Giving Tip for Delivery?

I'd also like to mention that I pay taxes on a percentage of my sales....because the IRS ASSUMES that we walk home with atleast a certain percentage. I also tip out on a percentage of my sales. These figures are uncompromisable. If I sell 1000 dollars, the IRS assumes I'm walking with atleast 10% after tipping everyone out like bussers and hosts and whatever. Soooooo, I get taxed on 100 dollars worth of income, which is straight deducted from my minimum wages. After two weeks of work my paycheck is only 150 dollars because of how the taxing structure works. I literally am depending on the tips. In other states where minimum wage is much less, they actually get ZERO DOLLARS on their paycheck because it ALL GETS TAXED OFF as they are getting taxed the same percentage of their sales as everyone other state. I have to tip 4.5% of my sales out to the staff, regardless of how bad or good my night was. On a 1000 dollars sales, I have to tip out 45 dollars out of my own tips before I even get mine. You can short the bussers a little if you want to, but that will only hurt you more as your tables won't get bussed as quickly or as often as the rest of the servers, which in turn will actually cost you money since you can't take as many tables in an evening.  If all customers  tipped only 10%, I'd be barely making anything at all, considering the taxing figures as well as the tip out percentage. That's why we try so hard to impress our guests. To create the biggest gap between hardly making any money at all, and making a pretty good amount. I pay taxes on 10% of my sales, and the first 4.5% of my tips goes to the rest of the staff anyway. 
Get it now breh? Yes, I'm still getting paid by my employer minimum wage...but the IRS assumes that everyone is tipping properly....they also know that we TIP OUT the bussers, barteneders, hosts, food runners, they assume after tipping everyone out we still walk out the door with atleast 10% of our sales....guess what....i get TAXED on that ASSUMED money. After they use my minimum wages to get pay check is 150 after two weeks. It's not's just that your reading comprehension is poor. 
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Thats B.S!

And doesn't matter:

What is the minimum wage for workers who receive tips?

An employer may pay a tipped employee not less than $2.13 an hour in direct wages if that amount plus the tips received equal at least the federal minimum wage, the employee retains all tips and the employee customarily and regularly receives more than $30 a month in tips. If an employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 an hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference.

Some states  have minimum wage laws specific to tipped employees. When an employee is subject to both the federal and state wage laws, the employee is entitled to the provisions of each law which provide the greater benefits.

Stop trying to gain sympathy with that lie!
More ignorance. You clearly haven't read the past couple pages. My last paycheck was 175, only because I picked up an extra night. They are generally 150. HERE I WILL HELP YOU OUT. stay tuned.
No don't worry about it...

You are the greatest server known to man, and enjoy $300 dollar nights playing on peoples guilt.
On a total random note, I got a question for servers. Which customer between these two would you rather deal with.

A. The customer is a total jerk, rude, demanding, has an overall bad attitude but leaves a real good tip

B. The customer is friendly, a pleasure to serve, has a good overall attitude but doesn't tip for whatever random reason.
On a total random note, I got a question for servers. Which customer between these two would you rather deal with.

A. The customer is a total jerk, rude, demanding, has an overall bad attitude but leaves a real good tip

B. The customer is friendly, a pleasure to serve, has a good overall attitude but doesn't tip for whatever random reason.
Depends....customer A would have to tip HUGE for him to be tolerable. What's funny is customer A generally tips pretty bad. But when I get a really rude customer, and they tip's kinda worth it. You have to deal with them for about an hour....but they leave. 

Customer B...that's tough. But it's really REALLY rare. People don't just leave NO TIP. Bad tippers sure...but no tip? Extremely rare. I serve about 18 tables a night. I haven't been stiffed in like 2 months. It just doesn't happen. And if it does, it's usually on a very small bill of 20 dollars or something like that.

Let me reword your post to be more relevant. This would be a tie:

A. The customer is a total jerk, rude, demanding, has an overall bad attitude, but leaves a 25% tip.

B. The customer is friendly, a pleasure to serce, has a good overall attitutde but only tips 10%. 
On a total random note, I got a question for servers. Which customer between these two would you rather deal with.

