Think the next up on my list is Iron Patriot and a Hulkbuster

I just saw AoU this past week and now I want a Hulkbuster :pimp: I bought one before but sent it for Secret Santa this year.

It really looks impressive plus the AoU scene was awesome

The first Avengers was way better IMO. But that scene was probably my favorite in the movie.

I'm actually not 100% sure what happened in AoU still :rofl: The more human-like Ultron that shows up at the end? He was a version of Ultron that somehow "evolved" into what Tony Stark meant to create. A peaceful being. Then he joined the Avengers? Is that what happened cuz I was a little preoccupied while I was watching it and wasn't sure.

If you can't tell I'm catching up on some superhero movies, which is going to lead to more pop purchases lol. I think I'm caught up with Iron Man and The Avengers and Ant Man. Also caught up with the Flash and Arrow on Netflix. Need to watch the Captain America and X-Men movies next. And the new Spider-Man movies (actually wouldn't mind rewatching 1 and 2 as well).

Where is the Iron Spider from? I know the suit is Tony Stark's gift to Peter Parker but does it actually show up in any movies or just the comics?
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Think the next up on my list is Iron Patriot and a Hulkbuster

I just saw AoU this past week and now I want a Hulkbuster :pimp: I bought one before but sent it for Secret Santa this year.

It really looks impressive plus the AoU scene was awesome

The first Avengers was way better IMO. But that scene was probably my favorite in the movie.

I'm actually not 100% sure what happened in AoU still :rofl: The more human-like Ultron that shows up at the end? He was a version of Ultron that somehow "evolved" into what Tony Stark meant to create. A peaceful being. Then he joined the Avengers? Is that what happened cuz I was a little preoccupied while I was watching it and wasn't sure.

That is The Vision. He is powered by the mindstone and yes he is an avenger.

He is sorta based off Jarvis but is sentient from the mindstone
Think the next up on my list is Iron Patriot and a Hulkbuster

I just saw AoU this past week and now I want a Hulkbuster :pimp: I bought one before but sent it for Secret Santa this year.

It really looks impressive plus the AoU scene was awesome

The first Avengers was way better IMO. But that scene was probably my favorite in the movie.

I'm actually not 100% sure what happened in AoU still :rofl: The more human-like Ultron that shows up at the end? He was a version of Ultron that somehow "evolved" into what Tony Stark meant to create. A peaceful being. Then he joined the Avengers? Is that what happened cuz I was a little preoccupied while I was watching it and wasn't sure.

That is The Vision. He is powered by the mindstone and yes he is an avenger.

He is sorta based off Jarvis but is sentient from the mindstone

Got it. But he was one of the many versions of Ultron right? Like how Ultron would get scrapped and then recreate himself? Or just have multiple diff versions of himself.

He was going to be the body Ultron was going to take up but he isn't really Ultron mentally.

They used the AI for Jarvis mixed with the mind stone to create something different from Ultron

The more I try to explain it the more convoluted it sounds
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the hype is pretty real... when i called a walgreens they were more than willing to hold my set... actually no walgreens denied me if i asked to hold them... this saturday i asked 1 walgreens to hold the deadpool chicken for me and they said no because someone will just come in and buy it which was true so i didnt even argue... but im not driving an hour away from my crib and it might sell out on me... its a waste of time and gas so i ended up passing
Im usually not an a hole on these post.....but i dont understand something.
When we first heard of this set. Everyone was pumped about GG period. No chase nothing. It comes out...relatively easy....but all of sudden no one wants now that there is a chase......which norally is hard to get anyway. What happened to the loce of the character/original figure.....

Alot of heads came out of no where in here all of a sudden trying to get this "allegedly" easy chase.
And now bitter because someone else is coming up. On something you probably wouldnt have been able to get easily anyway. There are tons of places that havent even gotten thunderbolts punisher...
I mean lets be honest alot thought this would be an easy come up.
There has Been 1 person in here who has told the truth as to why he wants it.
And 1 person told the truth about his intentions of what he is doing with his.

But i feel like some of yall "fans" of GG......well. I have a rule i made for myself not to pay over 30 for a pop but if its something i really want ill get it. Yea it sucks it went from 10 to possibly $45 (which is the average ive seen it sold at)
But be truthful yall knpw it will be worth possibly double in a few months.

