Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon

Amazing look, dude looked imposing as hell. Like a damn Dark Souls boss.

Damn, that walk was like a marathon for Vis :lol:

Vis quelling one more matter before he checks out.

Vaemond is/was a FOOL! He could've kept quiet, be patient and bided his time to simply re-seize the Driftmark throne in the future. Instead he just started wildin :lol: Gave Daemon a reason :lol:
He lost his cool. Damn Daemon is a real manipulator. he deliberately encouraged Vaemond to allow his anger to show.
Paddy Constantin did such an amazing job, it can be hard to make someone so thoroughly incompetent likable.

but he really did, you could really feel his love his grandchildren,
the desire for affection and peace within his family.

Viserys; terrible king, but ultimately a good dude at his core.
Wow, what an episode of D!

First off... how TF did Almond age, like 15 years? 😂😅
But what about his look of admiration when Dae sliced Vae's head off? 👀
Man, Aegon... still the scumbag. 😒
And Paddy... what an amazing performance... his entrance 🔥
Like many, I also hoped that he didn't fall on those swords and DIE.
Honorable mention to Emma, who was great, too.
And these damn Targs... among the many things they should stop doing (like incest) is to stop recycling names! We could have avoided the Dance of the Dragons! Why can't everyone just get along?!

What was his final word? :nerd:


And now, the memes...

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He lost his cool. Damn Daemon is a real manipulator. he deliberately encouraged Vaemond to allow his anger to show.
Daemon just wanted Vaemond to give him a reason, he was like please say it. Next thing you know he's directly behind dude sword unsheathed with nobody else noticing.
When Helaena speaks, we pay attention!
This week's cryptic message...

And I just realized she and Aegon are married already.

Elsewhere, Mysaria met with that servant who knew about Aegon raping Dyana. I wonder what will materialize from that. 👀
I was just gonna ask what Mysaria showing up on screen meant? For some reason I thought her character was killed off. But yeah she shows up, has a 2 second scene where she looks mischievous, then that’s it. What’s that rascal up to?
I wonder if she's working for/with Larys. 🤔

Another detail I noticed...
One of Raenyra & Daemon's kids is also named Aegon?! FFS.

NGL, this was what popped into my head when I saw King Vis. 😬
animation - 2022-10-11T034548.711.gif
Everytime I see Cole's smug BA face on my screen man. Fam needs to be touched up *pause*


Larys staring a whole into AliCersei's soul

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