A. The customer is a total jerk, rude, demanding, has an overall bad attitude but leaves a real good tip

B. The customer is friendly, a pleasure to serve, has a good overall attitude but doesn't tip for whatever random reason.
Depends....customer A would have to tip HUGE for him to be tolerable. What's funny is customer A generally tips pretty bad. But when I get a really rude customer, and they tip's kinda worth it. You have to deal with them for about an hour....but they leave. 

Customer B...that's tough. But it's really REALLY rare. People don't just leave NO TIP. Bad tippers sure...but no tip? Extremely rare. I serve about 18 tables a night. I haven't been stiffed in like 2 months. It just doesn't happen. And if it does, it's usually on a very small bill of 20 dollars or something like that.

Let me reword your post to be more relevant. This would be a tie:

A. The customer is a total jerk, rude, demanding, has an overall bad attitude, but leaves a 25% tip.

B. The customer is friendly, a pleasure to serce, has a good overall attitutde but only tips 10%. 

It's all a scam.

Dudes are out here making bank of peoples insecurities. 
No don't worry about it...

You are the greatest server known to man, and enjoy $300 dollar nights playing on peoples guilt.
See the thing is tipping isn't guilt driven to most people. Only for cheap people it's guilt driven. It's just a tip customers aren't thinking "I feel bad, this is how this guy makes his money, I should tip." It's more like "this guy did alright, I"ll leave him X amount." Or...."THis guy did terrible, I'll leave him X amount"

Most people's emotions aren't really coming into play. That's just weird.

And LOL at "ITS A SCAM".

It's not that serious one is insecure...maybe you idk. Most people just tip 20% without thinking about it or batting an eye. No one is scamming anyone. LOL. Seriously...what insecurities are you referring to?
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No don't worry about it...

You are the greatest server known to man, and enjoy $300 dollar nights playing on peoples guilt.
See the thing is tipping isn't guilt driven to most people. Only for cheap people it's guilt driven. It's just a tip customers aren't thinking "I feel bad, this is how this guy makes his money, I should tip." It's more like "this guy did alright, I"ll leave him X amount." Or...."THis guy did terrible, I'll leave him X amount"

Most people's emotions aren't really coming into play. That's just weird.
Tell me about it!
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I gues you were reading it while waiting on some customers:

"Clearly social influence is a huge motivator both in terms of compliance to 
norms and peer pressure to conform."
Again...this is one study done at a collegiate level. You can skew studies and surveys to make any point you want. I read that quote you mention, but why are you failing to address that server performance was the highest scoring motivator?

Plus social influence is a huge motivator for pretty much any public behavior. Seriously...thats a ridiculously broad statement. How is it even relevant? It's also why people wear clothes, say bless you when someone sneezes....every little thing can be related back to social make it seem like some major oppression is occurring. It's just 10 bucks on a 50 dollar meal Jack....I'm not asking them for a ride home or something.
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38 pages single spaced at 10 pt font? Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and skip that read.
It's a paper referenced in an article:

Here is a summary
After years of research and analysis, Michael Lynn has concluded that
tippers are concerned about equitable economic relationships with servers, but that equity
effects may be too weak for tip size to serve as a valid measure of server performance or for
tipping to serve as an effective incentive for delivering good service. 
In language more understandable to the layperson, he means to state that a person will most likely tip based upon how they sympathize with the waiter, and not based upon the quality of the service. In the words of the Financial Times of London, it “therefore makes little sense for a waiter to work harder in order to obtain a tip“, a view embraced by several economists and foodies, including Tyler Cowen  and food critic Steven A. Shaw. Michael Conlin and Ted O’Donoghue, teaming with Lynn, further concluded  that people tip based upon a norm “enforced by internalized feelings of guilt and shame“, providing even more evidence that the amount of tips received have very little to do with overall quality of service.

To explain this small point, a study of language of foreign language is required. Anthropologist George Foster explains that the the  tip has historical and cultures roots in envy. Foster brought forth the idea that food has been a “scarce” and “much-desired” commodity throughout human history, allowing elaborate meals to become more commonplace among affluent individuals. Because the service staff were there solely to please the patrons, Foster believes that that the patrons began to give them additional money so as to enable the servers to have drinks own their own, and to reduce any chance of envy. “Clearly, [a tip] is money given to a waiter to buy off his possible envy, to equalize the relationship between server and served”. This hypothesis is supported by the different meanings of ‘tip’ in different languages, all having to do with providing money for consuming alcohol or drink:
French: pourboire, from pour ‘ for ‘+ boire ‘to drink ‘

