A Reboot
No. It wasn't.

Nothing about it other than Mystique being the Xavier's family slave girl is a reboot (and by DofP, Singer already laid down the groundwork for potential Mystique heel turn to explain why she's in the Brotherhood in X1).

Its literally a movie set in the past just so just in case it wouldn't contradict x1-x3.

Go back to when First Class was announced. They were not marketing it as a reboot.

Singer was well aware of everything Vaughn was doing in FC.

So unless you have different definition of reboot you're wrong.
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New Cast, Original Story, & New Director....Oh & The Definition Of The Damn Word "Reboot" ..... But Some How First Class Isn't A Reboot Because They Didn't Tell You Personally That It Was A Damn Reboot? Y'all Cats Out Here Tripping [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] Drunk Off That Hate Forreal
I mean if anything is a reboot it's Apocalypse....

With Jackman gone there is literally nothing to connect this to the original trilogy

New X-Men team in new costumes, new Professor, new less evil Magneto, no Wolverine, Mystique hopefully gone.
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In What Way Does First Class Connect To The Original Movies? In X-1 Charles Says That Him & Magneto Met When He Was 17, But In First Class They Were Both Clearly Not Teenagers, Charles Never Once Mentioned Ever Meeting Or Coming Across Wolverine Before, Charles & Mags Met With Jean In 86', Charles Was Bald, & Charles Could Walk...... Please Display Some More Mental Gymnastics For My Amusement Please
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We Are Not Discussing If They make Sense To You Tho, We Are Discussing The Fact That The Fox X-Men Series Was Rebooted In 2011 With The Movie X-Men First Class
Lol first class was a soft reboot. Through apocalypse and logan they kept a bunch of the same actors. If that's what counts as a reboot to you.. [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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X Men First Class was just a movie that exists in the past to give Vaugh freedom to make an original X men Movie. It is not a reboot. It's a prequel, as it clearly tells the origin of how the X-Men got together, and how the relationships between everyone involved has evolved. It should clearly be a seen as a prequel. What further messes up its chances of even being considered a reboot is DOFP connecting everything.
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Playing younger versions of the same characters in the original trilogy.
Original Story
Is it?

And what does that have to do with it being a reboot?

New Director...
Again, irrlevant.

Ratner directed X3. A new director doesn't make it a reboot. Of so Marvel rebooted Capwith WS and they've rebooted Thor 3 times :lol:
Oh & The Definition Of The Damn Word "Reboot"[/quote]
What's funny is the example sentence in you claiming its the definition of reboot.

They sure didn't make the most of it :lol:

But Some How First Class Isn't A Reboot Because They Didn't Tell You Personally That It Was A Damn Reboot?
But they didn't even publicly tell the audience that either.

First Class not being a reboot by FOX's own ommission isn't about hate. Just the facts.


In What Way Does First Class Connect To The Original Movies? In X-1 Charles Says That Him & Magneto Met When He Was 17, But In First Class They Were Both Clearly Not Teenagers, Charles Never Once Mentioned Ever Meeting Or Coming Across Wolverine Before, Charles & Mags Met With Jean In 86', Charles Was Bald, & Charles Could Walk...... Please Display Some More Mental Gymnastics For My Amusement Please
Charles clearly has memory problems. Word to Logan. That foreshadowing

Just because he didn't mention he met Logan in the past doesn't mean he didn't.

But peep this though, Charles met Logan in DofP because Charles sent Logan's mind in to the past to make him and Magneto stop Mystique from killing Trask. By his own doing he effectively had Logan change the past.

You got a lot to learn about time travel and new timelines.

Unless you're referring to Logan tell if them to **** off. What a memorable moment.

I don't see the problem with Charles being able to walk and meeting Jean. Two things; 1) we already know about the drug McCoy cooked up to allow Charles to walk and lose his power in the 70s. The same McCoy that made a drug that allows him to freely change from blue beast to human. It's not farfetched at all he cooks up some drug that allows him to walk AND he gets to keep his power.

2) Logan effectively changed the past in DofP. So nothing depicted in x1-x3 is the same. Did you not pay attention to the end of DofP or Apocalypse?

Listen if you think Fox attempted a reboot with FC they clearly botched it by bringing Singer back in for sequels.

A reboot is literally starting fresh. Not a prequel dated in the past. It has no connections to the previous iteration.

Spider-Man 1-3 and Amazing Spider-Man 1-2 is the best example of a reboot. ASM didn't reveal that Peter made a deal with the devil and made everyone forget his battles with Doc Ock, Sandman, Venom, GG, and then warp the world so he doesn't even meet MJ and hook up with Gwen instead. It was a fresh start.

Stop being sense about this.

What FoX-Men did is akin to DC comics when they called the New52 a reboot (their 3rd or 4th one) which was launched in 2011 and then 5 years later launching reboot telling everybody, no it wasn't a reboot at all. Here's some Alan Moore work we're gonna butcher and blame for this universe where the heroes don't remember their real past and by some characters don exist.