Ivve said this speach before but be truthful...
But dont show out on rage calling it sneaker game 2.O because this is the one chase that is supposedly easy to get that you cant now..
Pops are plentiful when they come out and this wave of walgreens has been great for them supply wise.

So naw im not mad at the walgreens employee/ manager who makes 8 an hour finding out about this. There are less cases of that happening over shoppers stalking the shop for their chase and buying the whole case.

So it's a crime for me to not want the original Green Goblin, but want the Metallic Chase?

I love Metallic POPs. GG is cool but I wasn't going to go checking stores for the normal one. For me, he's a sale POP (one I'd get if there's a sale), I'm just not THAT interested in him to go looking for the regular.

The Metallic Chase tho, I like enough to at least stop by my local walgreens or two to see if they have em, come to find out things are getting ridiculous and the managers are out here hoarding their shipments. I'm not calling stores, I'm not driving from city to city. I just stopped by two.

I haven't resold any of my POPs, I'm an out of box collector. So before you accuse anyone of reselling down the line, go ahead and take me out of that equation. If anything I'd trade, but PPG would not even be a reference for me. I would trade what I have for what i want. It's retail or bust for me unless I really really want something.. so yeah, if a lot of places starting holding and sending to eBay, I'd miss out on a lot of POPs I want, because I won't pay reseller prices on these things. I like em because they're cheap, they're awesome, and they're collectibles. You throw in this tom foolery of holding / plugs / resell prices and I'm getting turned off already, which bothers me because I like POPs.

Also, I'm not upset specifically that I couldn't get the GG Chase, more so at the fact that more and more stories are popping up about shady business at Walgreens but dudes in here using their income as an excuse to keep things from hitting the sales floors. I wanna know what would happen if every retailer who got POPs held what they wanted whenever they wanted. We'd never see a Chase in the wild, we'd never see a SDCC or NYCC exclusive in stores, etc. Would that be cool too?
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Might be the wrong time to post this [emoji]128517[/emoji] but just got this in from eBay. My lowball offer was accepted, probably overpaid from my POV but I don't think it'll go lower than it is right now.

View media item 1902651
Had no idea Bank Robber Joker dried up and got priced so high. I saw a ton of these in Hot Topics a few months ago. Kept meaning to grab one but slipped my mind. When did these get popular?!
Had no idea Bank Robber Joker dried up and got priced so high. I saw a ton of these in Hot Topics a few months ago. Kept meaning to grab one but slipped my mind. When did these get popular?!
They've been popular. A few dudes in here stated that particular Pop was the reason they started collecting. It was the second figure I bought, first was Ned Stark.
Some vaulted Pops can still be found in the wild.

A ton of vaulted pops are still in the wild but Bank Robber Joker is not one unfortunately. Like I'm legit mad at myself. Don't know how I let that go for so long.

Has a release date been announced for the GITD Batman Superman 2 pack?
A ton of vaulted pops are still in the wild but Bank Robber Joker is not one unfortunately. Like I'm legit mad at myself. Don't know how I let that go for so long.

Has a release date been announced for the GITD Batman Superman 2 pack?
Yeah I haven't seen one since December.
Today was a good day. Got my 30% DC order from dorkside and was able to pick the best paint jobs out of the ones I will send back to Amazon. Paint jobs on all of them were pretty good but I meticulously picked the best ones lol. Then finally got this guy in the mail from eBay.

View media item 1902961
Walgreens Marvel set complete.

Have the BvS TRU pack on the way. Need HT Aquaman which I think tdogg2k tdogg2k got for me and Armored Batman to conplete BvS for now.

Then onto the new GoT pops :pimp:
Bank Robber Joker was my first ever POP back when I started noticing an iger/Sneakerhead was getting into these. I never paid them no mind but seen as the Nolan bat series is GOAT I had to get it. I never really knew the value of pops so it never occurred to me that they would get vaulted hence why I never bought Bane when he was all over HT. I'm thinking of taking my bank robber joker out of my display and boxing him back up. Only bad thing is when I inboxed and filled my baseball bat displays I threw away the inserts [emoji]128557[/emoji]

My take on the GG Chase. This is a case where you have a whole lotta factors. I think the problem many are having is that this is not your normal chase.

Finding a chase in the wild takes work and most of all luck. No one knows where it is, when you'll find it and which it will be. The joy of the chase hunt is all economical because all of us want to pay little or money to attain something that has a much greater value. Who wouldn't want to get something that has a perceived value of 10x more than its original? Plus it's unique and adds character to ones collection, and like it or not, agree or not, it does make your collection elitist.

