i'm assuming it's in seattle?

It's in Everett, which is about 26 miles north of Seattle. I live about 15 minutes away from the current HQ. The new HQ is in the downtown area of the city. I'll be there, the exclusives will probably be Freddy's and original funko characters like Bone Daddy, El Diablo, T-Bone, etc.
Renley + Headless Ned for Bobba Freddy? Should I bruhs? This suckkkkkssssssss I love Bobba Freddy...but damn..
Renley + Headless Ned for Bobba Freddy? Should I bruhs? This suckkkkkssssssss I love Bobba Freddy...but damn..
For as long as I've been following this thread it seems like you've been hunting for Headless Ned like it's your white whale :lol: Do it.
I'm both starwars and GOTs....yes Ned has always been my kryptonite and pretty much eluded me in every attempt I've tried....Bobba I never chased down but won and love it because I love starwars just as much, plus he looks damn well next to Maul...GOD DAMN IT, third world problems...
I'm both starwars and GOTs....yes Ned has always been my kryptonite and pretty much eluded me in every attempt I've tried....Bobba I never chased down but won and love it because I love starwars just as much, plus he looks damn well next to Maul...GOD DAMN IT, third world problems...

Dude do it. You've been hunting him down.
Cali and Datkid, add me on Facebook b! Ya ***** are slacking man! :lol: jump in on that metallic spidey waffle b, I want an NTer to snatch it
ksteezy ksteezy can you add me also?

I wanna add everyone, but understand that unless you are a regular or one of the regulars can attest to you being a regular in here, I simply can't put my name on the line and get kicked off man, I'm pretty familiar with most of you guys, but I don't know everyone's name that actively partake in this thread, but if the regulars that I know can vouch, I'll put my name on it, these waffle groups are strict because is not BS pieces, we talkin GRAILS worth hundreds and waffles be in the hundreds, so they are not easy to get into and someone needs to vouch for ya, if anyone I vouch for scams, I'm out too :frown: not trying to be a **** I want ya all to eat, but I have to loook out for me..
Silver Harley Quin just went up...I'm telling ya, this is where you have the best chances of landing some nice pieces, but is not a place for sore losers :lol:
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