FOX *CBM thread - RIP STAN LEE - Dark PhoeniX 06/07/19

Where Do You Rank LOGAN Among CBMs?

  • Best CBM to Date

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • Easily Top 5

    Votes: 28 35.9%
  • Top 10, Maybe Top 15

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Mediocre at Best

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Not Good at All

    Votes: 3 3.8%

  • Total voters
Gambit director dropped out due to "scheduling conflicts". Studio was trying to fast track production and it's rumored that the final draft of the script isn't even complete yet, also budget is supposedly up to 150+ now.

:smh: I don't think Fox will ever learn lol. I don't care who is attached to the film, i don't think a Gambit solo is gonna Recoup and it's definitely not worth it for 3 or 4 times the price of Deadpool. Hopefully this just gets scrapped
I smell another F4 with Gambit with whoever they get to eventually direct.

It's Gambit. They must really think cuz Tatum is a star he can drive it the same way they think they're getting away with putting JLaw along with McAvoy and Fass front in center in the X movies instead of Jackman. Doesn't work the same way with solo movies though.
Guys, stop posting leaked images from these garbage 20th Century Fox movies.  

We're sick of receiving nuisance DMCA takedown requests from their lawyerbots.  
They should be happy anyone is even discussing the garbage they put out. They go after people for the leaked images but are cool with that slimeball singer doing stuff to actors.
Damn they still hounding us? Sheesh

They actually hound websites that praise them too. Remember when we all said they wouldnt do it if we had something positive to say? Nope. Those guys get hounded too as many youtube personalities have demonstrated.
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Well that's that.

**** these lame *** FOX studios bastards.

Their superhero movies are barely good. Time for the moratorium on these movies. Screw their promotion.

We'll just keep talking trash about them when we see them elsewhere. I think posting links to those sites that post that stuff should inform those that don't know on here.
official X-Men Apocalypse synopsis

Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshiped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

wonder when we're getting that trailer
ummmm considering the ending of DOFP, why should we believe Apocalyse is a serious threat in the 80s?
Nah, Cavills at least 6'1", Affleck just happens to be taller at 6'4" so I think they are heightening him so Supes doesn'tlook small in comparison.

They aren't giving him any height. They mentioned that one of the reasons they cast Affleck is that he was taller than Henry. They thought that having Batman be taller than Superman would give the matchup a little more credibility.
I'm not talking about their clash flow. That's w/e. A ****** movie is still a ****** movie. ****** writing is still ******. A studio just making movies about a franchise just for the money while not being able to grasp or properly execute the concept is what it is at this point. All those ppl involved aint ****

This is really about good press. Set pics or teasers or trailers or character designs will leak, ppl will post it in here and we'll all **** on it for pgs the same way we **** on dumb announcements or things said in quotes by directors, cast, and producers. FOX will target us cuz sometimes that will happen and a link to this thread will be on the 1st search pg of google results and you know how we go in on things we don't like. It's different from those movie and comics sites cuz when they post the leaks there'll be no opinion or even a positive slant to it. They can threaten those sites but they can't threaten the NT forum on that basis cuz we're not in the business of providing that info as a news outlet. So they hit us with the legalese that we're posting copywritten material.

So I say lets just stop posting that and only post the links to the sites and still post our opinions about the pics and vids those sites post.

For example,

Kinberg On "Fantastic Four" Failure: "There Is A Great Movie With That Cast"

Did this dumb **** Kinberg really say he doesn't have any idea why the movie didn't "come together"? Honestly? This must be the PC Hollywood spin. Especially when he wrote or rewrote half of that trash script to accommodate FOX's lack of faith and commitment in the project after slashing the budget.

These bums at FOX are clearly fine with just shelling out trash for the sake of it to keep the franchise while they continue to circle jerk the X-Men franchise until they **** that up.

Kinberg Discusses Fox's Long-Term "X-Men" Plans, Compares Format to "Star Wars"

:wow: Is this ************ Kinberg on drugs? Comparing this X trash format to what Star Wars is about to do? Who the battery in his back just cuz he was involved with the SW creative team? Really? I mean c'mon now. Acting like Gambit is the goods. Yall just grasping at straws to expand cuz that's what Marvel and DC/WB are doing.

We talking about a franchise in dire need of any other superhero film adaption of a total reboot and remake ASAP!
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Nah, Cavills at least 6'1", Affleck just happens to be taller at 6'4" so I think they are heightening him so Supes doesn'tlook small in comparison.

They aren't giving him any height. They mentioned that one of the reasons they cast Affleck is that he was taller than Henry. They thought that having Batman be taller than Superman would give the matchup a little more credibility.

They could've cast someone 5'9 as batman, everyone knows they'll make batman wash superman.
I hear you but the X-Men properties are not going to another studio any time soon...It should but who knows
I know that and have accepted it which is why it makes it so much easier for me to **** on them.

I've given up on them ever really depicting the X-Men like they should be in film. So when they make trash I'll tell it like it is with nothing in the back of my mind saying maybe they might turn it around. It's been 15 years already.
Idk man, but Days of future past holds pretty good re-watch value...I think it was a solid film, I think Fassbender/McAvoy have out out performances unmatched by any MCU character besides Hiddleston....I think the story in DOFP held its own considering the messy events they are trying to salvage, I think where FOX has always fallen short is character design, at least with DOFP and First class which to me have been solid films....the previous Xmen films had plenty issues...acting, writing, character design...but these were all pre MCU so we can't really knock them for not nailing the formula....but they've improved since. If only they used the source material to have legit dope character designs, give Logan a more classic look would make a ton of fans fall in love...hopefully AOA appears to have taken notes from Marvel with the costumes as they are getting closer to the comic book look.

Acting wise tho...Xmen has far more talent than MCU
Idk man, but Days of future past holds pretty good re-watch value...I think it was a solid film, I think Fassbender/McAvoy have out out performances unmatched by any MCU character besides Hiddleston....I think the story in DOFP held its own considering the messy events they are trying to salvage, I think where FOX has always fallen short is character design, at least with DOFP and First class which to me have been solid films....the previous Xmen films had plenty issues...acting, writing, character design...but these were all pre MCU so we can't really knock them for not nailing the formula....but they've improved since. If only they used the source material to have legit dope character designs, give Logan a more classic look would make a ton of fans fall in love...hopefully AOA appears to have taken notes from Marvel with the costumes as they are getting closer to the comic book look.

Acting wise tho...Xmen has far more talent than MCU
I'd say they have more talent acting wise but it's not like any of the actors are really living up to it with what they got to work with. JLaw's being wasted, even another director was complaining about it wanting her to be let out of her contract.

To me this triangle of Mystique, Magneto, and Xavier is not the goods. To me it's just as bad as when Wolverine was the focus of everything and the rest of the X-Men were just support. I get using your best actors but they cast JLaw as the wrong character and write Mystique horribly.

As far rewatch value, I dunno man. I'm don'e compromising with the quality of these X movies. They been doing it the longest of any of the studios and have seemed to learn the least in what's going to be decades of superhero movies. I aint in to this _____ was good but….. or I liked this given they had to deal with ______.

Singer is a joke. His best movie was Usual Suspects. That's like a lifetime ago.

The entire thing needs to be rebooted.
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