GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

I didn't catch that it was the blind guy who they were going to put in Chris's body...damn
I think a lot of people who won't find this good as a horror film might be expecting something else. Most people automatically associate horror with slasher and or monsters but this type of psycological horror is just as scary because it teeters on the border of you thinking, Shi... this may actually happen.

Like Kevin Smith's first horror flick Red State. I think it was very well done and creepy as hell due to what it focused on.

The biggest twist and kick to my gut was after that typical horror reveal where the protagonist stumbles upon something that gives up the plot of what's happening (Chris finding that room with the pics of Rose) finding out
that Rose was part of the family business of wrangling black hosts
really messed with me because it made it even more effed up. I was hoping
that she was being used and brainwashed by her parents to date black guys and maybe girls and after they captured them, they'd wipe her mind of the entire relationship.

and that scene where Chris was surrounded by the whole family made that plot twist reveal so much more effed. Kinda like the training day scene where Ethan Hawk realizes Denzel has left him with the cholos in that kitchen. White black or whatever you can't help but feel like, "Awww F***" in that situation.

This movie is on that Sixth Sense tip and next to Split it's tied for best movie of the year for me.
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Another thing I was wondering today. Blind art dealer dude tells Chris, " your work is the best I've ever seen. I think." Do you think his "assistant" was Rose? And she just lied about how good Chris's pictures were so dude would have a black host? That would be a good way to explain how Rose even met Chris in the first place.
The cotton from the chair lol

But how did he get it in his ears?  That's where I get lost.

When he first woke up he bit the straps. It's safe to assume he could stuff his ears cause he could put his head down that far.

total mind ****. this movie had so many undercover themes and contexts.

this scene in particular....bruh picked the cotton which ultimately became one of the tools to his freedom..
This movie is on that Sixth Sense tip and next to Split it's tied for best movie of the year for me.

Funny you mention Sixth Sense. Jordan Peele's initial horror/thriller effort is drawing comparisons to M. Night. Not so much because of their styles, which are very different, but their ability to shake up the genre while creating a mainstream appeal.

I remember when Sixth Sense dropped and people thought M. Night was the best thing since Wes Craven or Stephen King. Many people will debate Night had a gradual decline since the Sixth Sense. Hope this isn't the case for Peele. Really interested in seeing what goes on in that mind of his. I much rather prefer psychological and paranormal horror. The hack-and-slashers just don't do it for me.
What they did with the beginning if the film was dope too. Like if you had never seen any of the marketing for this movie and went to the movies, it was shown that something was wrong from the beginning. It kind of creates that "puzzle" for the viewer try figuring out from the beginning. For myself, the moment I saw the first trailer months ago I knew the gf was in on it but I wasn't 100% correct on what "it" was. The twist was pretty neat and added another dynamic.
When Chris asked her if he was the only black dude she's dated and she said yeah, I knew she was lying. All females lie.
That fake laugh and smile is real life

It's like the only thing you can do. That one solid "HA" is Black for "Bruh WTF"

When that old chick felt up his arm and was asking is it true

I've had a few mamas ask they daughters if I was true to size smh

same dawg. This whole post.

The awkward laugh is like a finishing move with dealing with the family. knew it all too well. Had a couple moms make sex jokes around me..'I hope you're not breaking my aren't...are you..?' uhmm..what...of course I am ma. uck u mean
Another thing I was wondering today. Blind art dealer dude tells Chris, " your work is the best I've ever seen. I think." Do you think his "assistant" was Rose? And she just lied about how good Chris's pictures were so dude would have a black host? That would be a good way to explain how Rose even met Chris in the first place.

I think Chris was an up and coming photographer. Not famous or anything but becoming Luke warm in his field. I think the blind guy might've requested a "photographer" of some sort and Rose Googled them and stumbled upon Chris (who was black), word to the "NCAA prospect" search scene. I may be thinking to much tho :lol:
fam...when she said 'you know i cant give you these keys chris'

i would've lost it. f it. nothing to lose. I'm giving hands to everything moving.
fam...when she said 'you know i cant give you these keys chris'

i would've lost it. f it. nothing to lose. I'm giving hands to everything moving.

A bit before that when she was scrounging through her bag looking for the keys, i was thinking, "*****, you better find those keys right now" :lol:
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fam...when she said 'you know i cant give you these keys chris'

i would've lost it. f it. nothing to lose. I'm giving hands to everything moving.

He should've know what type of party it was when he'd seen those pictures though. She wasn't even suppose to make it down stairs with them keys. Chris should've tossed her asz up on sight. :lol:
A bit before that when she was scrounging through her bag looking for the keys, i was thinking", "*****, you better find those keys right now"
Soon as my wife saw them pics she knew ol girl was dirty, I was hopin' she was also hypnotized but smh
fam...when she said 'you know i cant give you these keys chris'

i would've lost it. f it. nothing to lose. I'm giving hands to everything moving.
Man I woulda came up out that button up and woulda caused a ruckus

That "Sunken Place" was terrifying too, I've had a few of the paralyzed dreams where you can't move and man it was too personal being completely powerless
only thing i was thinking..hoping...was that mom used the jedi mind tricks on baby girl too. wasnt til it seemed like she was lowkey the ring leader that it all came full circle. This bird was out here bruh. had maaad dongs in her box too.
only thing i was thinking..hoping...was that mom used the jedi mind tricks on baby girl too. wasnt til it seemed like she was lowkey the ring leader that it all came full circle. This bird was out here bruh. had maaad dongs in her box too.
Only thing that tops the stack of pics she had of all the dudes who ran up in her was that scoreboard behind her bed
Yeah I didn't think she was in on it. I thought her family did something to her mind as well. On the stairs she legit was playing the role looking for the keys. Then bam "You know I'm not giving you the keys"
Another thing I was wondering today. Blind art dealer dude tells Chris, " your work is the best I've ever seen. I think." Do you think his "assistant" was Rose? And she just lied about how good Chris's pictures were so dude would have a black host? That would be a good way to explain how Rose even met Chris in the first place.

I think dude had a male assistant. In that scene right before Chris went to see him he was with some guy that sorta announced Chris was headed his way. Coulda been a security guard never know.

I don't think that he was tailor picked for the art dealer since he was being auctioned off. TBH the art dealer probably low key thought all these people were nuts until he realized who Chris was hence why he bid so high.
That "Sunken Place" was terrifying too, I've had a few of the paralyzed dreams where you can't move and man it was too personal being completely powerless

Yeah they call it the "Devil on Your Back" or some ish like that. It's like you're in a longer than normal period of the conscientiousness state you hit right before awakening from a deep sleep. You are aware of your surroundings but you can't move. It's weird trying to explain but I know I'm not the only one to experience this.

Or maybe I was just super faded!!! :lol:
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