Game 1: 4/18 1030EST (5) Rockets vs. (4) Blazers on ESPN

Damn these rep are going in tonight for these Blazers.
They need to stop calling these dum #+% fouls.
Damn I totally forgot y'all had Bayless. Y'all letting that dude fade to Bolivian word to Tyson.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by Dee Are E

true 3 blue wrote:

T Mac been holding the Rockets back big time.

This is ridiculous.

Needed to reemphasize that.
Yeah okaaaay....I KNEW fools would act like this isn't the Rockets EASIEST matchup where they are FINALLY favored to win the series going into it. Gurantee if the Rockets would've happened to face Utah, y'all would be singing a different tune.

It is what it is though. GO on with the hate cause i'm sure when the Rockets advance, everyone gonna act like if Tmac was there, they wouldn't have advanced, as if Portland is ANYWHERE near the Mavs or Jazz's level the past couple of years.
Dude's acting like this Rocket team is not deep as hell compared to the Rocket teams in the past.

Finally. Someone that sees this the way i do.
Originally Posted by 0cks

Portland has some weird ++! fans

They celebrated that Bayless and-1 like he tied the game
And their so called playoff parade made it looked like they won the championship.
michael ruffin aka neanderthal sighting. haven't seen this guy in forever, didnt even know he was on the blazers

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