FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
New rumor points to Fox stealing MCUs thunder by using the Skrulls first?
Doubt they can do it.

Skrulls are under the F4 agreement not X-Men.

As said before when Kinberg was on some crossover involving the two franchises he was always on some different universes bull ****. Plus Marvel has to sign off any crossover cuz its 2 different movie deals. Same way they had to sign off on the X related tv shows.
Why Does Venom Keep Coming In Here :lol:
Post had me thinking Sony and Fox made a deal I didn't read about :lol: and while it doesn't make sense, seems like it'd be up both studios alleys
Doubt they can do it.

Skrulls are under the F4 agreement not X-Men.

As said before when Kinberg was on some crossover involving the two franchises he was always on some different universes bull ****. Plus Marvel has to sign off any crossover cuz its 2 different movie deals. Same way they had to sign off on the X related tv shows.

Skrulls are co-owned but I believe Fox owns Super Skrull so Marvel Studios can't use that specific character.

Fox owned Quicksilver and there really was not much Marvel could do on how Fox wanted to use him.

I do believe they can use them in the XVerse because if they wanted a cross-over, there isn't much Marvel could do.

For the most part getting Marvel to sign off is just a formality but they really can't say no to much because then they could just say no to everything and block off Fox and get the right eventually.

And all these complicated rights and contracts are really confusing but I think Fox only needs to ask for permission on tv shows since that was still apparently part of Marvel and they need to like co-produce to make shows(?)
Skrulls are co-owned but I believe Fox owns Super Skrull so Marvel Studios can't use that specific character.
Under the movie rights for the F4. So Super Skrull can show up in a F4 movie or if Fox wanted to do a Skrull movie for whatever reason.

This isn't a Hulk situation where Fox could just put the skrulls or the Super Skrull in particular in a X-Men movie.

Fox owned Quicksilver and there really was not much Marvel could do on how Fox wanted to use him.
If Fox wanted to put Quicksilver in the F4 movie, Marvel woukd have to sign off on that.

I do believe they can use them in the XVerse because if they wanted a cross-over, there isn't much Marvel could do.
No. They're two different deals. Fox didn't acquire the rights to the X-Men and F4 at the same time. Two different movie deals. Its why since 2000 there hasn't been any same universe X-Men/F4 crossover.

To do that they'd need Marvel to sign off on it.

For the most part getting Marvel to sign off is just a formality but they really can't say no to much because then they could just say no to everything and block off Fox and get the right eventually.
:lol: That's not how contracts work.

Signing off for The Gifted and Legion weren't a formality.
:lol: @ that first class reunion. Everyone else has been killed off already except for rose byrne.
Alexandra Shipp Promises That X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX Is Faithful To The Comic Books

If star Alexandra Shipp is to be believed, it will make good use of the source material and make fans very happy (so here's hoping the tale will take us into outer space even for just a little while).

"As a fan of X-Men, you are going to be very happy," she says, "because I’m a huge fan of X-Men and so is our director, Simon [Kinberg], who’s also writing and executive producing it. He is not letting anything go. It’s very accurate to the comics and he really gives the fans what they’ve been asking for, in my opinion. All I can say is that you’re really going to like it." Here's hoping she's right, eh?

As for what we can expect from Storm, the actress wouldn't reveal much and even refused to confirm or deny the return of Storm's mohawk! "If I ever want to do another X-Men movie in the future I can’t tell you sh*t. (Laughs)"
Are the Skrulls really necessary in Dark Phoenix or is this just a way for Fox to use them before Marvel?
They Come Into Play At The Very End Of The Story. I See Them Using The Skrulls In Place Of The HellFire Club.
This Movie Is Gonna Be Wild :lol:
he's just an executive producer on those and I think he only directed the first episode of Gifted
He has been out as a director for Fox moving forward.

We'll see what Kinsberg could do in his directorial debut.
mostly BO success and likely contract of how many films he has to direct with Fox(?)

he can still make good films, despite the hate here, DoFP was still a very good XMen film but then he can also have crapfest like Apocalypse

both did make good money by Fox standard but even then Apocalypse making a lot less than Deadpool and DoFP got Fox to make a move
The xmen universe are the only cbm movies they got. It’d have to be pried out of their dead hands.

Forgot about f4 but that property is as good as dead.
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