That's exactly what Fox did. First Class is basically they're New 52 with DofP and Apocalypse bein their Rebirth :x

X Men First Class was just a movie that exists in the past to give Vaugh freedom to make an original X men Movie. It is not a reboot. It's a prequel, as it clearly tells the origin of how the X-Men got together, and how the relationships between everyone involved has evolved. It should clearly be a seen as a prequel. What further messes up its chances of even being considered a reboot is DOFP connecting everything.
But he don't here you though.
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Lol first class was a soft reboot
X Men First Class was just a movie that exists in the past to give Vaugh freedom to make an original X men Movie. It is not a reboot. It's a prequel, as it clearly tells the origin of how the X-Men got together, and how the relationships between everyone involved has evolved. It should clearly be a seen as a prequel. What further messes up its chances of even being considered a reboot is DOFP connecting everything.
Word? Thats What They Said When They Made The Movie? "We Just Gone Make This A Prequel To Them Other Movies...But Keep It A Secret Until Nike Talk Haters Unveil It As A Sequel (We Currently Know 0! About As Evidence)
Playing younger versions of the same characters in the original trilogy.
Is it?

And what does that have to do with it being a reboot?
Again, irrlevant.

Ratner directed X3. A new director doesn't make it a reboot. Of so Marvel rebooted Capwith WS and they've rebooted Thor 3 times

Oh & The Definition Of The Damn Word "Reboot"
What's funny is the example sentence in you claiming its the definition of reboot.

They sure didn't make the most of it

But they didn't even publicly tell the audience that either.

First Class not being a reboot by FOX's own ommission isn't about hate. Just the facts.
Charles clearly has memory problems. Word to Logan. That foreshadowing

Just because he didn't mention he met Logan in the past doesn't mean he didn't.

But peep this though, Charles met Logan in DofP because Charles sent Logan's mind in to the past to make him and Magneto stop Mystique from killing Trask. By his own doing he effectively had Logan change the past.

You got a lot to learn about time travel and new timelines.

I don't see the problem with Charles being able to walk and meeting Jean. Two things; 1) we already know about the drug McCoy cooked up to allow Charles to walk and lose his power in the 70s. The same McCoy that made a drug that allows him to freely change from blue beast to human. It's not farfetched at all he cooks up some drug that allows him to walk AND he gets to keep his power.

2) Logan effectively changed the past in DofP. So nothing depicted in x1-x3 is the same. Did you not pay attention to the end of DofP or Apocalypse?
But he don't here you though.[/quote]
Da Hell Are You Talmbout Cuzz? Do You Not Know What The Definition Of "Reboot" Is??
[h1]Matthew Vaughn confirms X-Men: First Class is a prequel, isn’t worried about over-crowding[/h1]
In an earlier interview  the director revealed he had to change the script as there were similarities with Inception, and in this latest interview he confirms X-Men: First Class  is a prequel to the trilogy, and speaks about juggling all the characters in one film.

From Splash Page:

“I have to give a lot of credit to Bryan Singer, because he came up with a very clever, very interesting way of integrating the characters into recent history — not necessarily too recent, though,” Vaughn told MTV News. “I don’t want to spoil it for you, but when I read the script that was around in May, I thought, ‘This is a really clever idea.'”

“It just kind of worked,” he continued. “How [Singer] integrated the characters into the world and the political climate of the time, it was very clever.”


“Yeah, I would say absolutely so,” Vaughn responded when asked if “First Class” would be an official, in-continuity prequel to the “X-Men” movies that came before it.

“You’ve got Magneto and [Charles] Xavier when they first meet,” he explained. “The backdrop of what’s going on in the world when they first meet, it’s very interesting. You see them and their relationship develop and play out with this major political event in the background.”
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We Are Not Discussing If They make Sense To You Tho, We Are Discussing The Fact That The Fox X-Men Series Was Rebooted In 2011 With The Movie X-Men First Class


Does every thread have their own 'ninja'?

My childhood dies more and more after each of these films.. literally like 'bing bong' :frown:
X Men First Class was just a movie that exists in the past to give Vaugh freedom to make an original X men Movie. It is not a reboot. It's a prequel, as it clearly tells the origin of how the X-Men got together, and how the relationships between everyone involved has evolved. It should clearly be a seen as a prequel. What further messes up its chances of even being considered a reboot is DOFP connecting everything.

Word? Thats What They Said When They Made The Movie? "We Just Gone Make This A Prequel To Them Other Movies...But Keep It A Secret Until Nike Talk Haters Unveil It As A Sequel (We Currently Know 0! About As Evidence)

You making less sense the more you continue your denial.

Da Hell Are You Talmbout Cuzz? Do You Not Know What The Definition Of "Reboot" Is??
At this point it's painfully obvious you don't know what a prequel is let alone the definition of reboot.

Ask me what I'm talking about :lol: Stop playing coy.

Nevermind when the director says the movie is a prequel :rofl:

The mcu thread doesn't have a ninja lol

We got an amel though.
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The Budweisers Were Def Talking The Other Night [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] But Nonetheless First Class Is A Reboot To The X-Men Franchise As Per The Definition I Posted, Feel Free To Explain How It Doesn't Meet The Definitions Requirements [emoji]128064[/emoji][emoji]128064[/emoji]
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