Game 1: 4/18 1030EST (5) Rockets vs. (4) Blazers on ESPN

Rockets in 6.
cant wait for this. unlike last year i have a great feeling about the series.
wish mac could play so people can stop use the 2nd round virgin picture but i guess that will be next year
Any Rockets fans have tickets to games 3 or 4? Im (hopefully) gettin some for game 3 tomorrow. I've never been to a playoff game so I can't wait

Crazy how almost all the analysts are picking Portland over us, I think we are the nighmare matchup for the Blazers. Who knows maybe its because of Portlandsgreat offense and them having LA's number this year that they picked them
Originally Posted by BananaBoy2601

I hate when Rockets fans say that game should have been theres.
Why, because 1.3 seconds were squeezed into the .8 seconds that were on the clock? And that T-Mac blew his defensive assignment?

But that doesn't even matter anymore. We both start fresh at 0-0
Originally Posted by ShaunJon

Any Rockets fans have tickets to games 3 or 4? Im (hopefully) gettin some for game 3 tomorrow. I've never been to a playoff game so I can't wait
I got tickets for game 3. Nosebleeds ftl, but at least im in the building.
Pryzbilla's a solid defender on the block... if he can keep Yao in check, I really like Portland's chances. I love the Blazers' depth as well.
This is a series I will be keeping any eye on.

The blazers are one of those teams that could be scary. They have great depth, loads of talent and B.Roy is a beast that you can count during crunch time.

As a laker fan I don't want to see the blazers in the second round.

Hopefully rockets in 6.
Blazers bigs, since they're traditional big men, will play Yao straight up, ie, not really front him. Guys like Chandler, Gasol, Odom, Okur, etc are agileenough to front Yao. Guys like Priz and Oden will just try to keep Yao from getting position. Dude is too big for that though, and I fully expect Yao to carrythe Rockets.

LA will get his, but he's more of a jumpshooting, back to the basket PF. Scola can hold his own against that. It's guys who put the ball on the floorhe has trouble guarding. On the flipside though, I think LA will have a hard time defending Scola and his 'old man in the gym' game. Scola's up andunder pump fake moves.

The only question marks IMO is how Aaron Brooks will fare. When he's on, he's on and when he's not, he looks lost out there. It's a goodmatchup in Blake though, as he doesn't have to worry much on the defensive end. As opposed to a TP, CP3 or a Deron.

How Aaron Brooks fares and whether or not Ron can play within in the game, instead of going one on five like he likes to do, are the only things I'mworried about for later tonight.

Rockets will take game 1 hopefully, and all the pressure in the world is gonna be on the young Blazers to win game 2. Because if the Rockets get 1 in Portlandit's a wrap in 6 for real. Portland will not be winning in Houston. 33-9 for the year, Houston is at home.

Rip City vs Clutch City

Let's go!
This is going to be a fun series to watch. I'm a Yao fan but I like Portland's style of play and their young team. I can't root for one or theother, just going to enjoy the series as a fan of of luck to both squads.
Originally Posted by ShaunJon

Crazy how almost all the analysts are picking Portland over us, I think we are the nighmare matchup for the Blazers. Who knows maybe its because of Portlands great offense and them having LA's number this year that they picked them
No, that would have been Dallas.

As to the series, Rockets fans are funny. Why don't you all look up Yao's number against the Blazers this season and you will see he is only averaging15 points against them. Anybody that has watched Portland the last few games will tell you they are a different team then they have been all season. Look atPortland, LA and Houstons records since the All-Star break and let me know what you found out. This is not going to be an easy series for either team but getyour facts straight. The game in Portland worst case should have gone to OT because the foul on Yao was BS and there is no way you can call that a"win" for Houston. McMillan only has to plan for one tem for the next 4-7 games and you all know he will have this team ready. I will be there at theGarden nice and early tomorrow pumped as hell for this game.
Originally Posted by franchise3

Where my Rockets crew at?

We right here. This series is over in 6. Go Tmac go... Lol

The one season we play a weak team in the first round hes not there.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by franchise3

Where my Rockets crew at?

We right here. This series is over in 6. Go Tmac go... Lol

The one season we play a weak team in the first round hes not there.

Alot of rockets fans will come out of the woodwork now
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

I swear if Houston gets out the first round...

Are you legit with this *******^?

Gotta be f ing kidding me with this garbage. Why in the blue hell would Oklahoma do that? No, serious, answer that for me.

Kids, just say no to drugs. Look at what the stuff does to your brain.

TMac for Durant............and fillers............gotta be.............

Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

Originally Posted by ShaunJon

Any Rockets fans have tickets to games 3 or 4? Im (hopefully) gettin some for game 3 tomorrow. I've never been to a playoff game so I can't wait
I got tickets for game 3. Nosebleeds ftl, but at least im in the building.
I'll be in the building for game 3 too, sec 112, row 15. Not bad at
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

I swear if Houston gets out the first round...

Are you legit with this *******^?

Gotta be f ing kidding me with this garbage. Why in the blue hell would Oklahoma do that? No, serious, answer that for me.

Kids, just say no to drugs. Look at what the stuff does to your brain.

TMac for Durant............and fillers............gotta be.............


I mean just trade him. Someone else came up with the chart fool.
Sorry I am late, I've been real busy lately... Rockets in 6... And we set the tone by winning tonight...

My fellow ROX fans, I got some news for you... yesterday I was offered a job with the team on the ticket sales staff. I've been with the Astros the pastfew months, but it looks like im going to make the move a couple blocks over to the Toyota Center... wish me luck. And if any of yall are looking at ticketpackages for the next season, you better holla at me!
33-9 for the year, Houston is at home.
u say houston will not lose at home..did u know the blazers have a better home record than the rockets?
... if the blazers steal one athouston, series is a wrap too...
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