German: Trinkgeld, from trinken’ to drink ‘+ Geld ‘money’

Spanish: propina, from propinar ‘to give a drink to, to treat’

Portuguese: gorgeta  ‘drink money’ ; also ‘dar gorgeta’ to give money for drink’

Polish: napiwek , from na ‘for ‘+ piwo ‘beer ‘

Swedish: dricks, from dricka ‘to drink ‘

Finnish: juomarahaa, from juoma ‘drink, + rahaa ‘money’

Icelandic: drykk jupeningar , from drykkju ‘drink’ +peningar ‘money (gold)’

Russian: chaeuye = ‘tea [money] ‘ ; also dcit’nachdy ‘ to give for tea’

Croatian: Napojnica ‘to give to get a drink’ ; from napiti ‘to fill oneself with drink’
Such findings and analyses bring many questions to mind on the present standards of the hospitality industry. In the New York Times, Shaw tells the tale of Thomas Keller, one of  America’s most prominent chefs, who decided to scrap the service-tip system in favor of a service-charge system, and just how that transition will ultimately prove the better for the industry, the consumer, and the employee.
Tipping is hardly the essence of capitalism. Actually, it would seem to have little to do with capitalism at all: it is – supply and demand be damned – a gift, a gratuity decided on after the fact.
I gues you were reading it while waiting on some customers:

"Clearly social influence is a huge motivator both in terms of compliance to 
norms and peer pressure to conform."
Again...this is one study done at a collegiate level. You can skew studies and surveys to make any point you want. I read that quote you mention, but why are you failing to address that server performance was the highest scoring motivator?
you didn't read it, hence why I quoted it for you.

I don't mind paying tip, but I do mind when you guys try to run this farce on everybody claiming woe is me when you are out here making bank and looking at people funny when they don't give you 20%. F O H W T B S!!!!
yall some bums i tip my mailman garbage man teacher gf etc atleast 20%
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you didn't read it, hence why I quoted it for you.

I don't mind paying tip, but I do mind when you guys try to run this farce on everybody claiming woe is me when you are out here making bank and looking at people funny when they don't give you 20%. F O H W T B S!!!!
Ok, I read the summary....because that was a lot easier than reading 38 single spaced pages. But I'm gonna go ahead and call BS. This person has clearly never served tables a day in his life. You can't speak on something you have no experience with. There is no server worth a damn that isn't trying for their customer. Otherwise, I and everyone else would give no damns when serving you. You need ranch? Why? You're gonna tip me the same regardless, right? YEAAAAAAH RIIIGGGGHHHT. That is NOT how it works. Good service gets rewarded. Bad service does not. 

You seriously tip the same no matter what? Or you tip based more on your ability to sympathize with your server? Yeah right. Who does that?

When I go out...if the server does well I'll tip between 20-25%. If he sucks REALLY bad but atleast is trying I'll give him 10-15%. If he is intentionally lazy and sucking I'll tip less than 10%....only happened once or twice.  Like how are you gonna stand there and joke around with your server buddies when you got 4 tables over here that all need refills. This only happens with servers who live at home. They have nothing at stake so they try to work as little as possible without getting fired.
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you didn't read it, hence why I quoted it for you.

I don't mind paying tip, but I do mind when you guys try to run this farce on everybody claiming woe is me when you are out here making bank and looking at people funny when they don't give you 20%. F O H W T B S!!!!
Ok, I read the summary....because that was a lot easier than reading 38 single spaced pages. But I'm gonna go ahead and call BS. This person has clearly never served tables a day in his life. You can't speak on something you have no experience with. There is no server worth a damn that isn't trying for their customer. Otherwise, I and everyone else would give no damns when serving you. You need ranch? Why? You're gonna tip me the same regardless, right? YEAAAAAAH RIIIGGGGHHHT. That is NOT how it works. Good service gets rewarded. Bad service does not. 

You seriously tip the same no matter what? Or you tip based more on your ability to sympathize with your server? Yeah right. Who does that?

