Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon

I thought about this and I read that being married is a part of the King's/Queen's duty so that wasn't an option.
Yeah, gotta produce a bunch of heirs in case a few die. I watched a video about alyssa (viserys and daemon's mom). jaeharys was her dad and had a few other children but I assume they all died so he had to name an heir in episode 1.
Cmon man :lol: I straight up said the line before Aemond did. Could see it coming.

It was a great comeback given the pig is pretty much an inside joke the parents aren't really aware of.
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In the preview for the next episode. they showed a baby with silver hair. Aegon probability has a bastard child with the girl he raped. I think that wasn’t tea the assistant gave the girl.
In the preview for the next episode. they showed a baby with silver hair. Aegon probability has a bastard child with the girl he raped. I think that wasn’t tea the assistant gave the girl.

I didn't watch the preview but I would guess that's the child Rhaenyra was pregnant with last episode.

Doubt the assistant would cross the queen by giving her fake moon tea.
Well God Damn.
Just started episode 8 and Rhaenys is being told about the neck wound and fever, she claims it’s been 6 years since she seen him?

Okay okay moving right along.
Couple of scenes later Rhaenera pops on screen interrupting her now teenage boys history lesson AND SHES WITH CHILD AGAIN?

Good Googly Moogly.
F word or Fight. Sounds like a Rap Song.
Daemon helping Viserys on the throne hit me right in the feels.

Vaemond got worked into a shoot.

How Jace and Luke look younger after the time jump?
I didn't get the point or what it meant that he told Alicent bits and pieces of the song of fire and ice prophecy when I assume he thought he was talking to Rhae.
Of all of the people who missed the meaning behind this I didn’t think you’d be amongst them.
You could get away with murder when the Targaryen’s were on the throne

Viserys gives no dambs.
No discipline at all.
I mean every town hall meeting, wedding or funeral somebody got marked or lost a limb and this dude just scurry’s back to his chamber to work on his Recreation of Kings Landing.

There was no way Daemon was getting in trouble for slicing dudes head in two.

In fact, dude who lost his head had just called the heir to the throne a ***** and her kids bastards and was half way back to his Car before somebody(not the King or the Kings Men) disciplined his ***.
Almond and Daemond got that big D**** energy

Solid episode again, was there any significance to the 3 eggs Aemond pulled? Are those the eggs from GOTs?

Wow, what an episode of D!

First off... how TF did Almond age, like 15 years? 😂😅
But what about his look of admiration when Dae sliced Vae's head off? 👀
Man, Aegon... still the scumbag. 😒
And Paddy... what an amazing performance... his entrance 🔥
Like many, I also hoped that he didn't fall on those swords and DIE.
Honorable mention to Emma, who was great, too.
And these damn Targs... among the many things they should stop doing (like incest) is to stop recycling names! We could have avoided the Dance of the Dragons! Why can't everyone just get along?!


And now, the memes...


I’m dyin at y’all calling him Almond :lol:
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