FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

When Paperboi rolled up on Zan, you felt bad because this was a blogger who delivers pizza....then you felt even worse b/c he had, who we thought was his son, in the back seat of the car.

Then it turns out lil' man was his business partner :lol:

All the sympathetic feelings folks may have had for him went right out the window. Goes to show that these bloggers/trolls/pranksters sometimes ca'tn separate what they do on the computer from how they actually try to live their lives.

Good post.
While Zan is annoying, I kinda respect him in a way. The same way I respect TMZ. Sure they may be scumbags, but sometimes you gotta worry about you and your future. Being a troll/ vine personality club promoter may be the only way dude gets out of being a pizza delivery man. It's his hustle just like paperboi has his hustle. He should've just ignored him like Earn said
he said paperboy exploits his environment so its ok for him to exploit paperboy while simultaneously exploiting that little boy

zan is a hypocrite thats all

i dont even see paperboy as exploiting his environment as he is from that environment and just rappin about his life

zan its ok for him to exploit basically anything for views
he said paperboy exploits his environment so its ok for him to exploit paperboy while simultaneously exploiting that little boy

zan is a hypocrite thats all

i dont even see paperboy as exploiting his environment as he is from that environment and just rappin about his life

zan its ok for him to exploit basically anything for views
He's glamorizing his life a bit. As we saw how drug deals actually happen in ep 3. That's not interesting for a song. And I'm not defending Zan being a hypocrite. He's a scum bag but I respect that in a sense. He's making moves however corny they may be in my eyes
but how zan portrays himself online you wouldnt even think or know thats what he does

thats prolly another reason why he has the kid do it, because its his real job and because he still do his side thing WHILE at his real job

with the added benefit of using a kid for views
He's glamorizing his life a bit. As we saw how drug deals actually happen in ep 3. That's not interesting for a song. 
When Paperboi rolled up on Zan, you felt bad because this was a blogger who delivers pizza....then you felt even worse b/c he had, who we thought was his son, in the back seat of the car.

Then it turns out lil' man was his business partner

All the sympathetic feelings folks may have had for him went right out the window. Goes to show that these bloggers/trolls/pranksters sometimes ca'tn separate what they do on the computer from how they actually try to live their lives.
This is why I love the episode.  We have a bunch of Zans on NT, FB, IG, SC, the list goes on....Pretenders.
I'd imagine that Paperboi rapping about his experiences with the expectation/hope of monetary gain can be counted as exploitation.
Would I call it exploitation? Nah, not based on dude's character as presented in the series thus far. But I do see how people would/could count it as exploitation.
It's exploitation in the literal sense but contextually and when compared to what Zan does I wouldn't say so.
its exploitation when paperboy raps

but not exploitation for zan to act like hes a rapper and can dictate what paperboy name should be, that he should slang if wanna "be real" etc and gets views on social media 
Zan was exploiting the kid for views. Hell anything he records and posts is exploitation when you really break it down since his primary goals are income and likes.

Paper Boi is making the best of his situation through the means he has. Also exploitation kinda.

I think the problem is assuming exploitation is always bad.
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i think its bad in zans case because it likens him to a culture vulture

i dont see paper boy as being exploitative
i think its bad in zans case because it likens him to a culture vulture

i dont see paper boy as being exploitative

I agree with this, but the show is asking what type of exploitation are YOU ok with? It's different for different people.
i mean muscially, what is paper boys alternative?

if he doesnt rap then he should what sing? sing country music or rock music?

or is it that he raps about his environment?

in which case again what is the alternative? gospel rap?

like what could he do musically that would not be exploitative?
It's all exploitation, that's why I said the problem is assuming exploitation is always bad when that isn't the case.

Making the best of your situation and using a kid to get views are both exploitation, comes down to taking advantage of what you have in front of you.

Zan 1000000% a vulture though :lol:
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Zan was exploiting the kid for views. Hell anything he records and posts is exploitation when you really break it down since his primary goals are income and likes.

Paper Boi is making the best of his situation through the means he has. Also exploitation kinda.

I think the problem is assuming exploitation is always bad.
I wanted to say this earlier. There's "good" exploitation and bad exploitation. 50 making fun of that mentally challenged kid for views on IG is bad. Making fun of a garbage rapper in a YouTube vid isn't the worst thing in the world. I'll admit using the kid for views was kinda ****** but I don't think him making fun of paperbois music was out of line

Also I don't know if I'd say he's a culture vulture. Yes he does use the culture for his benefit. But it's not like he's a white chick that gets booty implants and starts hanging with rappers in Miami etc. he's a half Asian half black pizza delivery man from Atlanta.
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so if "making the best of your situation" and "taking advantage of what you in front of you" is exploitative then what is paper boi's label doing?

how about the radio station the white guy works for?

are they exploitative too?
so if "making the best of your situation" and "taking advantage of what you in front of you" is exploitative then what is paper boi's label doing?

how about the radio station the white guy works for?

are they exploitative too?
Every ody is exploiting everybody. Im not saying Paperboi is wrong or anything. I think that's where it's not getting across. Just saying that Zan is doing what everybody else is doing.
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