Giants sign Rowand --5 YRS. 60 MIL

I like this move a lot. For Giants fan who are complaining what better move was there? We still have the best staff in the bigs.

I've been saying it for years, the Giants need to build a club around that beautiful stadium. This means right handed speedy, athletic, good defensiveplayers. Rowand seems like a guy who is going to bust his balls off, if he isn't making it happen with his bat then he makes defensive plays.

Now if we could get a 1st/3rd and possibly move Ray Ray, Aurillia and Roberts.

I hear some talk about Bill Hall and considering the Brewers need some OF help, maybe we could work out a deal. I'd love to see Bill Hall play in S.F.

If Sabes can make a few more acquisitions we might have a nice little ball club in '08
Burn916, you still better be here in July or August when Rowand is hitting .270 with 13 homeruns and 47 RBI and the Giants are 15 games behind in the WildCard.
Seriously. For all of those going
, what should the Giants have done? With the small free agent pool and minimal trade possibilities out there, what should Sabean have done? Would yourather have them go into the season with the roster the way it was?

At least they did SOMETHING. Was he overpaid? Probably, but who isn't nowadays? You have 4th starters getting 10 million/season.

I'm not terribly excited about this either, but it's something. Rowand is not the fix to the Giants offensive woes, he is merely a piece. So please,explain to me why this is such a bad deal.
Why do the Giants NEED to make a deal just to make a deal? That is not how you make your team better. More thought needs to go into decisions than just saying"oh, we haven't signed anyone yet, might as well go for this player." When that's your philosophy, you're prone to make mistakes. You canlook back to last year when we missed on Soriano, Carlos Lee, and even Gary Matthews and threw all this money at Zito. That's a prime example of making adeal just to have your team's name out in the papers.

If the Giants already had 2 strong hitter, then this move makes sense. But to just have Rowand and the rest of this team around him still doesn't get usout of the cellar. And who else can we get? We have no chips to work with unless you include Cain and Lincecum which Sabean now said he won't do. He alsosaid that the Matsui talks are all but over. Also, this signing goes back to our old ways - Rowand is 30 years old and will be 36 when his contract expires.He'll just be another Dave Roberts on the roster by that time. Raul Ibanez would have been a much cheaper alternative if we waited until next off-season.

Apparently not everyone is against this signing here. I browsed the message board on and they are flipping out. I personally don't see manypositives in Rowand. Playing hard and taking walks are things baseball players need to be doing anyway. That shouldn't be the foundation to get a lucrativeoffer like 5 years/$60 million.
So you would rather have the Giants "prospects" everyday? Here's the thing: Frandsen, Ortmeier, Scheirholtz, Lewis, and Davis just aren'tgood. If you think otherwise then I honestly have no idea what you are watching on the field. And on top of that, they're not even that young anymore. Iheard a couple days ago that Alex Rios is younger than most of the guys I listed.

I know Rowand isn't the answer for the Giants offensive woes, but he is a solid number 6 hitter or so. Yeah the Giants don't have a 3, 4, or 5 but theGiants have to start somewhere don't they? I' m not crazy about the signing like apparently a lot of Giants fans are. I just don't completelyobject to it.
All I'm saying is that if we in fact are rebuilding, do it the right way.

Getting a 30 year old outfielder when we already have (Roberts, Winn, Davis, Schierhotlz, Lewis, Ortmeier) doesn't make a lot of sense. Let the young guysplay and develop. I'm personally a fan of Schierholtz and think he can produce in the majors.
Burn916, you still better be here in July or August when Rowand is hitting .270 with 13 homeruns and 47 RBI and the Giants are 15 games behind in the Wild Card.

And leading the team in all of those categories...yes. You think I'm gonna bail when things are rough? Sig check my dude
You're the Bonds hater in here. Yes, I'm questioning your fandom

What's wrong with him being 30 years old? How old is Andruw? How old is Fukudome? Also, does that not fit into the "peak power" years for alot of guys? How old are A-Rod and Carlos Lee? (side note...I think the peak power thing is a bit misconstrued. It should be peak offensive production, as alot of the players really "learn to hit" around this time. It's scary to think what a guy like Cabrera will do when he really hones his approachat the plate)

Anyways, Sabean isn't done dealing...don't forget about the Matsui talks.
Originally Posted by Burn916

Anyways, Sabean isn't done dealing...don't forget about the Matsui talks.

I thought the Matsui talks died down because we already got Rowand... or are they still going on?
^ Still ongoing I believe...just the Cain/Lincecum deals are off the table (thank God). The deal with the yanks is still loosely based around Matsui forSanchez, etc. That's robbery to me. Matsui is another gamer. The Giants have also received some decent offers for Lowry, but didn't take them (Milledgefor Lowry). I heard they were offered Garrett Atkins + 1 for Lowry, but didn't want to send him to a rival.
Granted that Sabean isn't a genius, I don't see how this deal takes Matsui off the table at all. They're unrelated. Rowand affects theLincecum/Cain deals because it fills a perceived necessity without having to lose one of the two franchise pitchers. The Matsui deal, on the other hand, shouldstill be up in the air because they would only have to give up Sanchez, who is very expendable.

