Getting a messed up haircut is the worst feeling ever

Sep 7, 2006
So I go to my regular barber today and this guy has a sign on his window saying "Sorry, closed today...will be back on Monday". I thought, no bigdeal, I'll go to another barber shop just down the street.

As soon as I get in there (the store is empty) a female barber approaches me and asks me to have a seat. I haven't had a female cut my hair in over 8 yearsbecause they usually dont do a good job. So everything is going smoothly until it comes to the sideburns. I tell her to taper my sideburns and leave them asthey are. This is when things go horribly wrong. She ended up butchering them both. So I'm left with a decent haircut and messed up sideburns.

I go home and try to fix them but they end up being unfixable. I'm gonna have to lay low for a few days and rock a toque everywhere until they grow back.

My sideburns literally look like this


Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

10 pages

Quoted so you wont delete

read the post...thats not a OG pic of OPs' sideburns

why you gonna lay low because your hair is slightly messed up...people know you didn't do it...the only place you're likely to get roasted on isHS...if you're in college people really don't care...who cares bro story bro... 4k is almost here bro
That pic isn't a pic of me. I just typed in "messed up sideburns" in google and found a pic that resembled my unfortunate situation
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

That pic isn't a pic of me. I just typed in "messed up sideburns" in google and found a pic that resembled my unfortunate situation
show us your sideburns then

with a paper saying NT: MY NEVADA CUT
Dog I JUST got back form the barber dude tried me hard
He cut my sideburns and goatee extra thin im just going to cut it all off.
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