
Seems like this dude just has no respect
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

then YOU HAVE DR. DRE who had his own side completely, totally away from the gang +$%% and the *%%*#++! Dre even had me and other guys on a different payroll. andre young signed our chex, not Death Row, etc....

then one day (2 years after I quit aftermath) I walked into Record One (Dre's studio) and he said, yo Ben you makin records yet? and I just felt weak in the knees. all my power had left me. he then said, you have to be one of the dumbest cats I've met. all these resources in front of you, I woulda gave you all my drums and everything and sounds etc..... you coulda used me as a launching pad, you basically lived here in the studio for 7 years and you haven't thought about producing? I was so disgusted in myself (understand in 01, nobody had those dr. dre drum samples and all the extra free software, co-signs, everything) I just went home and really said man, it's too late to do it and contemplated on taking out my mpc and akai900 and trying to get into it, but I just felt like it wasn't my calling.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Makes Dre even cooler in my books.[/color]
been on NT for almost 7 years, and I am not into hip hop anymore (was big time back in the day) but I could sit and read thses post all day.. this is the stuffthat makes NT....

some interesting post in here..!!!
Ben , Good looks man. I feel ya brah. But for real. Take care yourself. Make sure u hold that strap down with the extended clip.

Yo fam, U think u can let ur boy get the keys to your 92 celica ?

GT or GTS ?

I never understood why so many ppl hate on Ben.

Dudes always been cool for as long as I can remember.

Threads been interesting/entertaining.

Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

I never understood why so many ppl hate on Ben.

Dudes always been cool for as long as I can remember.

Threads been interesting/entertaining.

Lol, I agree. I used to think he was just a name-dropping type guy but he obviously backs up everything he says. And, he's always down toanswer questions or whatever. Cool guy in my book...
I laugh at the haters... it's the ones who can't admit they hate, dry hating, etc...
sad. I've been hated on since show and tell fridays in kindergarten
thing is I ain't no better than anyone else, I just love myself as you all should love yourselves, but the low self esteem and the too much self esteemmesses it up for y'all.

lamest thing I've heard on NT was "Oh he's full of it, he lives in a condo and leases that bentley, HE DON'T EVEN OWN IT!" it's likesaying, "so what if he's banging her, he ain't married to her... she'll dump him. or she only with him for the money" I drive it, I parkit, I crash it and I hit the skins.... and I definitely have the keys in my possession. you see, I don't care if you count my money, just count itcorrectly.

"Alot of people wanna talk about me...But see me in person and put they arm around me...
Take pics for they page, throw t**s in my face then turn around and ring the alarm about me..."
benjamin, why do you walk with a slight limp?

where the harley f150 go?

you never passed them damned couriers my way!

and seeing how we know the same people why where you never
part of the shaw car clubs?

being in irresistible is how i met most the folk we share knowing
..damn...the altima had you saying i was hurt lmao
Originally Posted by Jwill JR

been on NT for almost 7 years, and I am not into hip hop anymore (was big time back in the day) but I could sit and read thses post all day.. this is the stuff that makes NT....

some interesting post in here..!!!

i don't know Ben personally, so i'm not even gonna bother with all the hate. but this is some good ##** *bookmarked
"Alot of people wanna talk about me...But see me in person and put they arm around me...
Take pics for they page, throw t**s in my face then turn around and ring the alarm about me..."

- Drake
Funny because I see that $!%# on the regular here with him, it's sad and funny at the same time.
Originally Posted by BENBALLER

I laugh at the haters... it's the ones who can't admit they hate, dry hating, etc...
sad. I've been hated on since show and tell fridays in kindergarten
thing is I ain't no better than anyone else, I just love myself as you all should love yourselves, but the low self esteem and the too much self esteem messes it up for y'all.

lamest thing I've heard on NT was "Oh he's full of it, he lives in a condo and leases that bentley, HE DON'T EVEN OWN IT!" it's like saying, "so what if he's banging her, he ain't married to her... she'll dump him. or she only with him for the money" I drive it, I park it, I crash it and I hit the skins.... and I definitely have the keys in my possession. you see, I don't care if you count my money, just count it correctly.

"Alot of people wanna talk about me...But see me in person and put they arm around me...
Take pics for they page, throw t**s in my face then turn around and ring the alarm about me..."

Thats why famous people dont post on nt
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