FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

Sometimes you gotta "shed" that fear and endure less for a bit to become more. You won't understand that growth phase until you're in it.
Didn't say he was a bad father and you just admitted he's not around. Being around

If yu think him not being around his kid and not paying bills that's yo rationale

Like previously stated they relationship aint concrete, last episode he smashed in the whip and this episode he decided to be with Van and her daughter instead of hanging wit the gang along wit not being cool if his homeboy holla'd

@Brolic your story is obviously different and I meant some as in since they don't hate each other it's best to keep it kosher. It's obvious Earn doesn't see Van as just strady p and a place to stay
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So the conversation Darius was having w/ Paper Boi while on the couch (when Earn was on the phone w/ the Uber driver) was about how he (Darius) didn't want the sushi flavored sunflower seeds b/c he felt bad for the fish :lol:

A dude on another MB caught this after watching the scene a few times
Finally saw the finale. The whole opening scene was hilariously real.

"Ya'll my boys but at the same time... we ain't boys"

"Can we go eat now? I'm dying"

Girls are always in the foulest mood when hungry.

Should've gone to free sandwich day .
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I can get this but to a storage unit?

When I say man thing I mean going to live in an actual shed vs. staying in someone's apt. People move out all the time but most women with another option aren't going to a storage unit. If Ern got his own apt. I wouldn't have thought anything of it.
Anybody can get a storage unit. I doubt they do any kind of checks or background reviews so it was probably the easiest option. Plus it's the cheapest option and he knows it's only temporary.

Gives the illusion of independence while also being super affordable.
Off topic from Atlanta but staying with Glover... Talented dude.. Covering the Tamia song... He gave it that MJ Rock With You vibe... Fender Rhodes always sound so damn good...

I used to listen to this all the time. Love that Kauai-esque breakdown towards the end and the harmonized background vocals afterwards.
Ern has alot of my loner only child type tendencies. Sometimes just having your own space is what you need to make you feel like a man/adult.
Possibly the dopest thing about this show, is that the entire first season could've just as easily been a quality film. I will most definitely be grabbing this when the DVD releases. The artistry for this series is unreal.
It becomes a crutch and you're never able to take chances. Why take chances when you're comfortable? No man has ever been successful from up under a woman's arm.
So breaking up or not ever being in a relationship with a female, both smashing other people, but the only reason you're there is for steady p and a place to stay isn't a crutch? Place ain't even in your name... but it's cool because you paid what you owed?

So y'all just keep going back to exes instead of moving forward? You'll never accomplish anything new, by making the same old mistakes. That whole repeating behavior, expecting different results = insanity cliché.

It's easy to do what's familiar and harder to successfully make new moves, especially when there's a comfy spot for you to fall back on.
Yall listening or what????

Read it as many times as you need to get what Brolic is saying.

Its gold!
now that the season is over what's yalls favorite episode?

mine has to be the one where darius and earn go all around town making trades.

and not cause it was the funniest.  
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Hard to pick a favorite character between Earn, Paper Boi and Darius. They all had so many aspects of their characters I thought where great.

Favorite obscure character is for sure "Bite this sandwich" man [emoji]128514[/emoji]

The club episode is probably my favorite I related to that one a lot since I've been the dude that used to go clubbing all the time with my people here and I started hating and just stopped going.
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Favorite episode would be the club. Darius dancing, his creepy face, the trap door, invisible car, Paperboi tossing through promoter around, "Follow me on Instagram". Good stuff
The club, The established Relationship between Darius and Earn, The TV show and the commercials :lol: , the drug deal
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