I put toad I think he would look sick all crunched over with his tongue out. Mandarian, whiplash, rhino, kraven, and shocker marvel needs to do more villians
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Man that Jolly Roger restock was real yesterday. Granted it being on a Monday randomly did hinder some people from picking some up however i was able to cook 2 more. I wasn't audacious enough to try and ask someone to cop me 2 more. It was tough knowing who I could trust. Plus the paranoia was kicking in thought all the disney security was looking at me.
I want to say they got anywhere from 72-100 pops yesterday as it finally sold out around 7pm my time as reported. The rumor was a restock for the weekend which made sense seeing as pirates comes out but who knows. This is technically the 3rd restock and neither HM or Indy pops did more than that. However with the Disney sub box maybe Disney upped the parks exclusive pops.

I have seen pics of some people walking away with 6+ pops and also i talked to a brother and sister that got caught after they bought like 12 :smh:
Does anyone still need a Maleficent chase? Got one in mint condition. Looking for Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, or Lagertha. Hit me up.
I'm beyond happy these chase aren't dope lol. I can get all the ones I want and won't be let down. Tho that white suit MDM is pretty nice. JeriGOAT is siiickkk need that!!
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