When I go out...if the server does well I'll tip between 20-25%. If he sucks REALLY bad but atleast is trying I'll give him 10%. If he is intentionally lazy and sucking I'll tip less than 10%....only happened once or twice. Like how are you gonna stand there and joke around with your server buddies when you got 4 tables over here that all need refills.
One of the guys actually worked at a pizza hut, then became a proffessor of food and hospitality etc at Cornell.
One of the guys actually worked at a pizza hut, then became a proffessor of food and hospitality etc at Cornell. hut is NOT serving tables. 
Oh, I forgot that you 'servers' look down on busboys. Damn, why are y'all so Elitist. 

Here is his full bio:

A former bartender, busboy, and waiter, Mike received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the Ohio State University in 1987 and has taught in the marketing departments of business and hospitality schools since 1988. He is currently the Burton M. Sack Professor in Food & Beverage Management at the Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration.
you didn't read it, hence why I quoted it for you.

I don't mind paying tip, but I do mind when you guys try to run this farce on everybody claiming woe is me when you are out here making bank and looking at people funny when they don't give you 20%. F O H W T B S!!!!
Look...I gotta get ready for work so I can guilt my customers into giving me money. Shift starts in 45 minutes. Thank you atleast for debating without getting juvenile with it. 

And for the record....I was never saying woe is me. All I was saying is that the IRS assumes our income....and taxes us accordingly. That needs to be understood on your side. I wasn't lying with the 150 dollar paycheck. That's real. I haven't lied once in this thread. Some states where minimum wage is less....they often get ZERO check.

I get it...I do make a lot of money for what I do...but it's only because I'm good at it. Other servers that are decent at my restaurant...they aren't closers. If it's slow, they get cut from the floor. Sometimes they go home with 40 bucks. The only reason I consistently make so much is because I close every night. My station is bigger to begin with, and grows as other servers get sent home.  Do I feel bad for them? Yes and no. Yes because if they are decent it sucks that they have to go home so early. If they are weak I don't feel bad for them. They should try harder to get into better stations and serve their ***** off to get there. I agree that 30 dollars an hour after taxes is a lot for a server. But most of them at my spot are making more like 20 bucks an hour. I feel like thats commensurate with the level of skill and effort this job takes. It really is that hard. I know you don't believe me, but it's how I feel.
you didn't read it, hence why I quoted it for you.

I don't mind paying tip, but I do mind when you guys try to run this farce on everybody claiming woe is me when you are out here making bank and looking at people funny when they don't give you 20%. F O H W T B S!!!!
Look...I gotta get ready for work so I can guilt my customers into giving me money. Shift starts in 45 minutes. Thank you atleast for debating without getting juvenile with it. 

And for the record....I was never saying woe is me. All I was saying is that the IRS assumes our income....and taxes us accordingly. That needs to be understood on your side. I wasn't lying with the 150 dollar paycheck. That's real. I haven't lied once in this thread. Some states where minimum wage is less....they often get ZERO check.

I get it...I do make a lot of money for what I do...but it's only because I'm good at it. Other servers that are decent at my restaurant...they aren't closers. If it's slow, they get cut from the floor. Sometimes they go home with 40 bucks. The only reason I consistently make so much is because I close every night. My station is bigger to begin with, and grows as other servers get sent home.  Do I feel bad for them? Yes and no. Yes because if they are decent it sucks that they have to go home so early. If they are weak I don't feel bad for them. They should try harder to get into better stations and serve their ***** off to get there. I agree that 30 dollars an hour after taxes is a lot for a server. But most of them at my spot are making more like 20 bucks an hour. I feel like thats commensurate with the level of skill and effort this job takes. It really is that hard. I know you don't believe me, but it's how I feel.
Super server! Go get that paper!
Oh, I forgot that you 'servers' look down on busboys. Damn, why are y'all so Elitist. 

Here is his full bio:

A former bartender, busboy, and waiter, Mike received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the Ohio State University in 1987 and has taught in the marketing departments of business and hospitality schools since 1988. He is currently the Burton M. Sack Professor in Food & Beverage Management at the Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration.
Where did I say I look down on bussboys? We DEF respect that job. THat job is HARD AS HELL....Just requires a lot less skill than serving. But it is back breaking work. I tip those dudes fatty....and they take care of me.

All I said was pizza hut is NOT the same as serving tables....not even close. Ain't no one elitist...just being real.
You are assuming tone. I'm writing in text. You are probably falsely assuming some of the tone. And it's only because a lot of people are coming at me completely out of pocket. And how am I flip flopping exactly? Pretty sure I've been fairly solid and how I stand on all of this.
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