Game of the year? 2011

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Lol at saying it needs better combat and multiplayer to be good.......yet most of the games you named are turn based combat and dont have multiplayer either.........the only one u named in skyrims league is chrono trigger

Step your reading comprehension up, never said Skyrim wasn't a good game. Just not the BEST 
 I think those two factors I stated would bring it to GREATNESS though.
It's cool though everyone has different opinions, didn't mean to hurt any feelings by saying Skyrim isn't the best game ever.
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Lol at saying it needs better combat and multiplayer to be good.......yet most of the games you named are turn based combat and dont have multiplayer either.........the only one u named in skyrims league is chrono trigger

Step your reading comprehension up, never said Skyrim wasn't a good game. Just not the BEST 
 I think those two factors I stated would bring it to GREATNESS though.
you clearly said it was only good in two aspects and very overated....but like u said everyone has opinions
Originally Posted by StonedFace

It's cool though everyone has different opinions, didn't mean to hurt any feelings by saying Skyrim isn't the best game ever.
I agree the hand to hand combat could be improved.  The magic and spell casting though looks much better.  I think to improve the combat though is going to be tough just because the fighting isn't turn based and factor in the game size.  Content though I would say it is best game of the year.
Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by Credo

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Skyrim is overrated. Game mechanics are stale, unrealistic and repetitive. Best RPG of all time? HELLL no. The game is good in terms of it being an open world and unlimited amount of quests but thats about it. Come at me.

Better RPG's imo? In no particular order..

Kingdom Hearts
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy (who cares what #)
WOW....really?  One of the worst MMOs of all time?
Kingdom Hearts doesn't even belong in the same subject, sentence, paragraph, or book as Skyrim.
The number deeply matters on what FF it is as 8 and X2 suck something awful.
Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest RPGs of all time, but even I have a hard time placing it with Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowing for that matter.
The Elderscroll games are like Tool, yeah their Metal but they're so awesome they don't fall under any particular subgenre.

Explain how WOW is the worst MMO of all time? 
 *cue shaq laughing and walking away gif*
Skyrim WOULD be the best game/rpg ever made if the combat wasn't so dull and it had multiplayer action. If you can't agree with me on that, you're just a fanboy straight up.
It took the elements of the existing MMOs of the time, slapped it to some somewhat half-assed Warcraft lore, and dumbed the gameplay down to the point that playing the game was the equivalent of tying your shoes.

I mean to each their own, but WoW > Skyrim?
Lol why are w.o.w and skyrim even compared. Ones a MMO
Skyrims game mechanics are stale? Someone is obviously salty and never played skyrim.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by supa vegetto

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I have yet to play Uncharted 3, but if it's seriously better than Arkham City, I'll be VERY impressed. The immersiveness in Arkham City is like nothing else.
it isn't better than Uncharted 2, so it's automatically disqualified in my book..
that's the only game I've played that's new. 

I'm pretty busy so I haven't had the chance to play Skyward Sword but I've never been disappointed in a Zelda game..other than Wind Waker

Not better than 2? Hmmm... I'll check it out. It's been on my GameFly Que, but I have Catherine right now, and I need to finish it...
Probably the most unique/different game I played all year and I loved it. It's also hard as @%*+
but it was fun and the story was great. Each one of the 9 endings is hilarious.
Skyrim is better than real life.
Uncharted 3 was good but I expected more.  Game felt really short and the ending was too similar to the last game.
Originally Posted by Kramer

is arkham city really that cool? I wouldn't even have considered playing that
its addictive to me...couldn't put the controller down 
Originally Posted by Credo

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Skyrim is overrated. Game mechanics are stale, unrealistic and repetitive. Best RPG of all time? HELLL no. The game is good in terms of it being an open world and unlimited amount of quests but thats about it. Come at me.

Better RPG's imo? In no particular order..

Kingdom Hearts
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy (who cares what #)
WOW....really?  One of the worst MMOs of all time?
Kingdom Hearts doesn't even belong in the same subject, sentence, paragraph, or book as Skyrim.
The number deeply matters on what FF it is as 8 and X2 suck something awful.
Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest RPGs of all time, but even I have a hard time placing it with Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowing for that matter.
The Elderscroll games are like Tool, yeah their Metal but they're so awesome they don't fall under any particular subgenre.

i played WoW for a very long time and though i stopped playing, i do agree it is a super dumb down version of what it use to be. That game changed MMO'S FOREVER. no mmo will be able to compete with WoW and its easy to jump into play design for beginners and hardcore gamers alike. you're an idiot to think that game sucks. It might not be your flavor but the game definitely does not suck. Blizzard knows what they are doing and are the TOP dogs of the MMO genre. Name one MMO that is competing or remotely better than WoW. Every MMO that has been created has died or is dying due to WoW. As much as i hate Blizzard for completely destroying a sense of community in WoW i cant hate on their hustle.
Originally Posted by xblaze23

Gears of War as the most complete package. Skyrim due to the single player experience.
Exactly what I came in here to say.
Skyrims gonna win it officially.

Arkham City was wayyyyy toooo short.

Skyward Sword is amazing. Ocarina of Time Status and would get my vote
Wait is there something about Batman that I'm missing? Cause once I did the main story nothing else really popped out at me. I know theres side missions around but how deep and involved do those go? I have no DLC and I dont like the riddler combat challenges
I know it's already been mentioned, but, how the hell does OP make a GOTY thread and NOT include Skyrim OR Portal 2?

TECHNICALLY....LA Noir should win. Based off of how in-depth this game was and they used new never before seen vg facial recognition technology. Only caveat was that the game got a boring in certain spots.

Batman: AC is a great game but it was too short and tedious

Portal 2 was awesome ...really really awesome. Idk for some reason though, I still can't call it GOTY even though the game was FLAWLESS to me.

Skryim will probably win all the game awards. Really no explanation needed, the game is stellar. One problem I have....TOO MANY QUESTS! Good lord the amount of quests and the prolonging of certain quests really drag the game at times.

-The Juice


Skyrim easily best game of the year. The above pictures are screen shots of a heavily modded version. But, they are in game screen shots. If you're not playing this game on pc you're not doing it right.
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