*Girls Who Flirt With You Eventhough they Got Boyfriends

See, this is the exact reason why I don't get gf's.

Because once you get in a relationship, you automatically want to see what it is that you are missing from being in a relationship. So I would just rather bethat "What you are missing" instead.

See, it just starts out as flirting then goes on and on and on until its a balancing act. For me though, when I run into girls who try to mess with me and hasa man, I get real cocky around em and like someone said earlier, make em feel like they aren't good enough for me. That way, she wants me more. Then whenthey break up, buns is mad easy to get.
Originally Posted by jeyel

flirting is ok .. but some girls (and guys) take things way too far


Triflin skeezers.. ill admit it for bein foolish enough to give a chick plenty of attention even though she got a man. Smh.
i had one of those girls... ex girl now... hate those attention $!#%#$.. every day a different guy texting or calling and then saying "he's myfriend"... yeah calling at 11:30 pm... better get as far away from girls like that... they're not even worth talking to...
ya'll pay these %!%@ attention?

once i find out a chick got a BF, i dont have a reason to talk to her. it's bad enough I gotta try to get @ chicks who's single (i hate making too mucheffort and i'm not down for no chasing BS)....then some chick with a BF of all things trying to use me for attention. i'll pass.
then what do you do if your gf is one of them? there are plenty of guys that dont feel the same way you do... dont care if you have a gf or not... and girlsthat still give attention to those guys are just !%%%%*... being friends is cool, but not if they have other intentions
that's it right there, either don't give her the day and time because she just wants you to boost her self-esteem, or get to the point and smash. I seeno reason to be touching and talking nonsense. Usually these type of women will give it up, but I wouldn't even take it.
Originally Posted by drock2010

They probably want attention

attention that their boyfriend isn't giving them

Not even, to some of these broads you can never get enough attention.
I thought of this thread when I saw this facebook status for some reason

Why get in a serious relationship when i have several good men who love and take great care ofme? Love u babe
How bout the girl who you knows has a boyfriend but flirts and never mentions him....

Thats the one im in....has me confused
Straight confusion! They see something they want, but can't (or can depending on the female) have and they are intrigued by it. Was in a similar situationnot to long ago. VERY frustrating...
ya'll let easy situations get to you.

if that's your style, tel her to put her $ where her mouth is or go bug her man for attention.

it's not my style cuz i dont have the patience and karma's never good to ppl who creep.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

ya'll let easy situations get to you.

if that's your style, tel her to put her $ where her mouth is or go bug her man for attention.

it's not my style cuz i dont have the patience and karma's never good to ppl who creep.
those broads just aint worth it for the most part.

i just don't wanna deal with a crazy boyfriend buggin out at me

the worst ones are the girls who you end up doing stuff with, only to find out they have a boyfriend afterwards yet they still keep comming back for more.
UNAPPRECIATED! got 3 co-workers doin that to me at work. SMH i'm sooo tempted but i stop myself from doing anything

EDIT: one of em went sooo farr that the boyfriend just eyeballs me everytime he walks in the store

so heres the story so theres this bad %@% broad i work with. we flirt constantly and somehow she got my number from my other co-worker and then she startedtexted me and we start flirting so then next day the boyfriend finds out shes been texting me tells her to delete my number and then this son of a *%#%% savesit on his phone. and i'm like THE ****KKKK and couple days later he walks in and starts eyeballin me and my other co-worker and i told him damn if that%%%!@ comes here again eyeballin me i'ma give him another lazy eye! SMH *@$@+$+ these days

now the bad #** broad will barely talk to me now cause shes scared of her boyfriend
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