Georgetown 11 low next April

damn, didnt get a call from 4 raffles that I entered...further proved that if they just let you write you own ticket and not recording anything, and not even check IDs, then it's rigged :smh: :smh: :smh:
damn, didnt get a call from 4 raffles that I entered...further proved that if they just let you write you own ticket and not recording anything, and not even check IDs, then it's rigged
in the places i went to.. they actually id'd people but last year they werent doing that so i feel that one
Got the call from HOH Memorial City for my 10.5 about 15 minutes ago.
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how were ya'll copping before the app ??  just do it that way 

it's also online or bust for me 
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Just as I posted I won the raffle at HOH Memorial too...lmfao...looks like plenty to go around gents...
Edit* release time is now back to the normal time, 10 am EDT/7 am PDT.
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i got the same notification. both foams and these georgetowns are on the app....but no notify me button?
Metallic Madness?

Anyway, congrats to those who got the call.  I hate you all.  The one and only store in the area I knew was doing a raffle and I participated in was supposed to start calls tonight.  My hopes aren't up but hey, everyone else here is doing fcfs... and i've got SNKRS as a back up.
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