Girls on NT

But seriously, everyones beautiful to someone, even if youre saying it as a joke, theres always some truth in jest and you shouldnt think of yourself that way.

inb4 simp
It was just a joke really, I've struggled with self esteem issues in the past and I've worked on them for a long time. Now I'm at a place where I can joke about my looks and not feel any type of way over it.  I know I'm not ugly but I'm also not conceited either. 
:lol: But seriously, everyones beautiful to someone, even if youre saying it as a joke, theres always some truth in jest and you shouldnt think of yourself that way.

inb4 simp
It was just a joke really, I've struggled with self esteem issues in the past and I've worked on them for a long time. Now I'm at a place where I can joke about my looks and not feel any type of way over it.  I know I'm not ugly but I'm also not conceited either. 

Word? Pics for the curious
But seriously, everyones beautiful to someone, even if youre saying it as a joke, theres always some truth in jest and you shouldnt think of yourself that way.

inb4 simp
It was just a joke really, I've struggled with self esteem issues in the past and I've worked on them for a long time. Now I'm at a place where I can joke about my looks and not feel any type of way over it.  I know I'm not ugly but I'm also not conceited either. 
Glad to hear it, thats the mindset that everyone should have. My fault if I came out of left field with this, your OG comment hit home with me.
I've had enough.

I never get picked for Ns to write haikus and **** to me.

I'm always just cool.

**** ALL YALL! >:

I do miss Nawth. She deleted her facebook and everything. I hope she is doing well. :frown:
She got that Kate Upton lower body syndrome going on....bout to aware Thytker of this thread to see if she makes a cameo along with Apples
I've had enough.

I never get picked for Ns to write haikus and **** to me.

I'm always just cool.

**** ALL YALL! >:

I do miss Nawth. She deleted her facebook and everything. I hope she is doing well. :frown:

Yooo, I forgot about Nawth. I was just thinking about her the other day when scouring my brain for female NT'ers. She disappeared a long time ago here. Don't be upset MyT. It's ok.
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