THe GG chase however is a whole new spin and ballgame. You've got a figure exclusive to 1 store, and your offering a variant on it. Of course you're gonna have people coming out of the woodwork because the biggest deterring factor of the chase hunt has been removed, the where. Like I said no one knows where the chase will appear and you can't track it. It's random. But now you're not only giving people the where but you're letting them know how many and offering a tool to help find it. And with the popularity of pops rising daily, it's easy to see how "collectors" gettin salty with all these newbies. And the biggest fact of them all, cash money. Money talks plain and simple.

But yeah don't call this shoe game 2.0 because this is an isolated incident. Unless Funko continues the trend of offering chase versions of exclusive pops to stores (GS Gold Pops included in this statement as well) this will blow over soon. Pops unlike sneakers don't have immediate price hikes or lack of supply. No one knows which pop
Will be the next Headless Ned Stark or whatever pop has a high dollar value, which is what makes this still a fun hobby of you choose not to focus on the anomalies.
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The fact that I can't score a DOJ TRU 2pk means I have ZERO chances of the Walmart exclusives.

My BB-8 was supposed to come in today but B&N canceled my transaction (I think they oversold or something)...was excited to get my first pop
Got the harley quinn, deadpool hot exclusives
also the netflix daredevil was in my hot topic. also got Knightmare batman!!! My first batman im keeping. and the one im taking with me overseas to photobomb everything

decided to put the GG debate in spoiler tag as to not clog up this board with negativity that doesn't need to be there.

So it's a crime for me to not want the original Green Goblin, but want the Metallic Chase?

I love Metallic POPs. GG is cool but I wasn't going to go checking stores for the normal one. For me, he's a sale POP (one I'd get if there's a sale), I'm just not THAT interested in him to go looking for the regular.
Def not accusing you of being a reseller
but this one particular sentence is sort of what i was talking about. it's not a crime to not want something or even not want to pay over retail. but also don't make it seem like if it wasn't for the couple of stories you heard of employees hoarding them it's the reason you can't find one. especially after Peru's scenario he posted. someone was going to grab a bunch anyway. and also as he said if you were to step in tere today. are you really only taking 1 and leaving the other 3 on the shelf.........your either going to come up yourself or help the others YOU want to help.. either way you're doing it for something that benefits you. So let's not go out with the torches for these workers who are trying to comeback up tooo.

Finding a chase in the wild takes work and most of all luck. No one knows where it is, when you'll find it and which it will be. The joy of the chase hunt is all economical because all of us want to pay little or money to attain something that has a much greater value. Who wouldn't want to get something that has a perceived value of 10x more than its original? Plus it's unique and adds character to ones collection, and like it or not, agree or not, it does make your collection elitist.

THe GG chase however is a whole new spin and ballgame. You've got a figure exclusive to 1 store, and your offering a variant on it. Of course you're gonna have people coming out of the woodwork because the biggest deterring factor of the chase hunt has been removed, the where. Like I said no one knows where the chase will appear and you can't track it. It's random. But now you're not only giving people the where but you're letting them know how many and offering a tool to help find it. And with the popularity of pops rising daily, it's easy to see how "collectors" gettin salty with all these newbies. And the biggest fact of them all, cash money. Money talks plain and simple.

But yeah don't call this shoe game 2.0 because this is an isolated incident.

you pretty much articulated what I said well better.

what has made it an easier come up, got people a bit salty because it wasn't as easy as they thought.

People still have to realize there are over 8000 walgreens (thats more stores than hot topic fye, barnes target combined), and i doubt/know for a fact not everyone got a case of these, it really is dependent on your store manager ordering them and even then it may not even be these. each ase may or may not have 1/4 chases in it.

It seems we've had several members on here come up... yet aint seen 1 offer for retail +shipping. this is just the nature of supply and demand.. if you want it grab it.

I'm a fan of all flocked. I have about 4/5 flocked characters some im not even a fan of the series. so i know what you mean by you just like metallic. but best believe i paid for them. (not $100 outrageous) but i paid a bit for my flocked ghost... because i wanted him
Shocked you wanted flocked ghost.

ughhh i didn't want that bastards puppy, but it was a better deal then what I saw anywhere else. and I love flocked figures so I said F it. thanks to
WSM i also now have Grey wind!!!
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