I think a lot of the hostility here might be from the thinking that Sabean signed Rowand and said "ok we're good now." Trust me, he's stillshopping players (in fact, he stated that in more or less words earlier in the evening). Cain and Lincecum are the ONLY players on the current roster that areoff the table, with a few untouchable prospects like Villalona and Madison My Bum is on your Garner. It's the beginnning of December guys.

With that said, I gotta finish studying for these finals. Go read that article on the Nathan/Liriano/Bonser trade I posted a page back when you get a moment.
Originally Posted by SantaRosaWarriorFan

my friend said it best
" even better when we see his name on the mitchell report tomorrow"

you no i will be watch the report....

the giants suck fat balls
We overpayed. He's a good player, but not worth that much. Ah well. At least we know he'll go balls out 162 times a season for the next 5 years.
I don't think trading for Matsui is worth anything high. By signing Rowand, the Giants are able to shop other players from the outfield along with some ofthe relievers...Jonathan Sanchez maybe? Anyway, I was reading in the Chronicle that the Giants may look into Feliz for another deal...Probably a two year dealand that a trade for Scott Rolen was not a priority of theirs. Hopefully they get some good pieces that will allow Rowand to flourish. I know he's a gamerbut he can't do it by himself. I personally wanted to see fukudome...ah well.

Tru...Barry Zito isn't overrated. He was overpaid. And who declared that Rowand was overrated? No one said that he was a major bat his entire career. Youshould know about overpaid players...Like your Kings signing Mikki Moore for all that money to put up 4 rebounds. Great isn't it.
Haha...this ain't a time to bring up Kings stuff. Kings suck. Zito is and was overrated at the time the Giants signed him; he was a shell of the Cy Youngcaliber pitcher that the A's had (which, by the way, shows you how much of a genius Billy Beane is: look at the Big Three's stats since they leftOakland,
). I understand, though, that pitchers are paid at a premiumso I can somehow understand it. But Zito is one of the top 5 highest paid pitchers in the league, and he's nowhere near a top 5 pitcher; he's not eventhe best pitcher on your team.

Rowand, on the other hand, shouldn't have required a premium like pitchers do. He fooled yall after he had his best statistical season. He's a goodplayer, who will certainly play hard, but $60 mil? Naw. Bad move.

715* knows what's up.
I still don't understand this signing for the Giants, when they have 2 quality outfielders in Lewis and Davis.

They should have used that money to get some quality pitching. But the way the free agent market was this year, you get the best player on the table.

Nonetheless, as a Dodger fan, I can't complain....
IMO, they overpaid.

Might as well got Andruw instead.

You pay a bit more, but it's only for two years.

Worst case scenario he's a bum, and you let him walk.

Rowand is good and all, but, not for that kind of dough/length of contract.
Originally Posted by Burn916

^ Still ongoing I believe...just the Cain/Lincecum deals are off the table (thank God). The deal with the yanks is still loosely based around Matsui for Sanchez, etc. That's robbery to me. Matsui is another gamer. The Giants have also received some decent offers for Lowry, but didn't take them (Milledge for Lowry). I heard they were offered Garrett Atkins + 1 for Lowry, but didn't want to send him to a rival.

That goes directly against what MccoveyChronicles reported:
Other teams are asking about left-hander Noah Lowry, but a source said Giants officials have been shocked by low-ball offers and doubt they will trade the 14-game winner.
I seriously doubt the Giants were offered Garret Atkins for Lowry.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I still don't understand this signing for the Giants, when they have 2 quality outfielders in Lewis and Davis.

They should have used that money to get some quality pitching. But the way the free agent market was this year, you get the best player on the table.

Nonetheless, as a Dodger fan, I can't complain....

You, my friend, have no idea what you're talking about. Rajai Davis and Fred Lewis are not quality. They can be a 4th outfielder on a team, but arenot good enough to be starters.
Get quality pitching? If you're talking about the bullpen, I agree with you, but the rotation? The Giants have one ofthe best young rotations going with Lincecum, Cain, Lowry, Zito, and Correia.
Thank god the Giants rejected the Alex Rios deal.

Alex Rios is one of the few under-paid players in MLB. I will even go far as saying he'll have a more productive career than Lincecum.

I didnt understand why the Jays wanted to trade a proven player for a pitching prospect when Rios was only making $2.5 mill.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

I still don't understand this signing for the Giants, when they have 2 quality outfielders in Lewis and Davis.

They should have used that money to get some quality pitching. But the way the free agent market was this year, you get the best player on the table.

Nonetheless, as a Dodger fan, I can't complain....

You, my friend, have no idea what you're talking about. Rajai Davis and Fred Lewis are not quality. They can be a 4th outfielder on a team, but are not good enough to be starters.
Get quality pitching? If you're talking about the bullpen, I agree with you, but the rotation? The Giants have one of the best young rotations going with Lincecum, Cain, Lowry, Zito, and Correia.

Raj Davis is quality.
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