Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon

It was smart not show him fight the crab feeder. He was riddled with greyscale and wouldn’t have put much of a fight and Daem is leagues above as a combatant.

It would be like pitting prime MJ on Corey Brewer
These youtube channels work fast. screencrush already posted a vid for 73 easter eggs in episode 3.

A lot of the big YouTube channels had access to the first four episodes of the show. So they've had these videos in the vault for a couple of weeks. They have Episode 4 videos sitting too. They're just waiting for the episodes to air before they upload them.
And Daemon walking out with half of crab feeders body was all you needed to know.

Daemon effed like 20 crabbies alone, took 3 arrows and still wanted all the smoke!

Crabfeeder used theatricality and deception on his opponents to win. Powerful agents to the uninitiated, but Daemon was initiated. Member of house Targaryen.

Daemon Vs Crabfeeder didn’t need to be shown we knew how it was gonna end once that fight started.
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