Gas Price Hike

Took me $60 to fill up my tank. :smh: Hopefully it'll last me 2 weeks at the most.
As stated by someone else in this thread it appears the news is right, it went up 10 cents from yesterday.
Yeah $5/Gal gas is coming... :smh:

ppl been sayin this for a while now, who knows

when this does actually happen in the US itll be no joke though, i realize around the world ppl pay much more.

if we gotta pay 5-6 range itll change A LOT of things
Tip: Remove any excessive weight in your trunk. “no junk in the trunk"
Find better alternative routes if you know the route you normally take has traffic. Going on local roads don't hurt.
I've been paying around $8 for a year now.

You know the worst thing about all this though? - it's not just basic economics. The same bankers who have screwed us over mortgages and credit card interest were gambling on oil futures - like any stock. But like the libor problem they weren't gambling - they were artificially reporting figures which would change the price of oil so they made more money in the future - so the cost has ballooned in the last couple of years more than it should have.

That does't just influence the cost of gas in your tank but the cost of basically everything - a loaf of bread is 10c higher and so is everything else.

They've basically screwed the whole world to make a few million for theirselves. People need to go to jail but so far not much has been done.
filled up with regular yesterday at Exxon . . . $3.79 a gallon. Used my Exxon / Mobile speedpass and got an extra $0.10 off a gallon, so in the end on my bill it was $3.69 a gallon.
Prices went down since Tuesday. I filled up at $4.17 (93) and today it was down to $4.10

Coming back from NY on Sunday, I paid $3.95 in Jersey
I've been paying around $8 for a year now.
You know the worst thing about all this though? - it's not just basic economics. The same bankers who have screwed us over mortgages and credit card interest were gambling on oil futures - like any stock. But like the libor problem they weren't gambling - they were artificially reporting figures which would change the price of oil so they made more money in the future - so the cost has ballooned in the last couple of years more than it should have.
That does't just influence the cost of gas in your tank but the cost of basically everything - a loaf of bread is 10c higher and so is everything else.
They've basically screwed the whole world to make a few million for theirselves. People need to go to jail but so far not much has been done.

well you must be wealthy/rich

you live in sweden, monaco, uk, denmark, norway?

i can list a few more
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well you must be wealthy/rich

you live in sweden, monaco, uk, denmark, norway?

i can list a few more

UK, but nope. Flat broke. That's just the cost of it around here - always been about double what you guys pay.

I don't drive much anyway - we do about 9,000 miles in our family car. Do most of my miles by bike which doesn't cost much - not just for the cheapness but just that I like riding a bike.

It does make me laugh when people say things like "30mpg ftw" - you know that's awful right? Sure, it's better than a V8 but for 2012 that's not an economical car, it's average. My 12 year old Volvo gets mid 30s on mixed running - and near 40 on a decent trip. It's just a basic 6 cylinder 2.4l - the diesels and the new ones get much better mileage and some of those new clever engines (VW have a powerful 1.4 TSi) get silly numbers.
It does make me laugh when people say things like "30mpg ftw" - you know that's awful right? Sure, it's better than a V8 but for 2012 that's not an economical car, it's average. My 12 year old Volvo gets mid 30s on mixed running - and near 40 on a decent trip. It's just a basic 6 cylinder 2.4l - the diesels and the new ones get much better mileage and some of those new clever engines (VW have a powerful 1.4 TSi) get silly numbers.
are EU gas prices that much higher to reflect the average distance a car can go on a gallon? i mean of course that can vary but are mpg standards for certain cars, that much higher or is it just better technology?
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I don't think the price is directly to do with that - but I suppose it sort of it. If gas is cheap (like the US historically) then people don't worry about it - but it if it's not cheap then people will want more economical cars so the average will go up over time.

Companies have invested in that for 30 years and the modern engines are technically good - but can still get better.
I've been paying around $8 for a year now.
You know the worst thing about all this though? - it's not just basic economics. The same bankers who have screwed us over mortgages and credit card interest were gambling on oil futures - like any stock. But like the libor problem they weren't gambling - they were artificially reporting figures which would change the price of oil so they made more money in the future - so the cost has ballooned in the last couple of years more than it should have.
That does't just influence the cost of gas in your tank but the cost of basically everything - a loaf of bread is 10c higher and so is everything else.
They've basically screwed the whole world to make a few million for theirselves. People need to go to jail but so far not much has been done.
Go to jail? I'm for public executions of these scumbags.
On Monday I went to Costco and regular was 4.07 I check today and its 4.29 :x
I'm in Cali.
Companies have invested in that for 30 years and the modern engines are technically good - but can still get better.

anyone know why MPG hasn't risen dramatically over time like computing power? Is there a ceiling we've reached with squeezing more MPG's out of a gallon of gasoline?

I'd always thought in 2012 we'd at least have a Hummer running at 50 MPG and Civics at 100+ MPG?

My 4-door 1996 Civic got 29 CITY / 36 HWY and today's Civic is listed as 28 CITY / 39 HWY. That doesn't sound like progress to me. I understand today's cars have more horsepower, but you'd think in 2012 that you can get the same horsepower at a high MPG?
^ a big part of that is that cars are a lot heavier than they were even 10 years ago. Everyone wants a/c and electric everything and the safety features weigh a ton.

More power and more weight can't be made up for with a better engine.
gone up .40 cent since last week.

pumping 20 bucks hoping next week it will fall under 4 bucks
gasoline is not an efficient burner alot of the energy is lost once it is burned in the engine because not all of it even burns.

car engines are very very inefficient. i might be wrong because its been a while but i think they utilize about 50% of the energy from gasoline the rest is wasted
I can't believe how fast the prices went up. Thank God I filled up on Monday, just before the Costcos here in LA completely stopped selling gas :x
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