FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
I thought most of Magnetos scenes were good, Fassbender really delivered in all his scenes especially with the death of his family. The team set-up was done well, Cyclops actually took charge and was a leader and if they focused on that team moving forward then I am good with it. Costumes being more comic accurate is a good sign too including a nice homage to the weapon X Wolverine costume, I had this toy (or one that looks like it) as a kid so it was much appreciated.

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Apocalypse was good at best to me but it had it's bright spots and I kind of like where it is heading and how the team is looking like.

I do think when discussing and comparing good movies, it somewhat has to be discussed objectively because many here would have you believe DoFP was a terrible, terrible film when majority thought it was a good and to say Logan was mediocre is ludicrous if I am viewing that subjectively but many also deem it as one of the best CBMs ever made and even surpasses it being merely a CBM.

I liked Mos and BvS but I completely understand the hate for it and I wish DC films was enjoyed and liked more by the general public but it isn't and that is fine and when I compare quality of film, I still judge it objectively and take note of the general public's perception.

It is fine not liking or hating the film but do not knock it as super terrible just because you hated it when the majority thought it was good and even ranked it higher than many of the MCU films, if that make sense?
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Quicksilver and Weapon X are the only bright spots for me in Apocalypse.

Logan was great to me. I think my ?/8 is in this thread. Only negative I had was the bullet. First, you remind me of Wolverine Origins intentionally then change what the outcome of being shot in the head with them do. Nitpick or not, I was like

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They put no effort into apocalypse. It was pure trash.

trash is Power rangers/TMNT

Apocalypse was decent, it wasn't bad thou..ya oversaucing that hate :lol:

:smh: :smh: :smh:

I can't even be made at the final product, because I expected it to be bad going in. I only ended up seeing the film because my friend wanted to watch it for her birthday. I'll never not regret spending money on it though.

@anyone saying Logan is just "decent" :lol: :rofl: **** outta here. I've honestly been enjoying the X-films since First Class. They're not MCU level per se, save Logan, but the recent trilogy from First Class through Apocalypse is better than the original in my opinion.
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Logan was great, definitely top 10 cbm, but the ending was meh to me.

Are the New Mutants expected to have the kids from Logan or is it a new roster? If they aren't used, that's kinda disappointing to me.
reminder, Fox banning posting their material on the forums even if we weren't the source, just link anything you guys want to post

I know it's mostly me that does it but I did just get a warning because of some of the concept arts I posted so just be careful
:rofl: @ Its arguable if Deadpool is a classic but Logan was just decent.

Son is on bath salts.

I thought most of Magnetos scenes were good
A guy like this can ruin Magneto's life:


Think about it :lol:

I liked Mos and BvS but I completely understand the hate for it and I wish DC films was enjoyed and liked more by the general public but it isn't and that is fine and when I compare quality of film, I still judge it objectively and take note of the general public's perception.

It is fine not liking or hating the film but do not knock it as super terrible just because you hated it when the majority thought it was good and even ranked it higher than many of the MCU films, if that make sense?
This doesn't make any sense to me.

The majority thought it was good?

Ranked it higher than many MCU movies?

Who is this majority? :nerd:

Are you talking about just on NT? Or like the real world?
reminder, Fox banning posting their material on the forums even if we weren't the source, just link anything you guys want to post

I know it's mostly me that does it but I did just get a warning because of some of the concept arts I posted so just be careful
Oh yeah :lol:

That's especially why it's **** Fox.
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They had Angel as a bad *** Cage fighter.

Warren Worthington III a cage fighter. Once I seen that one scene I knew it was over. Might as well make a Mulatto wolverine and rename him Jaden instead of Logan.

F'k Fox bro. Deadpool and Logan are good without a doubt. None of these Xmen films get a pass, not in my book.
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DofP was aight to me, to that point it was the best together Fox xmen and it actually showed them using their powers.
Who is this majority? nerd.gif

Are you talking about just on NT? Or like the real world?

Real world as in got to at least consider critics and its RT score.
They had Angel as a bad *** Cage fighter.

Warren Worthington III a cage fighter. Once I seen that one scene I knew it was over. Might as well make a Mulatto wolverine and rename him Jaden instead of Logan.

F'k Fox bro. Deadpool and Logan are good without a doubt. None of these Xmen films get a pass, not in my book.
That's another thing. The X-Men is so big that there are fan bases for every character. I aint even dwell on how Angel fans have been ******* on from X1 to Apocalypse.

His death was so dumb. The dude with wings dies (or is even taken out by) in a crashing plane :stoneface:
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I mean of course they could easily bring him back but that was terrible no matter what happened to him.
I don't get this post 2011 talk as if that matters.
X-men First Class Came Out In 2011, Rebooted The Franchise & Ever Since Then, The Movies Have Been Much Better. Not Just Fox Movies But All CBM (As A Whole) Across The Board Jumped Notches In Quality Post 2011
I watched a small bit of x2. Caught it in the middle. Man, doesn't look like the movie aged well

Lol at them being inside a jet with a missile after them. They have both Storm and Jean in that jet and between the two of them they couldn't do anything bout the missile [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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I watched a small bit of x2. Caught it in the middle. Man, doesn't look like the movie aged well

Lol at them being inside a jet with a missile after them. They have both Storm and Jean in that jet and between the two of them they couldn't do anything bout the missile [emoji]128514[/emoji]
Did They Get Hit, Blow Up, & Die?

What Would Cap Have Done 
I watched a small bit of x2. Caught it in the middle. Man, doesn't look like the movie aged well

Lol at them being inside a jet with a missile after them. They have both Storm and Jean in that jet and between the two of them they couldn't do anything bout the missile [emoji]128514[/emoji]

Did They Get Hit, Blow Up, & Die?

What Would Cap Have Done :nerd:

They got hit by the missile. Rogue ended up falling out the hole and Nightcrawler rescued Rogue.

Anyway, that was terrible. If the Avengers was this incompetent with missiles, NY woulda been nuked [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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Ok, So They Got Hit By A Missile That They Were Unable To Avoid, Because They Couldn't See It & Were Forced To Guess Where It Was 

But Like I Said, What Would Cap Have Done? 
Jean has telekinesis and Storm could've diverted it with her weather powers. In no way they should've been sitting ducks on a jet against that missile [emoji]128514[/emoji]

They Bobed & Weaved On Fighter Jets, Thought The Coast Was Clear Then Realized They Got Locked In On By 2 Missiles. Jean Knocked One Away WITH OUT LOOKING & Lost Track Of The 2nd Until The Very Last Moment 

But Again, What Would Cap Have Done Tho 
Yea there was still Storm. If this was a mcu film, between Storm and Jean, those missiles would've been cake. [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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